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According to WordNet, the noun "mate" has 10 sense(s).

100167764 a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king.

112757668 South American holly; leaves used in making a drink like tea.

107926785 South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate.

110300303 the partner of an animal (especially a sexual partner); "he loved the mare and all her mates"; "camels hate leaving their mates".

103728811 an exact duplicate; "when a match is found an entry is made in the notebook".

110300154 informal term for a friend of the same sex.

113743100 one of a pair; "he lost the mate to his shoe"; "one eye was blue but its fellow was brown".

110640620 a person's partner in marriage.

110695050 a fellow member of a team; "it was his first start against his former teammates".

110300041 the officer below the master on a commercial ship.

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