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Sigma KEE - totalFacilityTypeInArea

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation totalFacilityTypeInArea EnglishLanguage "(totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE ?COUNT) means that in the GeographicArea ?AREA there a total of ?COUNT number of facilities of type ?TYPE.") Transportation.kif 1216-1219
(domain totalFacilityTypeInArea 1 GeographicArea) Transportation.kif 1213-1213 totalFacilityTypeInArea の数値 1 引数は 地理的地域instance では %n
(domain totalFacilityTypeInArea 2 Class) Transportation.kif 1214-1214 totalFacilityTypeInArea の数値 2 引数は クラスinstance では %n
(domain totalFacilityTypeInArea 3 NonnegativeInteger) Transportation.kif 1215-1215 totalFacilityTypeInArea の数値 3 引数は 非負整数instance では %n
(instance totalFacilityTypeInArea TernaryPredicate) Transportation.kif 1212-1212 totalFacilityTypeInArea3進述語instance では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage totalFacilityTypeInArea "%1 %n 是 对于 %3 在地区 %2 的 total 设施类别") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2491-2491
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage totalFacilityTypeInArea "%1 %n 是 對於 %3 在地區 %2 的 total 設施類別") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2490-2490
(format EnglishLanguage totalFacilityTypeInArea "%1 is %n total facility type in area %2 for %3") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2489-2489
(termFormat ChineseLanguage totalFacilityTypeInArea "区域总设施类型") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58594-58594
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage totalFacilityTypeInArea "區域總設施類型") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58593-58593
(termFormat EnglishLanguage totalFacilityTypeInArea "total facility type in area") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58592-58592


    (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA
        (ExtensionFn AirportWithPavedRunway) ?COUNT)
    (exists (?AIRPORT ?RUNWAY)
            (KappaFn ?AIRPORT
                    (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
                    (instance ?RUNWAY PavedRunway)
                    (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
                    (located ?AIRPORT ?AREA))) ?COUNT)))
Transportation.kif 1349-1359 totalFacilityTypeInArea 地理的地域, AirportWithPavedRunway に対する class and 非負整数 記号文字列 エンティティー cardinality 記号文字列で記述される class and 非負整数
    (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE ?COUNT)
        (KappaFn ?ITEM
                (instance ?ITEM ?TYPE)
                (located ?ITEM ?AREA))) ?COUNT))
Transportation.kif 1221-1228 totalFacilityTypeInArea 地理的地域, クラス and 非負整数 cardinality エンティティー class and 非負整数
        (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA
            (ExtensionFn AirportWithUnpavedRunway) ?COUNT)
        (greaterThan ?COUNT 0))
    (exists (?AIRPORT ?RUNWAY)
            (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
            (instance ?RUNWAY UnpavedRunway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (located ?AIRPORT ?AREA))))
Transportation.kif 1611-1620
        (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE ?COUNT)
        (equal ?COUNT 0))
        (exists (?ITEM)
                (instance ?ITEM ?TYPE)
                (located ?ITEM ?AREA)))))
Transportation.kif 1237-1245
    (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA
        (ExtensionFn AirportWithPavedRunway) ?COUNT)
    (exists (?AIRPORT ?RUNWAY)
            (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
            (instance ?RUNWAY PavedRunway)
            (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
            (located ?AIRPORT ?AREA))))
Transportation.kif 1361-1368
    (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE ?COUNT)
    (exists (?ITEM)
            (instance ?ITEM ?TYPE)
            (located ?ITEM ?AREA))))
Transportation.kif 1230-1235

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