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Sigma KEE - DoNetworkMessaging

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation DoNetworkMessaging EnglishLanguage "DoNetworkMessaging is those instances of NetworkCommunication in which messages are sent back and forth among users .") ComputerInput.kif 2892-2893
(subclass DoNetworkMessaging NetworkCommunication) ComputerInput.kif 2891-2891

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass AudioMessaging DoNetworkMessaging) ComputerInput.kif 2901-2901
(subclass Emailing DoNetworkMessaging) ComputerInput.kif 2921-2921
(subclass LiveVideoMessaging DoNetworkMessaging) ComputerInput.kif 2910-2910
(subclass Tweeting DoNetworkMessaging) ComputerInput.kif 2895-2895
(subclass WebChatting DoNetworkMessaging) ComputerInput.kif 2915-2915
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DoNetworkMessaging "do network messaging") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64778-64778


        (employs ?ORG ?CO)
        (instance ?D DoNetworkMessaging)
        (result ?D ?MSG)
        (attribute ?MSG NSFW)
        (instance ?S Seeing)
        (patient ?S ?MSG)
        (agent ?S ?CO))
        (exists (?PROC)
                (causes ?S ?PROC)
                (suffers ?PROC ?CO))) Possibility))
Medicine.kif 3040-3054
        (employs ?ORG ?P)
        (employs ?ORG ?CO)
        (instance ?D DoNetworkMessaging)
        (result ?D ?MSG)
        (attribute ?MSG NSFW)
        (agent ?D ?P)
        (instance ?S Seeing)
        (patient ?S ?MSG)
        (agent ?S ?CO))
        (exists (?PROC)
                (causes ?D ?PROC)
                (suffers ?PROC ?P))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 3022-3038

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