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Sigma KEE - EuroDollar

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation EuroDollar ChineseLanguage "这是大部分欧盟国家使用的货币单位。") chinese_format.kif 2622-2622
(documentation EuroDollar EnglishLanguage "A currency measure of most European Union countries.") Merge.kif 7398-7399
(documentation EuroDollar JapaneseLanguage "ほとんどの欧州連合諸国の通貨指標。") japanese_format.kif 1336-1336
(instance EuroDollar UnitOfCurrency) Merge.kif 7396-7396 EuroDollar ist ein fall von UnitOfCurrency %n{nicht}

appearance as argument number 2

(currencyType Austria EuroDollar) Economy.kif 2969-2969 currencyType Austria and EuroDollar
(currencyType Belgium EuroDollar) Economy.kif 2997-2997 currencyType Belgium and EuroDollar
(currencyType Cyprus EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3093-3093 currencyType Cyprus and EuroDollar
(currencyType Estonia EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3133-3133 currencyType Estonia and EuroDollar
(currencyType Finland EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3145-3145 currencyType Finland and EuroDollar
(currencyType France EuroDollar) Economy.kif 2893-2893 currencyType France and EuroDollar
(currencyType Germany EuroDollar) Economy.kif 2896-2896 currencyType Germany and EuroDollar
(currencyType Greece EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3165-3165 currencyType Greece and EuroDollar
(currencyType Ireland EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3225-3225 currencyType Ireland and EuroDollar
(currencyType Italy EuroDollar) Economy.kif 2899-2899 currencyType Italy and EuroDollar
(currencyType Latvia EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3269-3269 currencyType Latvia and EuroDollar
(currencyType Lithuania EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3289-3289 currencyType Lithuania and EuroDollar
(currencyType Luxembourg EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3293-3293 currencyType Luxembourg and EuroDollar
(currencyType Malta EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3317-3317 currencyType Malta and EuroDollar
(currencyType Netherlands EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3101-3101 currencyType Netherlands and EuroDollar
(currencyType Portugal EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3413-3413 currencyType Portugal and EuroDollar
(currencyType Slovakia EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3457-3457 currencyType Slovakia and EuroDollar
(currencyType Slovenia EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3459-3459 currencyType Slovenia and EuroDollar
(currencyType Spain EuroDollar) Economy.kif 3475-3475 currencyType Spain and EuroDollar
(termFormat ChineseLanguage EuroDollar "欧元") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22510-22510
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage EuroDollar "歐元") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22509-22509
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EuroDollar "euro dollar") domainEnglishFormat.kif 22508-22508

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-4217-A "EUR" EuroDollar) Media.kif 2302-2302 codeMapping ISO-4217-A, "EUR" and EuroDollar


        (instance ?AREA Nation)
        (currencyType ?AREA EuroDollar))
    (member ?AREA EuropeanMonetaryUnion))
Government.kif 3193-3197


        (instance ?AREA Nation)
        (member ?AREA EuropeanMonetaryUnion))
    (currencyType ?AREA EuroDollar))
Government.kif 3187-3191


    (MeasureFn ?NUMBER EuroCent)
        (MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER 0.01) EuroDollar))
Merge.kif 7406-7408 RealNumber EuroCent(s) ist gleich ** RealNumber und 0.01 EuroDollar(s) %n{nicht}

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