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Noun Synset: 109857200

Words: bishop

Gloss: a senior member of the Christian clergy having spiritual and administrative authority; appointed in Christian churches to oversee priests or ministers; considered in some churches to be successors of the twelve Apostles of Christ

hypernym 110470779 - priest
domain topic 108087981 - Anglican_Church, Anglican_Communion, Church_of_England
domain topic 108086356 - Eastern_Church, Eastern_Orthodox, Eastern_Orthodox_Church, Orthodox_Catholic_Church, Orthodox_Church
domain topic 108083599 - Church_of_Rome, Roman_Catholic, Roman_Catholic_Church, Roman_Church, Western_Church
derivationally related 302721057 - episcopal, pontifical
hyponym 109805151 - archbishop
hyponym 109894143 - cardinal
hyponym 110013811 - diocesan
hyponym 110061431 - eparch
hyponym 110068537 - exarch
hyponym 110068682 - exarch
hyponym 110472690 - primus
hyponym 110672540 - suffragan, suffragan_bishop
hyponym 110750524 - vicar_apostolic
instance hyponym 110815648 - Ambrose, Saint_Ambrose, St._Ambrose
instance hyponym 110847125 - Berkeley, Bishop_Berkeley, George_Berkeley
instance hyponym 110962837 - Eusebius, Eusebius_of_Caesarea
instance hyponym 111070994 - Ignatius, Saint_Ignatius, St._Ignatius
instance hyponym 111160055 - Martin, St._Martin
instance hyponym 111205797 - Nicholas, Saint_Nicholas, St._Nicholas
instance hyponym 111355669 - Bishop_Ulfila, Bishop_Ulfilas, Bishop_Wulfila, Ulfila, Ulfilas, Wulfila

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