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Sigma KEE - MonthFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation MonthFn ChineseLanguage "这是一个 BinaryFunction,它把 Month 的子类别与 Year 的子类别和该 Year 对应 Month 的类别联系起来。例如:(MonthFn August (YearFn 1912)) 是包含第八个 Month 的类别,即是1912 Year 的八月。另一个例子是(MonthFn August Year)等于 August,这是所有八月的类别。注:这个函数得出一个 Class 作为它的值,原因是和它相关的函数,即 MonthFnDayFnHourFnMinuteFnSecondFn 等,是用来得出特定的 TimeInterval 和重复发生的时段,而唯一的做法是把这些函数的领域和范围当成类别而不是个别的实例。") chinese_format.kif 2754-2759
(documentation MonthFn EnglishLanguage "A BinaryFunction that maps a subclass of Month and a subclass of Year to the class containing the Month corresponding to that Year. For example (MonthFn August (YearFn 1912)) is the class containing the eighth Month, i.e. August, of the Year 1912. For another example, (MonthFn August Year) is equal to August, the class of all months of August. Note that this function returns a Class as a value. The reason for this is that the related functions, viz. DayFn, HourFn, MinuteFn, and SecondFn, are used to generate both specific TimeIntervals and recurrent intervals, and the only way to do this is to make the domains and ranges of these functions classes rather than individuals.") Merge.kif 8597-8605
(documentation MonthFn JapaneseLanguage "BinaryFunction は、%Month のサブクラスと Year のサブクラスを、その Year に対応する Month を含むクラスにマップする。 例えば (MonthFn August (YearFn 1912))は、第8 Month、すなわち Year 1912の8月である。 別の例では、 (MonthFn August Year) は8月のすべての月のクラスである August に等しい。 注:この関数は 値として Class を返す。この理由は、関連する関数 viz である。DayFn、HourFn、MinuteFn、および SecondFnは、特定の TimeInterval と繰り返し間隔の両方を生成するために使用され、これを行う唯一の 方法は、個々別々ではなく、これらの関数クラスのドメインと範囲を作ることである。") japanese_format.kif 1481-1487
(domainSubclass MonthFn 1 Month) Merge.kif 8593-8593
(domainSubclass MonthFn 2 Year) Merge.kif 8594-8594
(instance MonthFn BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 8591-8591
(instance MonthFn PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 8592-8592
(instance MonthFn TemporalRelation) Merge.kif 8590-8590
(rangeSubclass MonthFn Month) Merge.kif 8595-8595

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage MonthFn "%1 month") chinese_format.kif 467-467
(format EnglishLanguage MonthFn "the month %1") english_format.kif 473-473
(format FrenchLanguage MonthFn "le moi %1") french_format.kif 270-270
(format ItalianLanguage MonthFn "il mese %1") relations-it.txt 194-194
(format JapaneseLanguage MonthFn "%1 month 目") japanese_format.kif 2060-2060
(format PortugueseLanguage MonthFn "o mes %1") portuguese_format.kif 222-222
(format cz MonthFn "%1 of %2") relations-cz.txt 276-276
(format de MonthFn "der monat %1") relations-de.txt 610-610
(format hi MonthFn "%1 kaa mahiinaa") relations-hindi.txt 232-232
(format ro MonthFn "month%t{luna} %1") relations-ro.kif 291-291
(format sv MonthFn "månaden %1") relations-sv.txt 297-297
(format tg MonthFn "ang buwan %1") relations-tg.txt 373-373
(relatedInternalConcept Month MonthFn) Merge.kif 9066-9066
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MonthFn "月") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38487-38487
(termFormat ChineseLanguage MonthFn "月函数") chinese_format.kif 468-468
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage MonthFn "月") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38486-38486
(termFormat EnglishLanguage MonthFn "month") domainEnglishFormat.kif 38485-38485
(termFormat tg MonthFn "tungkulin ng buwan") relations-tg.txt 374-374


        (birthdate ?A ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?CLASS ?FUTURE)
            (birthday ?A ?CLASS)
            (subclass ?CLASS Day)
            (instance ?FUTURE Integer)
            (equal ?CLASS
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?FUTURE))))
            (greaterThan ?FUTURE ?Y))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24235-24245
        (commemoratesDate ?HOLIDAY
            (DayFn ?DAY
                (MonthFn ?MONTH
                    (YearFn ?YEAR))))
        (instance ?DATE ?HOLIDAY)
        (instance ?ANYO
            (YearFn ?YEAR)))
        (earlier ?DATE ?ANYO)))
Government.kif 612-617
        (commemoratesDate ?HOLIDAY
            (DayFn ?DAY
                (MonthFn ?MONTH
                    (YearFn ?YEAR))))
        (instance ?DATE ?HOLIDAY)
        (subclass ?HOLIDAY FixedHoliday)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?YEAR ?LATER-YEAR))
    (instance ?DATE
        (DayFn ?DAY
            (MonthFn ?MONTH
                (YearFn ?LATER-YEAR)))))
Government.kif 619-625
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?F Menopausal))
        (birthdate ?F ?B)
        (instance ?B
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (equal ?A1
            (AdditionFn 49 ?Y))
        (equal ?A2
            (AdditionFn 52 ?Y))
        (equal ?START
            (BeginFn ?T)))
            (greaterThan ?START ?A1)
            (greaterThan ?A2 ?START)) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23915-23931
        (instance ?D1
            (DayFn ?N1
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (instance ?D2
            (DayFn ?N2
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (equal ?T1
            (BeginFn ?D1))
        (equal ?T2
            (BeginFn ?D2))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1))
    (before ?T1 ?T2))
Merge.kif 8744-8751
        (instance ?D1
            (DayFn ?N1
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (instance ?D2
            (DayFn ?N2
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (greaterThan ?N2 ?N1))
    (earlier ?D1 ?D2))
Merge.kif 8753-8758
        (instance ?D2
            (DayFn ?N2
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (temporalPart ?D1
            (WeekBeforeFn ?D2))
        (temporalPart ?D2
            (WeekAfterFn ?D1)))
    (exists (?N1)
            (instance ?D1
                (DayFn ?N1
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?Y))))
            (equal ?N1
                (SubtractionFn ?N2 7)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14836-14845
        (instance ?M1
            (MonthFn ?N1
                (YearFn ?Y)))
        (instance ?M2
            (MonthFn ?N2
                (YearFn ?Y)))
        (equal ?T1
            (BeginFn ?M1))
        (equal ?T2
            (BeginFn ?M2))
        (successorClass ?N1 ?N2))
    (before ?T1 ?T2))
Merge.kif 8728-8735
        (instance ?M1
            (MonthFn ?N1
                (YearFn ?Y)))
        (instance ?M2
            (MonthFn ?N2
                (YearFn ?Y)))
        (successorClass ?N1 ?N2))
    (earlier ?M1 ?M2))
Merge.kif 8737-8742
        (instance ?MIT BarMitzvah)
        (patient ?MIT ?X)
        (instance ?X Boy)
        (member ?X ?GROUP)
        (instance ?GROUP Judaism)
        (birthdate ?X ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?Y13 ?BD13)
            (instance ?Y13 Integer)
            (equal ?Y13
                (AdditionFn ?Y 13))
            (instance ?BD13
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?Y13))))
                (WhenFn ?MIT)
                (ImmediateFutureFn ?BD13)))))
Biography.kif 69-85
        (instance ?MIT BatMitzvah)
        (patient ?MIT ?X)
        (instance ?X Girl)
        (member ?X ?GROUP)
        (instance ?GROUP Judaism)
        (birthdate ?X ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?Y13 ?BD13)
            (instance ?Y13 Integer)
            (equal ?Y13
                (AdditionFn ?Y 13))
            (instance ?BD13
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?Y13))))
                (WhenFn ?MIT)
                (ImmediateFutureFn ?BD13)))))
Biography.kif 99-115
        (instance ?MONTH
            (MonthFn February ?YEAR))
        (instance ?Y ?YEAR)
        (instance ?Y LeapYear))
    (duration ?MONTH
        (MeasureFn 29 DayDuration)))
Merge.kif 9095-9100
        (instance ?MONTH
            (MonthFn February ?YEAR))
        (instance ?Y ?YEAR)
            (instance ?Y LeapYear)))
    (duration ?MONTH
        (MeasureFn 28 DayDuration)))
Merge.kif 9088-9093
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn April ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn May ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9130-9134
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn August ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn September ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9186-9190
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn December ?YEAR1))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn January ?YEAR2))
        (instance ?Y1 ?YEAR1)
        (instance ?Y2 ?YEAR2)
        (meetsTemporally ?Y1 ?Y2))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9243-9250
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn February ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn March ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9102-9106
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn January ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn February ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9078-9082
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn July ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn August ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9172-9176
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn June ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn July ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9158-9162
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn March ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn April ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9116-9120
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn May ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn June ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9144-9148
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn November ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn December ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9229-9233
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn October ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn November ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9215-9219
        (instance ?MONTH1
            (MonthFn September ?YEAR))
        (instance ?MONTH2
            (MonthFn October ?YEAR)))
    (meetsTemporally ?MONTH1 ?MONTH2))
Merge.kif 9201-9205

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


        (birthdate ?A ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?CLASS ?FUTURE)
            (birthday ?A ?CLASS)
            (subclass ?CLASS Day)
            (instance ?FUTURE Integer)
            (equal ?CLASS
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?FUTURE))))
            (greaterThan ?FUTURE ?Y))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24235-24245
        (commemoratesDate ?HOLIDAY
            (DayFn ?DAY
                (MonthFn ?MONTH
                    (YearFn ?YEAR))))
        (instance ?DATE ?HOLIDAY)
        (subclass ?HOLIDAY FixedHoliday)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?YEAR ?LATER-YEAR))
    (instance ?DATE
        (DayFn ?DAY
            (MonthFn ?MONTH
                (YearFn ?LATER-YEAR)))))
Government.kif 619-625
        (instance ?D2
            (DayFn ?N2
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y))))
        (temporalPart ?D1
            (WeekBeforeFn ?D2))
        (temporalPart ?D2
            (WeekAfterFn ?D1)))
    (exists (?N1)
            (instance ?D1
                (DayFn ?N1
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?Y))))
            (equal ?N1
                (SubtractionFn ?N2 7)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 14836-14845
        (instance ?MIT BarMitzvah)
        (patient ?MIT ?X)
        (instance ?X Boy)
        (member ?X ?GROUP)
        (instance ?GROUP Judaism)
        (birthdate ?X ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?Y13 ?BD13)
            (instance ?Y13 Integer)
            (equal ?Y13
                (AdditionFn ?Y 13))
            (instance ?BD13
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?Y13))))
                (WhenFn ?MIT)
                (ImmediateFutureFn ?BD13)))))
Biography.kif 69-85
        (instance ?MIT BatMitzvah)
        (patient ?MIT ?X)
        (instance ?X Girl)
        (member ?X ?GROUP)
        (instance ?GROUP Judaism)
        (birthdate ?X ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?Y13 ?BD13)
            (instance ?Y13 Integer)
            (equal ?Y13
                (AdditionFn ?Y 13))
            (instance ?BD13
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?Y13))))
                (WhenFn ?MIT)
                (ImmediateFutureFn ?BD13)))))
Biography.kif 99-115
        (instance ?WED Wedding)
        (date ?WED ?DAY)
        (instance ?DAY
            (DayFn ?D
                (MonthFn ?M
                    (YearFn ?Y)))))
    (exists (?CLASS ?FUTURE)
            (weddingAnniversary ?WED ?CLASS)
            (subclass ?CLASS Day)
            (instance ?FUTURE Integer)
            (equal ?CLASS
                (DayFn ?D
                    (MonthFn ?M
                        (YearFn ?FUTURE))))
            (greaterThan ?FUTURE ?Y))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 24194-24205
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (instance ?D DeltaCovidVariant)
            (part ?D ?H)
            (attribute ?H Covid19)))
    (greaterThan ?T
        (MonthFn December
            (YearFn 2020))))
Medicine.kif 3003-3011


(agreementAdoptionDate AntarcticTreaty
    (DayFn 1
        (MonthFn December
            (YearFn 1959))))
Geography.kif 3192-3192
(agreementEffectiveDate AntarcticTreaty
    (instance ?D
        (DayFn 23
            (MonthFn June
                (YearFn 1961)))))
Geography.kif 3193-3193
(dateDissolved CoordinatingCommitteeOnExportControls
    (DayFn 31
        (MonthFn March
            (YearFn 1994))))
Government.kif 2994-2994
(dateDissolved CouncilForMutualEconomicAssistance
    (DayFn 1
        (MonthFn January
            (YearFn 1991))))
Government.kif 3009-3009
(dateDissolved UnitedNationsPreventiveDeploymentForce
    (DayFn 25
        (MonthFn March
            (YearFn 1999))))
Government.kif 4145-4145
(dateDissolved WarsawPact
    (DayFn 1
        (MonthFn July
            (YearFn 1991))))
Government.kif 4285-4285
(dateEstablished AfricanCaribbeanAndPacificGroupOfStates
    (DayFn 6
        (MonthFn June
            (YearFn 1975))))
Government.kif 2750-2750
(dateEstablished AfricanDevelopmentBank
    (DayFn 4
        (MonthFn August
            (YearFn 1963))))
Government.kif 2757-2757
(dateEstablished AgencyForTheFrenchSpeakingCommunity
    (DayFn 20
        (MonthFn March
            (YearFn 1970))))
Government.kif 2771-2771
(dateEstablished AgencyForTheProhibitionOfNuclearWeaponsInLatinAmericaAndTheCaribbean
    (DayFn 14
        (MonthFn February
            (YearFn 1967))))
Government.kif 2778-2778
(dateEstablished AndeanCommunityOfNations
    (DayFn 26
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1969))))
Government.kif 2796-2796
(dateEstablished AntarcticTreatyCouncil
    (DayFn 23
        (MonthFn June
            (YearFn 1961))))
Government.kif 2801-2801
(dateEstablished ArabBankForEconomicDevelopmentInAfrica
    (DayFn 18
        (MonthFn February
            (YearFn 1974))))
Government.kif 2812-2812
(dateEstablished ArabCooperationCouncil
    (DayFn 16
        (MonthFn February
            (YearFn 1989))))
Government.kif 2818-2818
(dateEstablished ArabFundForEconomicAndSocialDevelopment
    (DayFn 16
        (MonthFn May
            (YearFn 1968))))
Government.kif 2824-2824
(dateEstablished ArabLeague
    (DayFn 22
        (MonthFn March
            (YearFn 1945))))
Government.kif 2833-2833
(dateEstablished ArabMaghrebUnion
    (DayFn 17
        (MonthFn February
            (YearFn 1989))))
Government.kif 2842-2842
(dateEstablished ArabMonetaryFund
    (DayFn 27
        (MonthFn April
            (YearFn 1976))))
Government.kif 2851-2851
(dateEstablished AsiaPacificEconomicCooperation
    (DayFn 7
        (MonthFn November
            (YearFn 1989))))
Government.kif 2857-2857
(dateEstablished AsianDevelopmentBank
    (DayFn 19
        (MonthFn December
            (YearFn 1966))))
Government.kif 2863-2863
(dateEstablished AssociationOfSoutheastAsianNations
    (DayFn 8
        (MonthFn August
            (YearFn 1967))))
Government.kif 2869-2869
(dateEstablished AustraliaNewZealandUnitedStatesSecurityTreaty
    (DayFn 1
        (MonthFn September
            (YearFn 1951))))
Government.kif 2889-2889
(dateEstablished BankForInternationalSettlements
    (DayFn 20
        (MonthFn January
            (YearFn 1930))))
Government.kif 2895-2895
(dateEstablished BeneluxEconomicUnion
    (DayFn 3
        (MonthFn February
            (YearFn 1958))))
Government.kif 2901-2901
(dateEstablished BlackSeaEconomicCooperationZone
    (DayFn 25
        (MonthFn June
            (YearFn 1992))))
Government.kif 2921-2921

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