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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 110483890

Words: prophet

Gloss: someone who speaks by divine inspiration; someone who is an interpreter of the will of God

hypernym 109628382 - religious_person
derivationally related 301881696 - prophetic, prophetical
derivationally related 301881696 - prophetic, prophetical
instance hyponym 110816136 - Amos
instance hyponym 110922019 - Daniel
instance hyponym 110956612 - Elijah
instance hyponym 110964520 - Ezechiel, Ezekiel
instance hyponym 111021100 - Habakkuk
instance hyponym 111021916 - Aggeus, Haggai
instance hyponym 111061225 - Hosea
instance hyponym 111074140 - Isaiah
instance hyponym 111082842 - Jeremiah
instance hyponym 111083656 - Christ, Deliverer, Good_Shepherd, Jesus, Jesus_Christ, Jesus_of_Nazareth, Redeemer, Savior, Saviour, the_Nazarene
instance hyponym 111085559 - Joel
instance hyponym 111089868 - Jonah
instance hyponym 111150973 - Malachi, Malachias
instance hyponym 111153783 - Manes
instance hyponym 111178059 - Micah, Micheas
instance hyponym 111184092 - Mahomet, Mahound, Mohammad, Mohammed, Muhammad
instance hyponym 111191475 - Mormon
instance hyponym 111193392 - Moses
instance hyponym 111199137 - Nahum
instance hyponym 111211236 - Abdias, Obadiah
instance hyponym 111279874 - Samuel
instance hyponym 111405319 - Zacharias, Zechariah
instance hyponym 111406023 - Sophonias, Zephaniah
instance hyponym 111407715 - Zarathustra, Zoroaster

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