(larger ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(forall (?QUANT1 ?QUANT2 ?UNIT)
(measure ?OBJ1
(MeasureFn ?QUANT1 ?UNIT))
(measure ?OBJ2
(MeasureFn ?QUANT2 ?UNIT))
(instance ?UNIT UnitOfLength))
(greaterThan ?QUANT1 ?QUANT2)))) |
Merge.kif 7804-7812 |
Object ist groesser als ** Object genau dann wenn fuer alle RealNumber, ** RealNumber, and und UnitOfMeasure |
(measure ?O
(MeasureFn ?A MetricTon))
(measure ?O
(MultiplicationFn ?A 2205.0) PoundMass))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13823-13829 |
Das mass von Physical ist RealNumber MetricTon(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn das mass von ** Physical ist ** RealNumber und 2205.0 PoundMass(s) %n{nicht} |
(measure ?OBJ
(MeasureFn ?DEG AngularDegree))
(measure ?OBJ
(MultiplicationFn 60.0 ?DEG) ArcMinute))) |
Geography.kif 378-380 |
Das mass von Physical ist RealNumber AngularDegree(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn das mass von ** Physical ist 60.0 und ** RealNumber ArcMinute(s) %n{nicht} |
(measure ?OBJ
(MeasureFn ?DEG ArcMinute))
(measure ?OBJ
(MultiplicationFn 60.0 ?DEG) ArcSecond))) |
Geography.kif 397-399 |
Das mass von Physical ist RealNumber ArcMinute(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn das mass von ** Physical ist 60.0 und ** RealNumber ArcSecond(s) %n{nicht} |
(measure ?OBJECT
(MeasureFn ?NUMBER OunceMass))
(measure ?OBJECT
(DivisionFn ?NUMBER 16.0) PoundMass))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13544-13549 |
Das mass von Physical ist RealNumber OunceMass(s) %n{nicht} genau dann wenn das mass von ** Physical ist ** RealNumber und 16.0 PoundMass(s) %n{nicht} |
(arableLandArea ?REGION
(MeasureFn ?FRACTION ?UNIT))
(greaterThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.0)
(totalArea ?REGION
(MeasureFn ?TOTAL ?UNIT))
(instance ?UNIT UnitOfArea))
(exists (?ARABLE)
(instance ?ARABLE ArableLand)
(geographicSubregion ?ARABLE ?REGION)
(measure ?ARABLE
(MultiplicationFn ?FRACTION ?TOTAL) ?UNIT))))) |
Geography.kif 2080-2094 |
(attribute ?Order LimitOrder)
(partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
(attribute ?Broker Broker)
(orderFor ?Order Buying ?Object)
(measure ?Object ?Quantity)
(limitPrice ?Order
(MeasureFn ?LimitPrice ?U))
(instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
(askPrice ?Object
(MeasureFn ?Price ?U) ?Time)
(lessThanOrEqualTo ?Price ?LimitPrice))
(KappaFn ?Buy
(instance ?Buy Buying)
(patient ?Buy ?Object)
(measure ?Object ?Quantity)
(WhenFn ?Buy) ?BuyingTime)
(overlapsTemporally ?Time ?BuyingTime))) ?Broker)) |
FinancialOntology.kif 2008-2029 |
(attribute ?Order LimitOrder)
(partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
(attribute ?Broker Broker)
(orderFor ?Order Selling ?Object)
(measure ?Object ?Quantity)
(limitPrice ?Order
(MeasureFn ?LimitPrice ?U))
(bidPrice ?Object
(MeasureFn ?Price ?U) ?Time)
(instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
(greaterThanOrEqualTo ?Price ?LimitPrice))
(KappaFn ?Sell
(instance ?Sell Selling)
(patient ?Sell ?Object)
(measure ?Object ?Quantity)
(WhenFn ?Sell) ?SellingTime)
(overlapsTemporally ?SellingTime ?Time))) ?Broker)) |
FinancialOntology.kif 2031-2052 |
(attribute ?ROOM Oversized)
(immediateInstance ?ROOM ?HOTELUNIT)
(subclass ?HOTELUNIT HotelUnit))
(exists (?NORMAL ?AREA1 ?AREA2 ?U)
(immediateInstance ?NORMAL ?HOTELUNIT)
(instance ?U UnitOfArea)
(measure ?NORMAL
(MeasureFn ?AREA1 ?U))
(measure ?ROOM
(MeasureFn ?AREA2 ?U))
(instance ?AREA1 AreaMeasure)
(instance ?AREA2 AreaMeasure)
(greaterThan ?AREA2 ?AREA1)))) |
Hotel.kif 1186-1201 |
(attribute ?X ?Y)
(instance ?Y TemperatureAttribute)
(instance ?X Object))
(exists (?TEMP)
(measure ?X ?TEMP)
(instance ?TEMP TemperatureMeasure)
(attribute ?TEMP ?Y)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25983-25992 |
(defaultMaximumMeasure ?OBJECT
(MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
(instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
(exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
(instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
(measure ?INST
(MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
(greaterThan ?QUANTITY ?Q))) Unlikely)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13754-13763 |
(defaultMaximumMeasure ?OBJECT
(MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1))
(subclass ?UNITCLASS NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure)
(instance ?UNIT1 ?UNITCLASS))
(exists (?INST ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
(instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
(measure ?INST
(MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2))
(instance ?UNIT2 ?UNITCLASS)
(MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
(MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1)))) Unlikely)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13765-13776 |
(defaultMeasure ?OBJECT
(MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
(instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
(exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
(instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
(measure ?INST
(MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
(greaterThan ?QUANTITY
(MultiplicationFn ?Q 1.5)))) Unlikely)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13784-13793 |
(defaultMeasure ?OBJECT
(MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
(instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
(exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
(instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
(measure ?INST
(MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
(lessThan ?QUANTITY
(MultiplicationFn ?Q .5)))) Unlikely)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13795-13804 |
(defaultMinimumMeasure ?OBJECT
(MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
(instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
(exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
(instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
(measure ?INST
(MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
(lessThan ?QUANTITY ?Q))) Unlikely)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13723-13732 |
(defaultMinimumMeasure ?OBJECT
(MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1))
(subclass ?UNITCLASS NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure)
(instance ?UNIT1 ?UNITCLASS))
(exists (?INST ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
(instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
(measure ?INST
(MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2))
(instance ?UNIT2 ?UNITCLASS)
(lessThan ?QUANTITY ?Q))) Unlikely)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13734-13745 |
(graphMeasure ?G ?M)
(instance ?AN GraphNode)
(graphPart ?AN ?G)
(graphPart ?AA ?G)
(instance ?AA GraphArc)
(abstractCounterpart ?AN ?PN)
(abstractCounterpart ?AA ?PA)
(arcWeight ?AA ?N))
(measure ?PA
(MeasureFn ?N ?M))) |
Merge.kif 6160-6171 |
(immediateInstance ?BIG ?CLASS)
(immediateInstance ?NORMAL ?CLASS)
(attribute ?BIG Oversized))
(instance ?U UnitOfMeasure)
(measure ?BIG
(MeasureFn ?BIGSIZE ?U))
(measure ?NORMAL
(MeasureFn ?NORMALSIZE ?U))
(greaterThan ?BIGSIZE ?NORMALSIZE)))) |
Hotel.kif 1172-1184 |
(immediateInstance ?X ?CLASS)
(immediateInstance ?Y ?CLASS)
(attribute ?X ColdTemperature)
(attribute ?Y HotTemperature))
(exists (?TEMPX ?TEMPY ?UNIT)
(measure ?X
(MeasureFn ?TEMPX ?UNIT))
(instance ?UNIT UnitOfTemperature)
(instance ?TEMPX TemperatureMeasure)
(measure ?Y
(MeasureFn ?TEMPY ?UNIT))
(instance ?TEMPY TemperatureMeasure)
(greaterThan ?TEMPY ?TEMPX)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26018-26033 |
(instance ?ACCELERATE Accelerating)
(exists (?LENGTH1 ?LENGTH2 ?TIME1 ?TIME2 ?U1 ?U2)
(measure ?AGENT
(MeasureFn ?LENGTH1 ?U1)
(MeasureFn ?TIME1 ?U2))))
(measure ?AGENT
(MeasureFn ?LENGTH2 ?U1)
(MeasureFn ?TIME2 ?U2))))
(greaterThan ?LENGTH2 ?LENGTH1)
(greaterThan ?TIME2 ?TIME1))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17393-17414 |
- Wenn Process ist ein fall von Accelerating %n{nicht} und ** Process ist der agent von AutonomousAgent %n{nicht},
- dann es gibt RealNumber, ** RealNumber,, , ** RealNumber,, , ** RealNumber,, , entity, and und ** entity um das mass von ** AutonomousAgent ist ** RealNumber ** entity(s) pro &2 %n{nicht} haelt waehrend der anfang von die zeit des Bestehens von ** Process %n{nicht} und das mass von ** AutonomousAgent ist ** ** RealNumber ** entity(s) pro &2 %n{nicht} haelt waehrend das ende von die zeit des Bestehens von ** Process %n{nicht} und ** ** RealNumber ist groesserAls ** RealNumber %n{nicht} oder ** ** RealNumber ist groesserAls ** ** RealNumber %n{nicht}
(instance ?ATOM Actinium)
(instance ?ATOM Atom))
(measure ?ATOM
(MeasureFn 227 Amu))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29128-29132 |
(instance ?ATOM Aluminum)
(instance ?ATOM Atom))
(measure ?ATOM
(MeasureFn 26.9815 Amu))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 27794-27798 |
(instance ?ATOM Americium)
(instance ?ATOM Atom))
(measure ?ATOM
(MeasureFn 243 Amu))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29234-29238 |
(instance ?ATOM Antimony)
(instance ?ATOM Atom))
(measure ?ATOM
(MeasureFn 121.75 Amu))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 28428-28432 |
(instance ?ATOM Argon)
(instance ?ATOM Atom))
(measure ?ATOM
(MeasureFn 39.948 Amu))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 27877-27881 |
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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25 |