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Sigma KEE - transitwayThroughputCapacity

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation transitwayThroughputCapacity EnglishLanguage "transitwayThroughputCapacity is a TernaryPredicate. It denotes the maximum number of vehicles that can be handled at a Transitway at a given period of time.") Transportation.kif 3906-3908
(domain transitwayThroughputCapacity 1 Transitway) Transportation.kif 3909-3909
(domain transitwayThroughputCapacity 2 TimeInterval) Transportation.kif 3910-3910
(domain transitwayThroughputCapacity 3 NonnegativeInteger) Transportation.kif 3911-3911
(instance transitwayThroughputCapacity TernaryPredicate) Transportation.kif 3905-3905

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage transitwayThroughputCapacity "%1 can handle %3 number of vehicles during %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4800-4800
(termFormat ChineseLanguage transitwayThroughputCapacity "公交專用道容量") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58931-58931
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage transitwayThroughputCapacity "公交專用道容量") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58930-58930
(termFormat EnglishLanguage transitwayThroughputCapacity "transit way throughput capacity") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58929-58929


        (transitwayThroughputCapacity ?LT ?TI ?I)
        (instance ?LT AirTransitway)
        (instance ?C Collection)
        (memberType ?C Aircraft)
        (memberCount ?C ?I2)
        (member ?V ?C)
        (instance ?T Transportation)
        (instrument ?T ?V)
            (WhenFn ?T) ?TI)
        (path ?T ?LT))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?I ?I2))
Transportation.kif 3941-3953
        (transitwayThroughputCapacity ?LT ?TI ?I)
        (instance ?LT LandTransitway)
        (instance ?C Collection)
        (memberType ?C LandVehicle)
        (memberCount ?C ?I2)
        (member ?V ?C)
        (instance ?T Transportation)
        (instrument ?T ?V)
            (WhenFn ?T) ?TI)
        (path ?T ?LT))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?I ?I2))
Transportation.kif 3913-3925
        (transitwayThroughputCapacity ?LT ?TI ?I)
        (instance ?LT Waterway)
        (instance ?C Collection)
        (memberType ?C WaterVehicle)
        (memberCount ?C ?I2)
        (member ?V ?C)
        (instance ?T Transportation)
        (instrument ?T ?V)
            (WhenFn ?T) ?TI)
        (path ?T ?LT))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?I ?I2))
Transportation.kif 3927-3939

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