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Sigma KEE - HepatitisB

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation HepatitisB EnglishLanguage "Like other forms of hepatitis, HepatitisB attacks the liver of the victim. The disease may result in death from chronic liver disease.") WMD.kif 1801-1802
(externalImage HepatitisB " 0/ 09/ HBV_prevalence_2005.png") pictureList.kif 7052-7052
(externalImage HepatitisB " 2/ 2e/ Liver_1.jpg") pictureList.kif 6609-6609
(externalImage HepatitisB " 6/ 63/ HBsAg.jpg") pictureList.kif 7050-7050
(externalImage HepatitisB " HBV_serum_markers.png") pictureList.kif 7054-7054
(instance HepatitisB Hepatitis) WMD.kif 1798-1798 HepatitisB e' uma instancia de Hepatitis
(instance HepatitisB LifeThreateningDisease) WMD.kif 1800-1800 HepatitisB e' uma instancia de LifeThreateningDisease
(instance HepatitisB VaccinatableDisease) WMD.kif 1799-1799 HepatitisB e' uma instancia de VaccinatableDisease

appearance as argument number 2

(biochemicalAgentSyndrome HepatitisBVirus HepatitisB) WMD.kif 1794-1794 biochemicalAgentSyndrome HepatitisBVirus and HepatitisB
(termFormat ChineseLanguage HepatitisB "B型肝炎") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27969-27969
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage HepatitisB "B型肝炎") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27968-27968
(termFormat EnglishLanguage HepatitisB "hepatitis b") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27967-27967

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