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Gloss: solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition
hypernym 114580897 - material, stuff
substance holonym 114696793 - rock, stone
hyponym 114665102 - ader_wax, earth_wax, mineral_wax, ozocerite, ozokerite
hyponym 114665605 - amblygonite
hyponym 114665767 - amphibole
hyponym 114666012 - amphibole_group
hyponym 114666510 - apatite
hyponym 114666758 - aragonite
hyponym 114666885 - argentite
hyponym 114667181 - argyrodite
hyponym 114667328 - arsenopyrite, mispickel
hyponym 114667455 - asphalt, mineral_pitch
hyponym 114667668 - augite
hyponym 114667949 - baddeleyite
hyponym 114668065 - bastnaesite, bastnasite
hyponym 114668277 - bauxite
hyponym 114668539 - beryl
hyponym 114669084 - borax
hyponym 114669242 - bornite, peacock_ore
hyponym 114669413 - carnallite
hyponym 114669927 - cassiterite
hyponym 114670061 - celestite
hyponym 114670178 - cerussite, white_lead_ore
hyponym 114670344 - chalcocite, copper_glance
hyponym 114670481 - chalcopyrite, copper_pyrites
hyponym 114670954 - chlorite
hyponym 114671125 - chromite
hyponym 114671372 - chrysoberyl
hyponym 114671587 - cinnabar
hyponym 114671895 - cobaltite
hyponym 114672224 - halite, rock_salt
hyponym 114672373 - coltan, columbite-tantalite
hyponym 114672544 - cordierite
hyponym 114672717 - corundom, corundum
hyponym 114672893 - cristobalite
hyponym 114673032 - crocolite
hyponym 114673150 - Greenland_spar, cryolite
hyponym 114673325 - cuprite
hyponym 114673747 - bitter_spar, dolomite
hyponym 114673978 - earth_color
hyponym 114674143 - emery
hyponym 114674776 - cobalt_bloom, erythrite
hyponym 114675012 - fergusonite
hyponym 114675356 - fluor, fluorite, fluorspar
hyponym 114675569 - gadolinite, ytterbite
hyponym 114675910 - galena
hyponym 114676042 - garnet
hyponym 114676326 - garnierite
hyponym 114676608 - germanite
hyponym 114676943 - gibbsite
hyponym 114677144 - glauconite
hyponym 114677610 - cadmium_sulphide, greenockite
hyponym 114677778 - gypsum
hyponym 114678068 - hausmannite
hyponym 114678230 - barite, barium_sulphate, barytes, heavy_spar
hyponym 114678406 - calamine, hemimorphite
hyponym 114678551 - ilmenite
hyponym 114678762 - jadeite
hyponym 114678952 - kainite
hyponym 114679147 - kaolinite
hyponym 114679267 - kernite
hyponym 114679447 - kieserite
hyponym 114679584 - cyanite, kyanite
hyponym 114679882 - langbeinite
hyponym 114680514 - magnesite
hyponym 114680661 - malachite
hyponym 114680836 - maltha, mineral_tar
hyponym 114681100 - manganite
hyponym 114681445 - meerschaum, sepiolite
hyponym 114681555 - isinglass, mica
hyponym 114681987 - millerite
hyponym 114682469 - molybdenite
hyponym 114682642 - monazite
hyponym 114683204 - nepheline, nephelite
hyponym 114683447 - nephelinite
hyponym 114683859 - columbite, niobite
hyponym 114684017 - nitrocalcite
hyponym 114684111 - olivine
hyponym 114684272 - olivenite
hyponym 114688234 - opal
hyponym 114688500 - ore
hyponym 114688831 - orpiment
hyponym 114688978 - iridosmine, osmiridium
hyponym 114689672 - pentlandite
hyponym 114690607 - magnesia, magnesium_oxide, periclase
hyponym 114690938 - pinite
hyponym 114691085 - pollucite
hyponym 114692342 - psilomelane
hyponym 114692682 - fool's_gold, iron_pyrite, pyrite
hyponym 114692973 - pyrolusite
hyponym 114693124 - green_lead_ore, pyromorphite
hyponym 114693275 - pyrophyllite
hyponym 114693396 - pyroxene
hyponym 114693575 - magnetic_pyrites, pyrrhotine, pyrrhotite
hyponym 114693733 - quartz
hyponym 114694910 - realgar
hyponym 114695069 - red_clay
hyponym 114696035 - rhodochrosite
hyponym 114696180 - rhodonite
hyponym 115008399 - rutile
hyponym 115012668 - samarskite
hyponym 115012810 - sapphirine
hyponym 115020794 - scheelite
hyponym 115043118 - smaltite
hyponym 115044648 - sodalite
hyponym 115049096 - spar
hyponym 115050898 - spinel
hyponym 115052223 - spodumene
hyponym 115053568 - stannite, tin_pyrites
hyponym 115060449 - stibnite
hyponym 115061936 - strontianite
hyponym 115065713 - graphic_tellurium, sylvanite
hyponym 115065928 - sylvine, sylvite
hyponym 115066367 - talc, talcum
hyponym 115067375 - tantalite
hyponym 115070366 - thorite
hyponym 115070550 - thortveitite
hyponym 115076349 - topaz
hyponym 115076619 - tourmaline
hyponym 115079557 - tridymite
hyponym 115082198 - turquoise
hyponym 115086939 - vanadinite
hyponym 115087486 - vermiculite
hyponym 115087904 - idocrase, vesuvian, vesuvianite
hyponym 115103226 - iron_manganese_tungsten, wolframite
hyponym 115103485 - wollastonite
hyponym 115105733 - wulfenite
hyponym 115105849 - wurtzite
hyponym 115105955 - xenotime
hyponym 115106867 - zeolite
hyponym 115107876 - blende, sphalerite, zinc_blende
hyponym 115108897 - zinkenite
hyponym 115109127 - zircon, zirconium_silicate
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