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Sigma KEE - eventLocated

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation eventLocated ChineseLanguage "(eventLocated ?PROC ?OBJ) 的意思是整个 Process ?PROC 是位于 Object ?OBJ,也就是说所有 ?PROC 的 subProcess 是位于 ?OBJ。") chinese_format.kif 2115-2116
(documentation eventLocated EnglishLanguage "(eventLocated ?PROC ?OBJ) means that the entire Process ?PROC is located on Object ?OBJ, meaning that all subProcess of ?PROC is located on ?OBJ.") Merge.kif 4123-4125
(documentation eventLocated JapaneseLanguage "(eventLocated ?PROC ?OBJ) とは、Process ?PROC 全体が Object ?OBJ 上に配置され、?PROC のすべての subProcess が ?OBJ上に配置されるこ とを意味する。") japanese_format.kif 767-769
(instance eventLocated CaseRole) Merge.kif 4120-4120
(instance eventLocated TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 4121-4121
(subrelation eventLocated eventPartlyLocated) Merge.kif 4119-4119

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage eventLocated "%1 是 located 在 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3320-3320
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage eventLocated "%1 是 located 在 %2 ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3319-3319
(format EnglishLanguage eventLocated "%1 is located at %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3318-3318
(termFormat EnglishLanguage eventLocated "event located") english_format.kif 1845-1845


        (attribute ?X CommunalAttribute)
        (instance ?X Table)
        (instance ?E1 Eating)
        (agent ?E1 ?GRP1)
        (instance ?GRP1 GroupOfPeople)
        (eventLocated ?E1 ?X))
        (exists (?GRP2 ?E2 ?X2)
                (instance ?E2 Eating)
                (agent ?E2 ?GRP2)
                    (equal ?GRP1 ?GRP2))
                (instance ?GRP2 GroupOfPeople)
                (eventLocated ?E2 ?X2)
                    (WhenFn ?E1)
                    (WhenFn ?E2))
                (equal ?X ?X2))) Possibility))
Dining.kif 1207-1224
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?BLOW VolcanicEruption)
        (eventLocated ?BLOW ?AREA))
        (attribute ?AREA GeologicallyStable)))
Geography.kif 1853-1858
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?SHAKING EarthTremor)
        (eventLocated ?SHAKING ?AREA))
        (attribute ?AREA GeologicallyStable)))
Geography.kif 1860-1865
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?WEATHER ClearWeather)
        (eventLocated ?WEATHER ?AREA)
        (cloudCoverFraction ?AREA ?FRACTION))
    (lessThan ?FRACTION 0.3))
Weather.kif 876-882
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?WEATHER ClearWeather)
        (eventLocated ?WEATHER ?AREA))
    (exists (?FRACTION)
            (cloudCoverFraction ?AREA ?FRACTION)
            (lessThan ?FRACTION 0.3))))
Weather.kif 866-874
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?WEATHER OvercastWeather)
        (eventLocated ?WEATHER ?AREA)
        (cloudCoverFraction ?AREA ?FRACTION))
    (greaterThan ?FRACTION 0.7))
Weather.kif 927-933
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?WEATHER OvercastWeather)
        (eventLocated ?WEATHER ?AREA))
    (exists (?FRACTION)
            (cloudCoverFraction ?AREA ?FRACTION)
            (greaterThan ?FRACTION 0.7))))
Weather.kif 917-925
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?WEATHER PartlyCloudyWeather)
        (eventLocated ?WEATHER ?AREA)
        (cloudCoverFraction ?AREA ?FRACTION))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.3)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.7)))
Weather.kif 901-909
        (instance ?AREA GeographicArea)
        (instance ?WEATHER PartlyCloudyWeather)
        (eventLocated ?WEATHER ?AREA))
    (exists (?FRACTION)
            (cloudCoverFraction ?AREA ?FRACTION)
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.3)
            (lessThanOrEqualTo ?FRACTION 0.7))))
Weather.kif 890-899
        (instance ?AS ArtSchool)
        (instance ?P EducationalProcess)
        (eventLocated ?P ?AS))
    (exists (?M ?ART)
            (instance ?M Making)
            (patient ?M ?ART)
            (instance ?ART ArtWork)
            (refers ?P ?M))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17016-17026
        (instance ?BP BrakePedal)
        (instance ?P Pushing)
        (instance ?V Vehicle)
        (destination ?P ?BP)
        (eventLocated ?P ?V)
        (part ?BP ?V))
    (hasPurpose ?BP
        (exists (?FS ?F)
                (instance ?FS WearingFrictionSurface)
                (instance ?F Friction)
                (instrument ?F ?FS)
                (causes ?P ?F)))))
Cars.kif 693-707
        (instance ?C CateringService)
        (agent ?C ?AGENT)
        (destination ?C ?CUST)
        (located ?AGENT ?LOC1)
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (exists (?S ?FOOD ?E)
                (instance ?S Cooking)
                (agent ?S ?AGENT)
                (result ?S ?FOOD)
                (patient ?C ?FOOD)
                (instance ?E Eating)
                (agent ?E ?CUST)
                (eventLocated ?E ?LOC2))))
        (equal ?LOC1 ?LOC2)))
Dining.kif 586-602
        (instance ?CS CyclonicStorm)
        (instance ?AS AirStream)
        (eventLocated ?CS ?AS))
    (shape ?AS Cylinder))
Weather.kif 556-561
        (instance ?DESERTIFICATION Desertification)
        (eventLocated ?DESERTIFICATION ?AREA))
    (exists (?A1 ?A2)
            (instance ?A1 ArableLand)
            (instance ?A2 Desert)
                    (WhenFn ?DESERTIFICATION))
                (overlapsSpatially ?AREA ?A1))
                    (WhenFn ?DESERTIFICATION))
                (overlapsSpatially ?AREA ?A2)))))
Weather.kif 2475-2488
        (instance ?DRYSPELL Drought)
        (eventLocated ?DRYSPELL ?AREA))
        (exists (?RAIN ?PLACE)
                (instance ?RAIN Raining)
                (instance ?PLACE Region)
                (eventLocated ?RAIN ?PLACE)
                (overlapsSpatially ?PLACE ?AREA)
                (overlapsTemporally ?RAIN ?DRYSPELL)))))
Weather.kif 2454-2465
        (instance ?DUST DustStorm)
        (instance ?PLACE GeographicArea)
        (eventLocated ?DUST ?PLACE))
        (WhenFn ?DUST)
            (attribute ?PLACE BadAirQuality) Likely)))
Weather.kif 2583-2591
        (instance ?E EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?C Crankcase)
        (instance ?P Piston)
        (instance ?T TwoStrokeTransfer)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (located ?P ?E))
        (equal ?E
            (HoleHostFn ?C))
        (eventLocated ?T ?E))
    (hasPurpose ?P
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (partiallyFills ?P ?C))))
Cars.kif 509-521
        (instance ?E EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (instance ?P Piston)
        (instance ?T TwoStrokeIntake)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (located ?P ?E))
        (equal ?E
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?T ?E))
    (hasPurpose ?P
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (partiallyFills ?P ?I))))
Cars.kif 463-475
        (instance ?EC EngineChoke)
        (holdsDuring ?FSC1
            (attribute ?EC DeviceOn))
        (holdsDuring ?FSC2
            (attribute ?EC DeviceOff))
        (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
        (capacity ?C ?M)
        (instance ?FSC1 FourStrokeCompression)
        (instance ?FSC2 FourStrokeCompression)
        (eventLocated ?FSC1 ?C)
        (eventLocated ?FSC2 ?C)
        (instance ?A1 Air)
        (instance ?F1 Fuel)
        (part ?A1 ?MIX1)
        (part ?F1 ?MIX1)
        (measure ?MIX1 ?M)
        (instance ?A2 Air)
        (instance ?F2 Fuel)
        (part ?A2 ?MIX2)
        (part ?F2 ?MIX2)
        (measure ?MIX2 ?M)
        (instance ?U UnitOfMeasure)
        (measure ?A1
            (MeasureFn ?A1M ?U))
        (measure ?A2
            (MeasureFn ?A2M ?U))
        (measure ?F1
            (MeasureFn ?F1M ?U))
        (measure ?F2
            (MeasureFn ?F2M ?U)))
        (DivisionFn ?A2M ?F2M)
        (DivisionFn ?A1M ?F1M)))
Cars.kif 1314-1348
        (instance ?EC EngineCycle)
        (instance ?E InternalCombustionEngine)
        (instance ?CC CombustionChamber)
        (part ?CC ?E)
        (eventLocated ?EC ?E)
        (instance ?U UnitOfVolume)
            (WhenFn ?EC)
            (maxCylinderVolume ?E
                (MeasureFn ?V1 ?U))))
        (exists (?V2 ?T)
                (during ?T
                    (WhenFn ?EC))
                (holdsDuring ?T
                    (measure ?CC
                        (MeasureFn ?V2 ?U)))
                (greaterThan ?V2 ?V1)))))
Cars.kif 1882-1901
        (instance ?EC EngineCycle)
        (instance ?E InternalCombustionEngine)
        (instance ?CC CombustionChamber)
        (part ?CC ?E)
        (eventLocated ?EC ?E)
        (instance ?U UnitOfVolume)
            (WhenFn ?EC)
            (minCylinderVolume ?E
                (MeasureFn ?V1 ?U))))
        (exists (?V2 ?T)
                (during ?T
                    (WhenFn ?EC))
                (holdsDuring ?T
                    (measure ?CC
                        (MeasureFn ?V2 ?U)))
                (greaterThan ?V1 ?V2)))))
Cars.kif 1852-1871
        (instance ?EC EngineCycle)
        (instance ?E InternalCombustionEngine)
        (instance ?P Piston)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (part ?P ?E)
        (patient ?EC ?P)
        (eventLocated ?EC ?E)
        (pistonStroke ?E
            (MeasureFn ?LM ?U)))
        (exists (?T1 ?T2 ?L1 ?L2 ?D)
                (during ?T1
                    (WhenFn ?EC))
                (during ?T2
                    (WhenFn ?EC))
                (holdsDuring ?T1
                    (located ?P ?L1))
                (holdsDuring ?T2
                    (located ?P ?L2))
                (distance ?L1 ?L2
                    (MeasureFn ?D ?U))
                (greaterThan ?D ?LM)))))
Cars.kif 1927-1949
        (instance ?F Flooding)
        (eventLocated ?F ?P))
    (exists (?L1 ?L2 ?U)
            (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
                    (WhenFn ?F))
                (waterDepth ?P
                    (MeasureFn ?L1 ?U)))
                    (WhenFn ?F))
                (waterDepth ?P
                    (MeasureFn ?L2 ?U)))
            (greaterThan ?L2 ?L1))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17875-17890
        (instance ?F Flooding)
        (instance ?L LandArea)
        (eventLocated ?F ?L)
        (instance ?T TimePoint)
        (before ?T
            (WhenFn ?F)))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (instance ?L SubmergedLandArea)) Unlikely))
Weather.kif 1581-1591
        (instance ?F FourStrokeCombustion)
        (instance ?C EngineCylinder)
        (instance ?I InternalCombustionChamber)
        (equal ?C
            (HoleHostFn ?I))
        (eventLocated ?F ?C))
    (exists (?CO)
            (instance ?CO Combustion)
            (subProcess ?CO ?F))))
Cars.kif 207-217

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    (almaMater ?PERSON ?SCHOOL)
    (exists (?EV)
            (instance ?EV EducationalProcess)
            (destination ?EV ?PERSON)
            (eventLocated ?EV ?SCHOOL)
                (WhenFn ?EV)
                (attribute ?PERSON Student)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17102-17111
        (attribute ?M StudioRecording)
        (instance ?M Recording))
    (exists (?P ?S)
            (record ?M ?P)
            (eventLocated ?P ?S)
            (instance ?S RecordingStudio))))
Music.kif 392-400
        (attribute ?X CommunalAttribute)
        (instance ?X Table)
        (instance ?E1 Eating)
        (agent ?E1 ?GRP1)
        (instance ?GRP1 GroupOfPeople)
        (eventLocated ?E1 ?X))
        (exists (?GRP2 ?E2 ?X2)
                (instance ?E2 Eating)
                (agent ?E2 ?GRP2)
                    (equal ?GRP1 ?GRP2))
                (instance ?GRP2 GroupOfPeople)
                (eventLocated ?E2 ?X2)
                    (WhenFn ?E1)
                    (WhenFn ?E2))
                (equal ?X ?X2))) Possibility))
Dining.kif 1207-1224
        (attribute ?X DeepSeaCoastalAndGreatLakesWaterTransportation)
        (instance ?X TransportationCompany))
    (exists (?SERVICE ?PLACE)
            (instance ?SERVICE WaterTransportationService)
            (serviceProvider ?SERVICE ?X)
            (eventLocated ?SERVICE ?PLACE)
            (instance ?PLACE WaterArea)
            (located ?X NorthAmerica))))
naics.kif 8120-8130
        (attribute ?X Historical)
        (instance ?X City))
    (exists (?EV)
            (instance ?EV Physical)
            (attribute ?EV Historical)
            (eventLocated ?EV ?X))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26890-26898
        (attribute ?X WheelchairAccessible)
            (instance ?X Building)
            (instance ?X Room)))
        (exists (?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?MOTION Motion)
                (instrument ?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?WHEELCHAIR Wheelchair)
                (eventLocated ?MOTION ?X))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26455-26467
        (instance ?BC BoosterChair)
        (instance ?H HumanChild))
    (hasPurposeForAgent ?BC
            (attribute ?H Sitting)
            (eventLocated ?H ?BC)) ?H))
Dining.kif 840-847
        (instance ?C Crankshaft)
        (instance ?I IntermittentCombustionEngine)
        (part ?I ?C))
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?E ?R)
                (instance ?E Explosion)
                (instance ?R Rotating)
                (patient ?R ?C)
                (eventLocated ?R ?I)
                (causes ?E ?R)))))
Cars.kif 349-361
        (instance ?CRAFT WaterVehicle)
        (instance ?EVENT Transportation)
        (instrument ?EVENT ?CRAFT))
    (exists (?WATER)
            (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
            (eventLocated ?EVENT ?WATER))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3491-3499
        (instance ?DRYSPELL Drought)
        (eventLocated ?DRYSPELL ?AREA))
        (exists (?RAIN ?PLACE)
                (instance ?RAIN Raining)
                (instance ?PLACE Region)
                (eventLocated ?RAIN ?PLACE)
                (overlapsSpatially ?PLACE ?AREA)
                (overlapsTemporally ?RAIN ?DRYSPELL)))))
Weather.kif 2454-2465
        (instance ?DUSTSTORM DustStorm)
        (instance ?WIND Wind)
        (subProcess ?DUSTSTORM ?WIND))
    (exists (?TRANSLOCATE ?PM ?SAND ?A1 ?A2 ?STRONG)
            (instance ?A1 LandArea)
            (eventLocated ?WIND ?A1)
            (surfaceWindSpeed ?A1
                (MeasureFn ?STRONG KnotUnitOfSpeed))
            (greaterThan ?STRONG 30.0)
            (instance ?TRANSLOCATE Translocation)
            (subProcess ?TRANSLOCATE ?DUSTSTORM)
            (objectTransferred ?TRANSLOCATE ?PM)
            (objectTransferred ?TRANSLOCATE ?SAND)
            (instance ?PM ParticulateMatter)
            (instance ?SAND Sand)
            (instance ?A2 LandArea)
            (destination ?TRANSLOCATE ?A2)
                (overlapsSpatially ?A1 ?A2)))))
Weather.kif 1259-1280
        (instance ?E Exhaust)
        (material Fuel ?E)
        (instance ?T Transfer)
        (instance ?ENG Engine)
        (origin ?T ?ENG)
        (instance ?CC CatalyticConverter)
        (destination ?T ?CC)
        (objectTransferred ?T ?E))
    (hasPurpose ?CC
        (exists (?C)
                (instance ?C Combustion)
                (instrument ?C ?CC)
                (patient ?C ?E)
                (eventLocated ?C ?CC)))))
Cars.kif 1724-1740
        (instance ?EV Evacuation)
        (origin ?EV ?O)
        (agent ?EV ?A))
    (exists (?M ?MA)
            (instance ?M Maintaining)
            (eventLocated ?M ?O)
            (subProcess ?M ?EV)
                (subOrganization ?MA ?A)
                (member ?MA ?A)
                (equal ?MA ?A))
            (agent ?M ?MA))))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2625-2639
        (instance ?G Garden)
        (plantInArea Plant ?G))
    (hasPurpose ?G
        (exists (?R)
                (instance ?R RecreationOrExercise)
                (eventLocated ?R ?G)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8372-8380
        (instance ?G Gene)
        (located ?G ?C)
        (instance ?C Cell))
    (exists (?B ?N ?R)
            (instance ?B BiologicalProcess)
            (eventLocated ?B ?C)
            (origin ?B ?G)
            (result ?B ?N)
            (instance ?N Nucleotide)
            (part ?N ?R)
            (instance ?R RNAMolecule)
            (located ?R ?C))))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 654-668
        (instance ?HS HeavySurf)
        (instance ?PLACE WaterArea)
        (eventLocated ?HS ?PLACE))
    (exists (?SWIM ?A)
            (instance ?SWIM Swimming)
            (instance ?A Human)
            (agent ?SWIM ?A)
            (eventLocated ?SWIM ?PLACE)
                (WhenFn ?HS)
                (hazardous ?HS ?A)))))
Weather.kif 1562-1575
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG MiscellaneousStoreRetailers))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM ?THING ?ST ?P)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?EV ?P)
            (instance ?EV Selling)
            (instance ?P Human)
            (instance ?ST RetailStore)
            (eventLocated ?EV ?ST)
            (instance ?THING Object)
            (patient ?EV ?THING))))
naics.kif 7752-7765
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (attribute ?ORG NonstoreRetailers))
    (exists (?EV ?MEM)
            (member ?MEM ?ORG)
            (agent ?MEM ?EV)
            (exists (?THING ?P)
                    (instance ?EV Selling)
                    (instance ?P Human)
                    (instance ?THING Object)
                        (eventLocated ?EV RetailStore))
                    (destination ?EV ?P)
                    (patient ?EV ?THING))))))
naics.kif 7877-7893
        (instance ?P ForestProduct)
        (instance ?M Manufacture)
        (result ?M ?P)
        (patient ?M ?X)
        (instance ?X Organism))
    (exists (?A ?F)
            (instance ?A Agriculture)
            (result ?A ?X)
            (eventLocated ?A ?F)
            (instance ?F Forest))))
Economy.kif 5325-5337
        (instance ?PROC Process)
        (eventLocated ?PROC ?LOC)
        (subProcess ?SUB ?PROC))
    (eventLocated ?SUB ?LOC))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23821-23826
        (instance ?REST Restaurant)
        (instance ?DR DiningRoom)
        (attribute ?DR PrivateAttribute)
        (possesses ?REST ?DR)
        (customer ?GRP1 ?REST)
        (instance ?E1 Eating)
        (agent ?E1 ?GRP1)
        (instance ?GRP1 GroupOfPeople))
            (exists (?GRP2 ?E2)
                    (customer ?GRP2 ?REST)
                        (equal ?GRP1 ?GRP2))
                    (instance ?E2 Eating)
                    (agent ?E2 ?GRP2)
                        (WhenFn ?E1)
                        (eventLocated ?E2 ?DR))))) Likely))
Dining.kif 1227-1246
        (instance ?SHOCK Aftershock)
        (eventLocated ?SHOCK ?PLACE))
    (exists (?TREMOR)
            (instance ?TREMOR EarthTremor)
            (eventLocated ?TREMOR ?PLACE)
                (WhenFn ?TREMOR)
                (WhenFn ?SHOCK)))))
Geography.kif 2316-2326
        (instance ?T Ticket)
        (possesses ?T ?CUST)
        (issuedBy ?T ?ORG)
        (attribute ?ORG AmusementGamblingAndRecreationIndustries)
        (located ?ORG ?LOC))
    (confersNorm ?ORG
        (exists (?REC)
                (instance ?REC RecreationOrExercise)
                (experiencer ?REC ?CUST)
                (eventLocated ?REC ?LOC))) Permission))
naics.kif 11456-11468
        (instance ?T Tornado)
        (instance ?R Rotating)
        (instance ?A Air)
        (instance ?TRAN Translocation)
        (subProcess ?R ?T)
        (subProcess ?TRAN ?R)
        (patient ?TRAN ?A)
        (direction ?TRAN Horizontal))
    (exists (?G ?FUNNEL ?TOP ?BOTTOM ?C ?BASE)
            (instance ?G GeographicArea)
            (eventLocated ?T ?G)
            (part ?FUNNEL ?A)
            (attribute ?FUNNEL ConeSegment)
            (top ?TOP ?FUNNEL)
            (bottom ?BOTTOM ?FUNNEL)
            (instance ?C Cloud)
            (bottom ?BASE ?C)
            (meetsSpatially ?TOP ?BASE)
            (meetsSpatially ?BOTTOM ?G))))
Weather.kif 1634-1655
        (instance ?TSC TwoStrokeCompression)
        (eventLocated ?TSC ?E)
        (instance ?E TwoStrokeEngine))
    (exists (?C)
            (instance ?C Explosion)
            (during ?C ?TSC)
            (eventLocated ?C ?E))))
Cars.kif 491-500

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