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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Adjective Synset: 301014251

Words: intermediate

Gloss: lying between two extremes in time or space or state; "going from sitting to standing without intermediate pushes with the hands"; "intermediate stages in a process"; "intermediate stops on the route"; "an intermediate range plane"

antonym 301016035 - terminal
similar to 301014685 - gray, grey
similar to 301014838 - halfway
similar to 301014953 - in-between, mediate, middle
similar to 301015185 - junior, next-to-last, third-year
similar to 301015392 - next-to-last, penultimate
similar to 301015599 - second-year, sophomore
similar to 301015798 - subterminal
similar to 301015940 - antepenultimate

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