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Sigma KEE - Proton

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Proton ChineseLanguage "这是 AtomicNucleus 的组件, 它们具有正电荷。") chinese_format.kif 1615-1615
(documentation Proton EnglishLanguage "Components of the AtomicNucleus. They have a positive charge.") Merge.kif 1165-1166
(documentation Proton JapaneseLanguage "AtomicNucleus のコンポーネント。 それは正電荷で ある。") japanese_format.kif 193-194
(documentation Proton SpanishLanguage "Componentes del AtomicNucleus. Están cargadas con carga positiva.") spanish_format.kif 229-230
(subclass Proton SubatomicParticle) Merge.kif 1163-1163 Proton ist eine teilkategorie von SubatomicParticle

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Proton "质子") chinese_format.kif 825-825
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Proton "proton") english_format.kif 852-852
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Proton "proton") french_format.kif 501-501
(termFormat Hindi Proton "protAzna") terms-hindi.txt 34-34
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Proton "Protone") terms-it.txt 37-37
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Proton "陽子") japanese_format.kif 2186-2186
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Proton "Proton") portuguese_format.kif 453-453
(termFormat cz Proton "proton") terms-cz.txt 68-68
(termFormat ro Proton "proton") relations-ro.kif 522-522
(termFormat tg Proton "bahagi ng atom") terms-tg.txt 38-38


    (atomicNumber ?TYPE ?NUMBER)
            (instance ?SUBSTANCE ?TYPE)
            (part ?ATOM ?SUBSTANCE)
            (instance ?ATOM Atom))
        (equal ?NUMBER
                (KappaFn ?PROTON
                        (part ?PROTON ?ATOM)
                        (instance ?PROTON Proton)))))))
Merge.kif 13824-13836
    (instance ?ATOM Atom)
    (exists (?PROTON ?ELECTRON)
            (part ?PROTON ?ATOM)
            (part ?ELECTRON ?ATOM)
            (instance ?PROTON Proton)
            (instance ?ELECTRON Electron))))
Merge.kif 1113-1120
    (instance ?NUCLEUS AtomicNucleus)
    (exists (?NEUTRON ?PROTON)
            (component ?NEUTRON ?NUCLEUS)
            (component ?PROTON ?NUCLEUS)
            (instance ?NEUTRON Neutron)
            (instance ?PROTON Proton))))
Merge.kif 1149-1156
    (protonNumber ?SUBSTANCE ?NUMBER)
        (exists (?ATOM)
                (part ?ATOM ?SUBSTANCE)
                    (instance ?ATOM Atom)
                    (instance ?ATOM Molecule))))
        (exists (?PROTON)
            (equal ?NUMBER
                    (KappaFn ?PROTON
                            (part ?PROTON ?ATOM)
                            (instance ?PROTON Proton))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21715-21730

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