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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 110366966

Words: nurse

Gloss: one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)

hypernym 110165109 - PCP, caregiver, health_care_provider, health_professional, primary_care_provider
member holonym 113838025 - nurse-patient_relation
derivationally related 202550698 - nurse
derivationally related 200080705 - nurse
hyponym 110106642 - foster-nurse
hyponym 110140929 - graduate_nurse, trained_nurse
hyponym 110164492 - head_nurse
hyponym 110258304 - LPN, licensed_practical_nurse, practical_nurse
hyponym 110303186 - matron
hyponym 110314836 - accoucheuse, midwife
hyponym 110477713 - probationer, student_nurse
hyponym 110516527 - RN, registered_nurse
hyponym 110565197 - scrub_nurse
hyponym 110756937 - visiting_nurse
instance hyponym 110888151 - Cavell, Edith_Cavell, Edith_Louisa_Cavell
instance hyponym 111207410 - Florence_Nightingale, Lady_with_the_Lamp, Nightingale
instance hyponym 111280405 - Margaret_Higgins_Sanger, Margaret_Sanger, Sanger

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