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Sigma KEE - BabyMonitoringSystem

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BabyMonitoringSystem EnglishLanguage "BabyMonitoringSystem refers to the radio system that Broadcasting at 49Mhz, consisting of a transmitter and receiver, where the transmitter is kept where the baby is kept, and the receiver is kept with the person looking after the baby to be able to hear sounds and monitor the baby") Communications.kif 252-255
(subclass BabyMonitoringSystem RadioSystem) Communications.kif 251-251 BabyMonitoringSystemRadioSystemsubclass では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage BabyMonitoringSystem "baby monitor") Communications.kif 256-256


    (instance ?X BabyMonitoringSystem)
    (exists (?TX ?RX)
            (instance ?RX RadioReceiver)
            (instance ?TX Device)
            (engineeringSubcomponent ?RX ?X)
            (engineeringSubcomponent ?TX ?X)
            (hasPurpose ?X
                (exists (?BABY ?CARER ?SOUND ?LOC1 ?LOC2 ?PROC ?RADIO)
                        (instance ?BABY HumanBaby)
                        (instance ?CARER Human)
                        (located ?BABY ?LOC1)
                        (located ?CARER ?LOC2)
                            (equal ?LOC1 ?LOC2))
                        (instance ?PROC Maintaining)
                        (patient ?PROC ?BABY)
                        (agent ?PROC ?CARER)
                        (located ?TX ?LOC1)
                        (located ?RX ?LOC2)
                        (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
                        (eventLocated ?SOUND ?LOC1)
                        (instance ?RADIO RadioEmission)
                        (patient ?RADIO ?SOUND)
                        (destination ?RADIO ?RX)
                        (agent ?RADIO ?TX)))))))
Communications.kif 258-284

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