appearance as argument number 1 |
(externalImage SouthwesternAsia " 0/ 08/ United_Nations_geographical_subregions.png") | pictureList.kif 6883-6883 | |
(externalImage SouthwesternAsia " 5/ 57/ Southwest_Asia.PNG") | pictureList.kif 7948-7948 | |
(geographicSubregion SouthwesternAsia Asia) | Geography.kif 184-184 | geographicSubregion SouthwesternAsia and Asia |
(geographicSubregion SouthwesternAsia EasternHemisphere) | Geography.kif 272-272 | geographicSubregion SouthwesternAsia and EasternHemisphere |
(geographicSubregion SouthwesternAsia NorthernHemisphere) | Geography.kif 273-273 | geographicSubregion SouthwesternAsia and NorthernHemisphere |
(instance SouthwesternAsia GeographicArea) | Geography.kif 105-105 | SouthwesternAsia は 地理的地域 の instance では %n |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(geographicSubregion Armenia SouthwesternAsia) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 630-630 | geographicSubregion Armenia and SouthwesternAsia |
(geographicSubregion Azerbaijan SouthwesternAsia) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 632-632 | geographicSubregion Azerbaijan and SouthwesternAsia |
(geographicSubregion RepublicOfGeorgia SouthwesternAsia) | CountriesAndRegions.kif 634-634 | geographicSubregion RepublicOfGeorgia and SouthwesternAsia |
(names "Southwestern Asia" SouthwesternAsia) | Geography.kif 136-136 | SouthwesternAsia は "Southwestern Asia" の name を 持って %n{ない} |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage SouthwesternAsia "西南亚") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 54344-54344 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage SouthwesternAsia "西南亞") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 54343-54343 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SouthwesternAsia "southwestern asia") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 54342-54342 |