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Sigma KEE - Directing

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Directing ChineseLanguage "这个 Class 的实例催促听者采取进一步的行动。 Directing 可以是 OrderingRequestingQuestioning。") chinese_format.kif 3265-3266
(documentation Directing EnglishLanguage "Instances of this Class urge some further action among the receivers. A Directing can be an Ordering, a Requesting or a Questioning.") Merge.kif 13224-13226
(subclass Directing LinguisticCommunication) Merge.kif 13223-13223

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Ordering Directing) Merge.kif 13228-13228
(subclass Questioning Directing) Merge.kif 13254-13254
(subclass Requesting Directing) Merge.kif 13240-13240
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Directing "指令g") chinese_format.kif 1199-1199
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Directing "directing") english_format.kif 1615-1615
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Directing "diriger") french_format.kif 877-877
(termFormat Hindi Directing "nirdeshana") terms-hindi.txt 410-410
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Directing "Sollecitare") terms-it.txt 413-413
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Directing "指導") japanese_format.kif 2561-2561
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Directing "Dirigir") portuguese_format.kif 829-829
(termFormat cb Directing "pagdiritso") terms-cb.txt 415-415
(termFormat cz Directing "directing") terms-cz.txt 449-449
(termFormat ro Directing "îndrumare") relations-ro.kif 898-898
(termFormat tg Directing "nagmamahala") terms-tg.txt 414-414

appearance as argument number 4

(partition Communication Stating Supposing Directing Committing Expressing Declaring) Merge.kif 13082-13082


    (instance ?X DramaticDirecting)
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D Directing)
            (subProcess ?D ?X))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18580-18585

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