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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 111747468

Words: legume, leguminous_plant

Gloss: an erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae

hypernym 112205694 - herb, herbaceous_plant
hypernym 113102409 - climber
member holonym 111746776 - Fabaceae, Leguminosae, family_Fabaceae, family_Leguminosae, legume_family, pea_family
derivationally related 302755190 - leguminous
part meronym 111748002 - legume
hyponym 111748501 - Arachis_hypogaea, peanut, peanut_vine
hyponym 112515711 - Cicer_arietinum, Egyptian_pea, chickpea, chickpea_plant
hyponym 112520406 - Cyamopsis_psoraloides, Cyamopsis_tetragonolobus, cluster_bean, guar
hyponym 112532168 - Glycine_max, soja, soja_bean, soy, soya, soya_bean, soybean, soybean_plant
hyponym 112539306 - wild_pea
hyponym 112544240 - Lens_culinaris, lentil, lentil_plant
hyponym 112547872 - Dolichos_biflorus, Macrotyloma_uniflorum, horse_grain, horse_gram, poor_man's_pulse
hyponym 112554526 - crazy_weed, crazyweed, locoweed
hyponym 112556307 - bean, bean_plant
hyponym 112560016 - pea, pea_plant
hyponym 112569426 - sesbania
hyponym 112575322 - vetch
hyponym 112577362 - Phaseolus_aconitifolius, Vigna_aconitifolia, moth_bean
hyponym 112577686 - Phaseolus_angularis, Vigna_angularis, adsuki_bean, adzuki_bean
hyponym 112577895 - Phaseolus_caracalla, Vigna_caracalla, corkscrew_flower, snail-flower, snail_bean, snail_flower, snailflower
hyponym 112578255 - Phaseolus_aureus, Vigna_radiata, golden_gram, green_gram, mung, mung_bean
hyponym 112578626 - Vigna_sinensis, Vigna_unguiculata, black-eyed_pea, cowpea, cowpea_plant
hyponym 112579038 - Vigna_sesquipedalis, Vigna_unguiculata_sesquipedalis, asparagus_bean, yard-long_bean

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