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Sigma KEE - WorldOcean

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation WorldOcean EnglishLanguage "The WorldOcean is the collective mass of sea water that covers 70% of the surface of PlanetEarth, surrounding all of its dry land areas. Earth's individual Oceans are parts of the WorldOcean.") Geography.kif 4503-4506
(externalImage WorldOcean " 8/ 82/ World_ocean_map.gif") pictureList.kif 4952-4952
(instance WorldOcean BodyOfWater) Geography.kif 4499-4499 WorldOcean ist ein fall von BodyOfWater %n{nicht}
(instance WorldOcean SaltWaterArea) Geography.kif 4498-4498 WorldOcean ist ein fall von SaltWaterArea %n{nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(inScopeOfInterest InternationalHydrographicOrganization WorldOcean) Government.kif 3501-3501 InternationalHydrographicOrganization ist an WorldOcean interessiert %n{nicht}
(names "the ocean" WorldOcean) Geography.kif 4501-4501 names "the ocean" and WorldOcean
(names "world ocean" WorldOcean) Geography.kif 4500-4500 names "world ocean" and WorldOcean
(termFormat ChineseLanguage WorldOcean "世界海洋") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63539-63539
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage WorldOcean "世界海洋") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63538-63538
(termFormat EnglishLanguage WorldOcean "world ocean") domainEnglishFormat.kif 63537-63537


        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y DeepSeaFreightTransportation))
    (exists (?FREIGHT ?SHIP)
            (subProcess ?FREIGHT ?X)
            (instance ?FREIGHT WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?FREIGHT ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP CargoShip)
            (eventLocated ?FREIGHT WorldOcean))))
naics.kif 8139-8150
        (instance ?X WaterTransportationService)
        (serviceProvider ?X ?Y)
        (attribute ?Y DeepSeaPassengerTransportation))
    (exists (?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (subProcess ?CRUISE ?X)
            (instance ?CRUISE WaterTransportation)
            (instrument ?CRUISE ?SHIP)
            (instance ?SHIP PassengerShip)
            (eventLocated ?CRUISE WorldOcean)
                (exists (?FERRY)
                        (instance ?FERRY ShortSeaPassengerShip)
                        (equal ?SHIP ?FERRY)))))))
naics.kif 8159-8175
    (instance ?AREA Continent)
    (meetsSpatially ?AREA WorldOcean))
Geography.kif 4508-4510
    (instance ?OCEAN Ocean)
    (properPart ?OCEAN WorldOcean))
Geography.kif 4530-4532
    (instance ?SEA Sea)
    (properPart ?SEA WorldOcean))
Geography.kif 4779-4781
    (instance ?WATER Estuary)
    (exists (?SEA)
            (instance ?SEA SaltWaterArea)
            (part ?SEA WorldOcean)
            (connected ?SEA ?WATER))))
Geography.kif 5187-5193

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