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Sigma KEE - EasternAsia

appearance as argument number 1

(externalImage EasternAsia " 4/ 48/ East_Asia_%28Geog%29.PNG") pictureList.kif 5973-5973
(externalImage EasternAsia " e/ ef/ LocationEastAsia.PNG") pictureList.kif 6416-6416
(externalImage EasternAsia " Location_EastAsia.png") pictureList.kif 6417-6417
(geographicSubregion EasternAsia Asia) Geography.kif 178-178 geographicSubregion EasternAsia and Asia
(geographicSubregion EasternAsia EasternHemisphere) Geography.kif 259-259 geographicSubregion EasternAsia and EasternHemisphere
(geographicSubregion EasternAsia NorthernHemisphere) Geography.kif 260-260 geographicSubregion EasternAsia and NorthernHemisphere
(instance EasternAsia GeographicArea) Geography.kif 101-101 EasternAsia地理的地域instance では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(geographicSubregion China EasternAsia) CountriesAndRegions.kif 545-545 geographicSubregion China and EasternAsia
(geographicSubregion HongKong EasternAsia) CountriesAndRegions.kif 547-547 geographicSubregion HongKong and EasternAsia
(geographicSubregion Japan EasternAsia) CountriesAndRegions.kif 548-548 geographicSubregion Japan and EasternAsia
(geographicSubregion Macau EasternAsia) CountriesAndRegions.kif 555-555 geographicSubregion Macau and EasternAsia
(geographicSubregion NorthKorea EasternAsia) CountriesAndRegions.kif 551-551 geographicSubregion NorthKorea and EasternAsia
(geographicSubregion SouthKorea EasternAsia) CountriesAndRegions.kif 553-553 geographicSubregion SouthKorea and EasternAsia
(geographicSubregion Taiwan EasternAsia) CountriesAndRegions.kif 556-556 geographicSubregion Taiwan and EasternAsia
(names "Eastern Asia" EasternAsia) Geography.kif 132-132 EasternAsia は "Eastern Asia" の name を 持って %n{ない}
(termFormat ChineseLanguage EasternAsia "东亚") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20844-20844
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage EasternAsia "東亞") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20843-20843
(termFormat EnglishLanguage EasternAsia "eastern asia") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20842-20842

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