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Sigma KEE - roastedToTemperature

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation roastedToTemperature EnglishLanguage "roastedToTemperature is a BinaryRelation linking the temperature in Celsius of the Object that are roasted to.") Food.kif 461-462
(domain roastedToTemperature 1 Food) Food.kif 464-464
(domain roastedToTemperature 2 RealNumber) Food.kif 465-465
(instance roastedToTemperature BinaryPredicate) Food.kif 460-460

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage roastedToTemperature "%2 is the temperature at which %1 is roasted to") Food.kif 466-466
(relatedInternalConcept optimalGrindSizeForMakingCoffee roastedToTemperature) Food.kif 719-719
(termFormat EnglishLanguage roastedToTemperature "roasted to temperature") Food.kif 463-463


        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B AmericanRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 210))
Food.kif 547-552
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B CinnamonRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 196))
Food.kif 509-514
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B CityRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 219))
Food.kif 559-564
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B DarkRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 225)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?T 245)))
Food.kif 571-578
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B FrenchRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 240))
Food.kif 609-614
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B FullyCityRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 225))
Food.kif 585-590
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B ItalianRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 245))
Food.kif 621-626
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B LightRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 196)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?T 205)))
Food.kif 495-502
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B MediumRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?T 210)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?T 219)))
Food.kif 533-540
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B NewEnglandRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 205))
Food.kif 521-526
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (attribute ?B ViennaRoast)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (approximateValue ?T 230))
Food.kif 597-602
        (instance ?B Object)
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T))
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H Heating)
            (patient ?H ?B)
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (measure ?B
                    (MeasureFn ?T CelsiusDegree))))))
Food.kif 468-478
        (roastedToTemperature ?B ?T)
        (instance ?B CoffeeBean)
        (instance ?T RealNumber))
        (exists (?R)
                (instance ?R DryRoasting)
                (patient ?R ?B))) Likely))
Food.kif 479-488

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