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According to WordNet, the verb "walk" has 10 sense(s).

201904930 use one's feet to advance; advance by steps; "Walk, don't run!"; "We walked instead of driving"; "She walks with a slight limp"; "The patient cannot walk yet"; "Walk over to the cabinet".

201906823 make walk; "He walks the horse up the mountain"; "Walk the dog twice a day".

201912893 traverse or cover by walking; "Walk the tightrope"; "Paul walked the streets of Damascus"; "She walks 3 miles every day".

201140654 give a base on balls to.

202470518 be or act in association with; "We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters"; "Walk with God".

201959776 walk at a pace; "The horses walked across the meadow".

202518839 live or behave in a specified manner; "walk in sadness".

201882170 take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure; "The lovers held hands while walking"; "We like to walk every Sunday".

201907076 accompany or escort; "I'll walk you to your car".

201113473 obtain a base on balls.

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