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Sigma KEE - keyName

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation keyName EnglishLanguage "(keyName ?S1 ?S2) means that ?S1 is the subString of ?S2 (i.e., the component name) typically used for alphabetical name indexing.") Media.kif 3264-3266
(domain keyName 1 SymbolicString) Media.kif 3261-3261 keyName の数値 1 引数は 記号文字列instance では %n
(domain keyName 2 SymbolicString) Media.kif 3262-3262 keyName の数値 2 引数は 記号文字列instance では %n
(instance keyName AntisymmetricRelation) Media.kif 3258-3258 keyName反対称関係instance では %n
(instance keyName BinaryPredicate) Media.kif 3257-3257 keyName2進述語instance では %n
(instance keyName PartialValuedRelation) Media.kif 3260-3260 keyName部分的価値関係instance では %n
(instance keyName ReflexiveRelation) Media.kif 3259-3259 keyName反射関係instance では %n
(subrelation keyName subString) Media.kif 3263-3263 keyNamesubStringsubrelation では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage keyName "%1 是在 %2 的 key ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3718-3718
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage keyName "%1 是在 %2 的 key ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3717-3717
(format EnglishLanguage keyName "%1 is a key in %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 3716-3716
(termFormat EnglishLanguage keyName "key name") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65862-65862


        (fullName ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
    (fullNameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING))
Media.kif 3294-3299
        (fullNameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (equal ?START
            (StringLengthFn ?FIRST))
        (equal ?END
            (StringLengthFn ?NAMESTRING))
        (equal ?REST
            (SubstringFn ?NAMESTRING ?START ?END)))
    (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3301-3308
        (keyName ?KEY ?NAMESTRING)
        (precedesInString ?KEY ?STRING ?NAMESTRING))
    (nameAfterKeyName ?STRING ?KEY ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3368-3372
        (keyName ?KEY ?NAMESTRING)
        (precedesInString ?STRING ?KEY ?NAMESTRING))
    (nameBeforeKeyName ?STRING ?KEY ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3395-3399
        (nameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (equal ?START
            (StringLengthFn ?FIRST))
        (equal ?END
            (StringLengthFn ?NAMESTRING))
        (equal ?REST
            (SubstringFn ?NAMESTRING ?START ?END)))
    (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3328-3335
        (names ?NAMESTRING ?THING)
        (keyName ?FIRST ?NAMESTRING)
        (stringConcatenation ?FIRST ?REST ?NAMESTRING))
    (nameIndexOrder ?NAMESTRING ?THING))
Media.kif 3321-3326


        (humanName ?NAMESTRING ?HUMAN)
        (familyName ?STRING ?HUMAN)
        (subString ?STRING ?NAMESTRING))
    (keyName ?STRING ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3434-3439
        (humanName ?NAMESTRING ?HUMAN)
        (givenName ?STRING ?HUMAN)
        (subString ?STRING ?NAMESTRING))
        (keyName ?STRING ?NAMESTRING)))
Media.kif 3443-3448
    (nameAfterKeyName ?STRING ?KEY ?NAMESTRING)
    (keyName ?KEY ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3352-3354
    (nameBeforeKeyName ?STRING ?KEY ?NAMESTRING)
    (keyName ?KEY ?NAMESTRING))
Media.kif 3384-3386

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