appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation DeonticAttribute ChineseLanguage "这是一个包括所有和许可、义务和禁止有关的 Attribute Class。") | chinese_format.kif 3903-3904 | |
(documentation DeonticAttribute EnglishLanguage "A Class containing all of the Attributes relating to the notions of permission, obligation, and prohibition.") | Merge.kif 17539-17540 | |
(subclass DeonticAttribute ObjectiveNorm) | Merge.kif 17538-17538 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(instance Illegal DeonticAttribute) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 13866-13866 | |
(instance InternationalLaw DeonticAttribute) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 13861-13861 | |
(instance Law DeonticAttribute) | Merge.kif 17559-17559 | |
(instance Legal DeonticAttribute) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 13872-13872 | |
(instance LegislativeBill DeonticAttribute) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 13837-13837 | |
(instance Obligation DeonticAttribute) | Merge.kif 17546-17546 | |
(instance Permission DeonticAttribute) | Merge.kif 17542-17542 | |
(instance Prohibition DeonticAttribute) | Merge.kif 17581-17581 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage DeonticAttribute "道义属性") | chinese_format.kif 1246-1246 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DeonticAttribute "deontic attribute") | english_format.kif 1713-1713 | |
(termFormat FrenchLanguage DeonticAttribute "deontic attribute") | french_format.kif 924-924 | |
(termFormat Hindi DeonticAttribute "") | terms-hindi.txt 458-458 | |
(termFormat ItalianLanguage DeonticAttribute "AttributoDeontico") | terms-it.txt 461-461 | |
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage DeonticAttribute "義務的な属性") | japanese_format.kif 2608-2608 | |
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage DeonticAttribute "Atributo Deontico") | portuguese_format.kif 876-876 | |
(termFormat cz DeonticAttribute "deontic attribute") | terms-cz.txt 497-497 | |
(termFormat ro DeonticAttribute "atribut deontic") | relations-ro.kif 945-945 | |
(termFormat tg DeonticAttribute "") | terms-tg.txt 462-462 |
appearance as argument number 3 |
(domain agreementClause 2 DeonticAttribute) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 14095-14095 |