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According to WordNet, the adjective "smooth" has 8 sense(s).

301139832 smooth and unconstrained in movement; "a long, smooth stride"; "the fluid motion of a cat"; "the liquid grace of a ballerina".

302243411 of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence; "a smooth ride".

300750926 lacking obstructions or difficulties; "the bill's path through the legislature was smooth and orderly".

300302951 (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves; "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruffled water".

302236842 having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities; "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop"; "smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a mirror".

302244619 of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth.

302294263 (music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected; "a legato passage".

300758800 smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication; "he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage"; "the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error".

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