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Sigma KEE - GUIActiveArea
A GUIActiveArea is a (normally rectangular) GUIElement which a user can make active (change its state to GUI_ActiveState), select, and interact with.
Parents GUIElement A GUIElement is an image on a ComputerScreen that a user uses to interact with a GraphicalUserInterface. The type of interaction depends upon the type of element and type of screen.
Children ComputerMenuItemA ComputerMenuItem is a UIElement that presents one of the user's options and informs the running program if the user selects that option. A ComputerMenuItem may act as either a GUIRadioButton or a GUICheckBox. In many instances a menu item acts as a radio button on a normal click and as a check box on a shift-click.
 ComputerTouchscreenKeyboardA portion of a ComputerTouchscreen which displays a keyboard and acts as a keyboard, accepting taps on the key images as if the keys were typed.
 ComputerTouchscreenKeypadA portion of a ComputerTouchscreen which displays a keyboard and acts as a keyboard, accepting taps on the key images as if the keys were typed.
 GraphicalComputerMenuA GraphicalComputerMenu is a ComputerMenu that displays a user's options and permits the user to select one or more of the options in a graphical manner and usually using a keyboard as well.
 GraphicalMenuItemA GraphicalMenuItem is a GUIActiveArea that is also a ComputerMenuItem. It presents one of the user's options and informs the running program if the user selects that option.
 GUI_LinkA GUI_Link is a GUIActiveArea that, if selected, sends a WebBrowser to a URL specified in the link.
 GUIButtonA GUIButton is an image of a button on a GUIElement that a user may click on or ''hold down'' to indicate a UserSignifiedAction. The button's graphical appearance changes once it is selected. An icon of a ComputerKeyboardKey is not considered to be a GUIButton. A GUIButton may have labeling text or symbol displayed on or adjacent it. The active area for selecting a GUI button may be the area of the button itself or may include the area of text labeling the box.
 GUISliderA GUISlider is an image of a slider on an InterfaceWindow with an indicator (GUISliderIndicator) that a user may move to shift a value up and down or within a list of values.
 GUISliderIndicatorA GUISliderIndicator is an image of an indicator on an GUISlider that a user may move to shift the image in the window up and down or right and left in cases in which the logical image is larger than the portion displayed in the window. The image may be pure text or may be graphics.
 HoverBoxActiveAreaA HoverBoxActiveArea is a GUIActiveArea which, when it becomes active, causes a HoverBox to appear on the active display.
 ScrollBarA ScrollBar is an image of a slider on an InterfaceWindow with an indicator (ScrollBarBar) that a user may move to shift the image in the window up and down or right and left in cases in which the logical image is larger than the portion displayed in the window. The image may be pure text or may be graphics.
 ScrollBarBarA ScrollBarBar is an image of an indicator on an ScrollBar that a user may move to shift the logical image in the window up and down or right and left in cases in which the logical image is larger than the portion displayed in the window. The image may be pure text or may be graphics.
 TextInputBoxA TextInputBox is a TextBox that accepts input of text.

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