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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100024720

Words: state

Gloss: the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"

hypernym 100024264 - attribute
hyponym 100026192 - feeling
hyponym 105640433 - skillfulness
hyponym 113920012 - cleavage
hyponym 113920169 - medium
hyponym 113920322 - ornamentation
hyponym 113920429 - condition
hyponym 113920835 - condition, status
hyponym 113924069 - conditionality
hyponym 113924196 - ground_state
hyponym 113926451 - nationhood
hyponym 113927383 - situation, state_of_affairs
hyponym 113928388 - relationship
hyponym 113928668 - relationship
hyponym 113928943 - tribalism
hyponym 113932045 - utopia
hyponym 113932213 - dystopia
hyponym 113939353 - natural_state, state_of_nature, wild
hyponym 113939734 - isomerism
hyponym 113939892 - degree, level, point, stage
hyponym 113945102 - office, power
hyponym 113945919 - position, status
hyponym 113954253 - being, beingness, existence
hyponym 113959818 - nonbeing
hyponym 113962498 - death
hyponym 113968092 - employ, employment
hyponym 113968308 - unemployment
hyponym 113968547 - order
hyponym 113972797 - disorder
hyponym 113980288 - antagonism, enmity, hostility
hyponym 113980845 - conflict
hyponym 113983147 - illumination
hyponym 113991823 - freedom
hyponym 114000403 - agency, delegacy, representation
hyponym 114001348 - dependance, dependence, dependency
hyponym 114004317 - motion
hyponym 114006179 - lifelessness, motionlessness, stillness
hyponym 114006821 - dead_letter, non-issue
hyponym 114006945 - action, activeness, activity
hyponym 114010148 - inaction, inactiveness, inactivity
hyponym 114015731 - temporary_state
hyponym 114030820 - forthcomingness, imminence, imminency, imminentness, impendence, impendency
hyponym 114031108 - preparation, preparedness, readiness
hyponym 114033917 - flux, state_of_flux
hyponym 114270016 - kalemia
hyponym 114315071 - enlargement
hyponym 114414294 - separation
hyponym 114418395 - unification, union
hyponym 114424780 - matureness, maturity
hyponym 114425974 - immatureness, immaturity
hyponym 114458181 - grace, saving_grace, state_of_grace
hyponym 114458593 - damnation, eternal_damnation
hyponym 114458943 - omniscience
hyponym 114459185 - omnipotence
hyponym 114459422 - flawlessness, ne_plus_ultra, perfection
hyponym 114460565 - integrity, unity, wholeness
hyponym 114462666 - imperfection, imperfectness
hyponym 114479320 - receivership
hyponym 114479488 - ownership
hyponym 114490110 - obligation
hyponym 114562960 - death, destruction, end
hyponym 114564056 - annulment, revocation
hyponym 114564165 - merchantability
hyponym 114568762 - turgor
hyponym 114569337 - homozygosity
hyponym 114569508 - heterozygosity
hyponym 114569683 - neotony
hyponym 114569844 - plurality
hyponym 114570091 - polyvalence, polyvalency
hyponym 114570330 - multivalence, multivalency, polyvalence, polyvalency
hyponym 114578792 - paternity
hyponym 114580476 - utilization

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