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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100251013

Words: cleaning, cleansing, cleanup

Gloss: the act of making something clean; "he gave his shoes a good cleaning"

hypernym 100248977 - improvement
derivationally related 200040766 - clean_up
derivationally related 200035758 - clean, cleanse
derivationally related 202741960 - clean
derivationally related 201532434 - clean
derivationally related 201533442 - clean, clean_house, houseclean
derivationally related 201532589 - clean, make_clean
derivationally related 200180837 - clean, scavenge
derivationally related 200035758 - clean, cleanse
hyponym 100251520 - disinfestation
hyponym 100251636 - spring-cleaning
hyponym 100251780 - scouring, scrub, scrubbing
hyponym 100252169 - dry_cleaning
hyponym 100252307 - sweeping
hyponym 100252430 - purge, purging
hyponym 100253270 - purification
hyponym 100253919 - sterilisation, sterilization
hyponym 100254415 - sanitation, sanitisation, sanitization
hyponym 100254597 - depilation, epilation
hyponym 100255214 - bathing, washup
hyponym 100580370 - housecleaning

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