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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 115022776

Words: clotting_factor, coagulation_factor

Gloss: any of the factors in the blood whose actions are essential for blood coagulation

hypernym 114736359 - plasma_protein
hyponym 115023156 - factor_I, fibrinogen
hyponym 115070897 - factor_II, prothrombin
hyponym 115071035 - factor_III, thrombokinase, thromboplastin
hyponym 115071229 - calcium_ion, factor_IV
hyponym 115071366 - accelerator_factor, factor_V, proaccelerin, prothrombin_accelerator
hyponym 115071503 - cothromboplastin, factor_VII, proconvertin, stable_factor
hyponym 115071684 - Hemofil, antihaemophilic_factor, antihaemophilic_globulin, antihemophilic_factor, antihemophilic_globulin, factor_VIII
hyponym 115071960 - Christmas_factor, factor_IX
hyponym 115072099 - factor_X, prothrombinase
hyponym 115072331 - factor_XI, plasma_thromboplastin_antecedent
hyponym 115072491 - Hageman_factor, factor_XII
hyponym 115072657 - factor_XIII, fibrinase

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