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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 104959672

Words: chromatic_color, chromatic_colour, spectral_color, spectral_colour

Gloss: a color that has hue

hypernym 104956594 - color, coloring, colour, colouring
antonym 104960079 - achromatic_color, achromatic_colour
hyponym 104962784 - red, redness
hyponym 104965179 - orange, orangeness
hyponym 104965371 - salmon
hyponym 104965661 - yellow, yellowness
hyponym 104966017 - blond, blonde
hyponym 104967191 - green, greenness, viridity
hyponym 104968895 - blue, blueness
hyponym 104970059 - purple, purpleness
hyponym 104970916 - pink
hyponym 104971928 - brown, brownness
hyponym 104974340 - olive
hyponym 104974575 - pastel
substance meronym 104975340 - chroma, intensity, saturation, vividness
hyponym 104975739 - complementary, complementary_color

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