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Sigma KEE - governorSpeed

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation governorSpeed EnglishLanguage "The maximum speed under normal conditions that a governor will allow a moving part or vehicle to attain before killing power. Note that a vehicle could still conceivably exceed governed speed while coasting down a hill, after the governor has activated.") Cars.kif 2857-2860
(domain governorSpeed 1 SpeedGovernor) Cars.kif 2863-2863
(domain governorSpeed 2 FunctionQuantity) Cars.kif 2864-2864
(instance governorSpeed BinaryPredicate) Cars.kif 2865-2865

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage governorSpeed "the maximum speed allowed by %1 is %n %2") Cars.kif 2861-2861
(termFormat EnglishLanguage governorSpeed "governor speed") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65877-65877


        (governorSpeed ?V ?Q)
            (MeasureFn ?FAST MilesPerHour)
            (SpeedFn ?L1 ?T1))
            (MeasureFn ?SLOW MilesPerHour)
            (SpeedFn ?L2 ?T2))
        (greaterThan ?FAST ?SLOW)
        (equal ?FASTPROB
                (measure ?V
                    (MeasureFn ?FAST MilesPerHour))))
        (equal ?SLOWPROB
                (measure ?V
                    (MeasureFn ?SLOW MilesPerHour)))))
    (greaterThan ?SLOWPROB ?FASTPROB))
Cars.kif 2867-2885
        (instance ?EG EngineGovernor)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (connectedEngineeringComponents ?EG ?E)
        (governorSpeed ?E
            (MeasureFn ?S MilesPerHour)))
    (hasPurpose ?EG
            (exists (?R ?P ?M)
                    (instance ?P Device)
                    (part ?P ?E)
                    (instance ?R Rotating)
                        (WhenFn ?R)
                            (measure ?P
                                (MeasureFn ?M MilesPerHour))
                            (greaterThan ?M ?S))))))))
Cars.kif 2913-2931
        (instance ?EG EngineGovernor)
        (instance ?V Vehicle)
        (connectedEngineeringComponents ?EG ?V)
        (governorSpeed ?E
            (MeasureFn ?S MilesPerHour)))
    (hasPurpose ?EG
            (exists (?T ?M)
                    (instance ?T Translocation)
                        (WhenFn ?T)
                            (measure ?V
                                (MeasureFn ?M MilesPerHour))
                            (greaterThan ?M ?S))))))))
Cars.kif 2940-2956
        (instance ?G SpeedGovernor)
        (governorSpeed ?V
            (MeasureFn ?S MilesPerHour))
        (connectedEngineeringComponents ?G ?V))
    (hasPurpose ?G
            (exists (?SP2)
                    (measure ?V
                        (MeasureFn ?SP2 MilesPerHour))
                    (greaterThan ?SP2 ?S))))))
Cars.kif 2892-2904

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