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According to WordNet, the verb "shake" has 9 sense(s).

201875295 move back and forth or sideways; "the ship was rocking"; "the tall building swayed"; "She rocked back and forth on her feet".

200559556 bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking; "He was shaken from his dreams"; "shake the salt out of the salt shaker".

201889610 move or cause to move back and forth; "The chemist shook the flask vigorously"; "My hands were shaking".

200992518 shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state; "shake one's head"; "She shook her finger at the naughty students"; "The old enemies shook hands"; "Don't shake your fist at me!".

201761706 stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of; "These stories shook the community"; "the civil war shook the country".

200014034 move with or as if with a tremor; "his hands shook".

202073545 get rid of; "I couldn't shake the car that was following me".

200167385 undermine or cause to waver; "my faith has been shaken"; "The bad news shook her hopes".

201891638 shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively; "The old engine was juddering".

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