appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation SocialInteraction ChineseLanguage "这是由 CognitiveAgent 之间互动交流的 IntentionalProcess的 subclass。") | chinese_format.kif 3234-3235 | |
(documentation SocialInteraction EnglishLanguage "The subclass of IntentionalProcess that involves interactions between CognitiveAgents.") | Merge.kif 13046-13048 | |
(subclass SocialInteraction IntentionalProcess) | Merge.kif 13045-13045 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?INTERACTION SocialInteraction) (exists (?AGENT1 ?AGENT2) (and (involvedInEvent ?INTERACTION ?AGENT1) (involvedInEvent ?INTERACTION ?AGENT2) (instance ?AGENT1 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?AGENT2 AutonomousAgent) (not (equal ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2))))) |
Merge.kif 13050-13059 |
consequent |
(<=> (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H Alone)) (not (exists (?H2 ?SI) (and (not (equal ?H ?H2)) (instance ?H2 AutonomousAgent) (instance ?SI SocialInteraction) (during (WhenFn ?SI) ?T) (involvedInEvent ?SI ?H) (involvedInEvent ?SI ?H2))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30247-30260 | |
(=> (instance ?A Announcement) (exists (?CD ?I) (and (instance ?CD ContentDevelopment) (result ?CD ?A) (refers ?A ?I) (instance ?I SocialInteraction) (earlier (WhenFn ?CD) (WhenFn ?I))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14550-14560 | |
(=> (instance ?A AutonomousAgent) (capability SocialInteraction agent ?A)) |
Merge.kif 13061-13063 |