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Sigma KEE - modalAttribute

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation modalAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是一种用来表示 Proposition 所含规范力度的 BinaryRelation。(modalAttribute ?FORMULA ?PROP)的意思是由 ?FORMULA 所表达的 Proposition 含有 NormativeAttribute ?PROP。例如:(modalAttribute (exists (?ACT ?OBJ) (and (instance ?ACT Giving) (agent ?ACT John) (patient ?ACT ?OBJ) (destination ?ACT Tom))) Obligation)的意思是约翰有义务要给汤姆一样东西。.") chinese_format.kif 3857-3861
(documentation modalAttribute EnglishLanguage "A BinaryRelation that is used to state the normative force of a Proposition. (modalAttribute ?FORMULA ?PROP) means that the Proposition expressed by ?FORMULA has the NormativeAttribute ?PROP. For example, (modalAttribute (exists (?ACT ?OBJ) (and (instance ?ACT Giving) (agent ?ACT John) (patient ?ACT ?OBJ) (destination ?ACT Tom))) Obligation) means that John is obligated to give Tom something.") Merge.kif 17304-17310
(domain modalAttribute 1 Formula) Merge.kif 17302-17302 Il numero 1 argomenti di modalAttribute è un istanza di Formula
(domain modalAttribute 2 NormativeAttribute) Merge.kif 17303-17303 Il numero 2 argomenti di modalAttribute è un istanza di AttributoNormativo
(instance modalAttribute AsymmetricRelation) Merge.kif 17298-17298 modalAttribute è un' istanza di RelazioneAsimmetrica
(instance modalAttribute BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 17297-17297 modalAttribute è un' istanza di PredicatoBinario
(instance modalAttribute IrreflexiveRelation) Merge.kif 17299-17299 modalAttribute è un' istanza di RelazioneNonRiflessiva
(instance modalAttribute PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 17300-17300 modalAttribute è un' istanza di RelazioneAValoreParziale
(subrelation modalAttribute property) Merge.kif 17301-17301 modalAttribute è una sottorelazione di property

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage modalAttribute "%1 的声明 %n{doesn't have} %p{has} %2 的语气") chinese_format.kif 590-590
(format EnglishLanguage modalAttribute "the statement %1 %n{doesn't have} %p{has} the modal force of %2") english_format.kif 594-594
(format FrenchLanguage modalAttribute "l'argument %1 %n{n'} %p{a} %n{pas} la force modale de %2") french_format.kif 353-353
(format ItalianLanguage modalAttribute "l'affermazione %1 ha il modello di forza di %2") relations-it.txt 192-192
(format JapaneseLanguage modalAttribute "ステートメント %1 には %2 の modal force が %n{ない} %p{ある}") japanese_format.kif 2100-2100
(format PortugueseLanguage modalAttribute "o argumento %1 %n{nao} %p{tem} %n a forca modal de %2") portuguese_format.kif 305-305
(format de modalAttribute "die Aussage %1 hat die modale Kraft von %2") relations-de.txt 775-775
(format hi modalAttribute "%1 prakathana kii ruupaatmaka visheshhataa %2 hai") relations-hindi.txt 230-230
(format ro modalAttribute "afirmaþa %1 %n{nu} are force%t{forþa} modal%t{modalã} a lui %2") relations-ro.kif 375-375
(format sv modalAttribute "påståendet %1 har den modala kraften av %2") relations-sv.txt 393-393
(termFormat ChineseLanguage modalAttribute "模态属性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38199-38199
(termFormat ChineseLanguage modalAttribute "语气属性") chinese_format.kif 591-591
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage modalAttribute "模態屬性") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38198-38198
(termFormat EnglishLanguage modalAttribute "modal attribute") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38197-38197


    (modalAttribute ?F1 Legal)
        (exists (?F2)
                (modalAttribute ?F2 Law)
                    (consistent ?F1 ?F2))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13850-13857 L'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Legal Formula l'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Law consistent Formula and Formula
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Necessity)
            (not ?FORMULA) Possibility)))
Merge.kif 17416-17418 L'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Necessity l'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Possibility
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Obligation)
            (not ?FORMULA) Permission)))
Merge.kif 17479-17481 L'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Obligation l'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Permission
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Prohibition)
        (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Permission)))
Merge.kif 17515-17517 L'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Prohibition l'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Permission
        (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
        (potentialCustomer ?CUST ?AGENT)
                (instance ?R Reserving)
                (destination ?R ?AGENT)) Necessity)
            (exists (?RES1)
                    (instance ?RES1 Reservation)
                    (reservingEntity ?CUST ?RES1)
                    (fulfillingEntity ?AGENT ?RES1)))
            (customer ?CUST ?AGENT) ?NUM1)
                (exists (?RES2)
                        (instance ?RES2 Reservation)
                        (reservingEntity ?CUST ?RES2)
                        (fulfillingEntity ?AGENT ?RES2))))
            (customer ?CUST ?AGENT) ?NUM2))
    (lessThan ?NUM2 ?NUM1))
Dining.kif 772-795
        (instance ?B Bleeding)
        (instance ?D Death)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (instance ?P Human)
        (experiencer ?B ?P)
        (orientation ?H ?P Near)
            (causes ?B ?D) Likely))
    (holdsObligation ?H
        (exists (?A)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (agent ?A ?H)
                (destination ?A ?P)))))
Medicine.kif 44-59
        (modalAttribute ?FORMULA1 ?PROP)
        (entails ?FORMULA1 ?FORMULA2))
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA2 ?PROP))
Merge.kif 17312-17316
    (holdsDuring ?TIME1
        (modalAttribute ?TEXT Law))
    (exists (?TIME2)
            (holdsDuring ?TIME2
                (attribute ?TEXT LegislativeBill))
            (earlier ?TIME2 ?TIME1))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13814-13819
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Likely)
            (truth ?FORMULA True))
            (truth ?FORMULA False))))
Merge.kif 17529-17531
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Necessity)
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Possibility))
Merge.kif 17420-17422
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Obligation)
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Permission))
Merge.kif 17483-17485
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Permission)
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Possibility))
Merge.kif 17318-17320
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Unlikely)
            (truth ?FORMULA False))
            (truth ?FORMULA True))))
Merge.kif 17537-17539


    (modalAttribute ?F1 Legal)
        (exists (?F2)
                (modalAttribute ?F2 Law)
                    (consistent ?F1 ?F2))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13850-13857 L'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Legal Formula l'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Law consistent Formula and Formula
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Necessity)
            (not ?FORMULA) Possibility)))
Merge.kif 17416-17418 L'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Necessity l'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Possibility
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Obligation)
            (not ?FORMULA) Permission)))
Merge.kif 17479-17481 L'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Obligation l'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Permission
    (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Prohibition)
        (modalAttribute ?FORMULA Permission)))
Merge.kif 17515-17517 L'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Prohibition l'affermazione Formula ha il modello di forza di Permission
        (agreementClause ?PROP ?ATTR ?AGREEMENT ?AGENT)
            (equal ?ATTR Obligation)
            (equal ?ATTR Promise)))
        (exists (?PROC)
                (realization ?PROC ?PROP)
                (agent ?PROC ?AGENT))) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14079-14089
        (albumCoverImage ?A ?I)
        (instance ?CD
            (AlbumCopiesFn ?A ?DS))
        (contains ?C ?CD))
        (part ?I
            (FrontFn ?C)) Likely))
Music.kif 316-322
        (allergic ?H ?S)
        (instance ?SUB ?S)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (meetsSpatially ?SUB ?H)))
        (exists (?AR)
                (instance ?AR AllergicReaction)
                (experiencer ?AR ?H)
                (overlapsTemporally ?T
                    (WhenFn ?AR))
                    (BeginFn ?T)
                        (WhenFn ?AR))))) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6231-6244
        (attribute ?D DeviceDamaged)
        (hasPurpose ?D ?F))
        (modalAttribute ?F Possibility)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29458-29463
        (attribute ?D DeviceNormal)
        (hasPurpose ?D ?F))
    (modalAttribute ?F Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29431-29435
        (attribute ?H ?D)
        (diseaseTreatment ?D ?P)
        (instance ?TP TherpeuticProcess)
        (agent ?TP ?DOC)
        (patient ?TP ?H)
        (attribute ?DOC MedicalDoctor))
        (instance ?TP ?P) Possibility))
Medicine.kif 5824-5834
        (attribute ?H Muslim)
            (WealthFn ?H) ?W))
        (exists (?Z ?T ?U ?Y ?C)
                (instance ?Z Zakat)
                (instance ?Y Year)
                (during ?Y
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (holdsDuring ?Y
                    (attribute ?H FullyFormed))
                (agent ?Z ?H)
                (patient ?Z ?T)
                (monetaryValue ?T
                    (MeasureFn ?C ?U))
                (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
                (greaterThan ?C
                    (MultiplicationFn ?W 0.025)))) Obligation))
ArabicCulture.kif 204-223
        (attribute ?H1 ADHD)
            (attribute ?H2 ADHD))
            (equal ?H1 ?H2))
        (instance ?I1 ?IC)
        (instance ?I2 ?IC)
        (subclass ?IC IntentionalPsychologicalProcess)
        (agent ?I1 ?H1)
        (agent ?I2 ?H2)
            (WhenFn ?I1) ?D1)
            (WhenFn ?I2) ?D2))
        (greaterThan ?D2 ?D1) Likely))
Medicine.kif 3984-4004
        (attribute ?P Muslim)
        (capability Hajj agent ?P))
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H Hajj)
                (agent ?H ?P))) Obligation))
ArabicCulture.kif 134-143
        (attribute ?X CommunalAttribute)
        (instance ?X Table)
        (instance ?E1 Eating)
        (agent ?E1 ?GRP1)
        (instance ?GRP1 GroupOfPeople)
        (eventLocated ?E1 ?X))
        (exists (?GRP2 ?E2 ?X2)
                (instance ?E2 Eating)
                (agent ?E2 ?GRP2)
                    (equal ?GRP1 ?GRP2))
                (instance ?GRP2 GroupOfPeople)
                (eventLocated ?E2 ?X2)
                    (WhenFn ?E1)
                    (WhenFn ?E2))
                (equal ?X ?X2))) Possibility))
Dining.kif 1207-1224
        (attribute ?X Multilingual)
        (instance ?SPEAK Speaking)
        (agent ?SPEAK ?X))
        (exists (?LANG1 ?LANG2)
                (instance ?LANG1 SpokenHumanLanguage)
                (instance ?LANG2 SpokenHumanLanguage)
                    (equal ?LANG1 ?LANG2))
                    (patient ?SPEAK ?LANG1)
                    (patient ?SPEAK ?LANG2)))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25748-25761
        (attribute ?X WheelchairAccessible)
            (instance ?X Building)
            (instance ?X Room)))
        (exists (?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?MOTION Motion)
                (instrument ?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?WHEELCHAIR Wheelchair)
                (eventLocated ?MOTION ?X))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26159-26171
        (capability ValetParking agent ?AGENT)
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (located ?AGENT ?LOC)
        (instance ?D Arriving)
        (agent ?D ?CUST)
        (patient ?D ?VEHICLE)
        (destination ?D ?LOC))
    (exists (?VALET)
            (occupiesPosition ?VALET Valet ?AGENT)
                (exists (?VP ?PARK)
                        (instance ?VP ValetParking)
                        (agent ?VP ?VALET)
                        (patient ?VP ?VEHICLE)
                        (destination ?VP ?PARK)
                        (instance ?PARK ParkingRegion))) Possibility))))
TransportDetail.kif 153-172
        (customer ?CUST ?AGENT)
        (propertyAmenity ?AGENT ?PHYS)
        (subclass ?PHYS Process))
        (exists (?S ?LOC ?PROC)
                (element ?LOC
                    (PropertyFn ?AGENT))
                (agent ?S ?AGENT)
                (patient ?S ?CUST)
                    (instance ?S ?PHYS)
                        (instance ?PROC ?PHYS)
                        (subProcess ?S ?PROC)))
                (located ?S ?LOC))) Possibility))
Hotel.kif 522-538
        (defaultMaxValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (greaterThan ?N ?VAL) Likely))
Merge.kif 18446-18451
        (defaultMaximumMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
        (instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
                (greaterThan ?QUANTITY ?Q))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13536-13545
        (defaultMaximumMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1))
        (subclass ?UNITCLASS NonCompositeUnitOfMeasure)
        (instance ?UNIT1 ?UNITCLASS))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2))
                (instance ?UNIT2 ?UNITCLASS)
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT2)
                    (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT1)))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13547-13558
        (defaultMaximumSphereRadius ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?R ?U))
        (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
        (attribute ?INST Sphere))
        (exists (?RADIUS)
                (sphereRadius ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?RADIUS ?U))
                (greaterThan ?RADIUS ?R))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13486-13497
        (defaultMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
        (instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
                (greaterThan ?QUANTITY
                    (MultiplicationFn ?Q 1.5)))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13566-13575
        (defaultMeasure ?OBJECT
            (MeasureFn ?Q ?UNIT))
        (instance ?UNIT CompositeUnitOfMeasure))
        (exists (?INST ?QUANTITY)
                (instance ?INST ?OBJECT)
                (measure ?INST
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANTITY ?UNIT))
                (lessThan ?QUANTITY
                    (MultiplicationFn ?Q .5)))) Unlikely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 13577-13586
        (defaultMinValue ?REL ?ARG ?N)
        (?REL @ARGS)
        (equal ?VAL
                (ListFn @ARGS) ?ARG)))
        (greaterThan ?VAL ?N) Likely))
Merge.kif 18429-18434

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 0

(modalAttribute AmericansWithDisabilitiesAct-US Law) Medicine.kif 3170-3170 L'affermazione AmericansWithDisabilitiesAct-US ha il modello di forza di Law
(modalAttribute AntiterrorismAndEffectiveDeathPenaltyAct Law) Government.kif 2407-2407 L'affermazione AntiterrorismAndEffectiveDeathPenaltyAct ha il modello di forza di Law
(modalAttribute ImmigrationAndNationalityAct-Section219-US Law) Government.kif 2405-2405 L'affermazione ImmigrationAndNationalityAct-Section219-US ha il modello di forza di Law
(modalAttribute ImmigrationAndNationalityAct-US Law) Government.kif 2402-2402 L'affermazione ImmigrationAndNationalityAct-US ha il modello di forza di Law

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