appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Machine ChineseLanguage "Machine 是一些有明确定义的 resource 和 result 的 Devices,它们以自动化的方式把 resource 转成 result。") | chinese_format.kif 3634-3635 | |
(documentation Machine EnglishLanguage "Machines are Devices that that have a well-defined resource and result and that automatically convert the resource into the result.") | Merge.kif 16114-16116 | |
(externalImage Machine " b3/ USDA_windmills.jpg") | pictureList.kif 11412-11412 | |
(subclass Machine Device) | Merge.kif 16113-16113 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(disjoint Furniture Machine) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 3704-3704 | |
(industryProductType MachineryManufacturing Machine) | Economy.kif 1784-1784 | |
(subclass AirConditioningCondenser Machine) | Cars.kif 2028-2028 | |
(subclass AirConditioningEvaporator Machine) | Cars.kif 2052-2052 | |
(subclass GasCompressor Machine) | Cars.kif 5153-5153 | |
(subclass Generator Machine) | Cars.kif 1190-1190 | |
(subclass IceMachine Machine) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 25568-25568 | |
(subclass Lathe Machine) | Economy.kif 5986-5986 | |
(subclass Motor Machine) | engineering.kif 742-742 | |
(subclass Planer Machine) | Economy.kif 6013-6013 | |
(subclass VendingMachine Machine) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 1947-1947 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Machine "机器") | chinese_format.kif 1060-1060 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Machine "machine") | english_format.kif 1331-1331 | |
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Machine "machine") | french_format.kif 738-738 | |
(termFormat Hindi Machine "yantra") | terms-hindi.txt 269-269 | |
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Machine "Macchinario") | terms-it.txt 272-272 | |
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Machine "機械") | japanese_format.kif 2422-2422 | |
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Machine "Maquina") | portuguese_format.kif 690-690 | |
(termFormat cb Machine "makina") | terms-cb.txt 274-274 | |
(termFormat cz Machine "machine") | terms-cz.txt 308-308 | |
(termFormat ro Machine "maºinã") | relations-ro.kif 759-759 | |
(termFormat tg Machine "makina") | terms-tg.txt 273-273 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?MACHINE Machine) (exists (?COMP1 ?COMP2) (and (instance ?COMP1 EngineeringComponent) (instance ?COMP2 EngineeringComponent) (not (equal ?COMP1 ?COMP2)) (part ?COMP1 ?MACHINE) (part ?COMP2 ?MACHINE)))) |
Merge.kif 16145-16153 | |
(=> (instance ?MACHINE Machine) (forall (?PROC) (=> (instrument ?PROC ?MACHINE) (exists (?RESOURCE ?RESULT) (and (resource ?PROC ?RESOURCE) (result ?PROC ?RESULT)))))) |
Merge.kif 16118-16126 |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?LANG ComputerLanguage) (agent ?PROC ?AGENT) (instrument ?PROC ?LANG)) (instance ?AGENT Machine)) |
Merge.kif 1439-1444 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG Organization) (attribute ?ORG ComputerAndElectronicProductManufacturing)) (exists (?EV ?MEM) (and (member ?MEM ?ORG) (agent ?MEM ?EV) (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2) (and (instance ?EV Manufacture) (or (instance ?THING Computer) (and (instance ?THING Machine) (exists (?EV3 ?ELEC) (and (patient ?EV3 ?THING) (resource ?EV3 ?ELEC) (instance ?ELEC Electricity))))) (patient ?EV ?THING) (member ?MEM2 ?ORG) (instance ?EV2 Selling) (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2) (patient ?EV2 ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 5126-5150 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG Organization) (attribute ?ORG ElectricalEquipmentApplianceAndComponentManufacturing)) (exists (?EV ?MEM) (and (member ?MEM ?ORG) (agent ?MEM ?EV) (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2) (and (instance ?EV Manufacture) (and (instance ?THING Machine) (exists (?EV3 ?ELEC) (and (patient ?EV3 ?THING) (resource ?EV3 ?ELEC) (instance ?ELEC Electricity)))) (patient ?EV ?THING) (member ?MEM2 ?ORG) (instance ?EV2 Selling) (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2) (patient ?EV2 ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 5421-5443 | |
(=> (and (instance ?ORG Organization) (attribute ?ORG MachineryManufacturing)) (exists (?EV ?MEM) (and (member ?MEM ?ORG) (agent ?MEM ?EV) (exists (?THING ?MEM2 ?EV2) (and (instance ?EV Manufacture) (instance ?THING Machine) (patient ?EV ?THING) (member ?MEM2 ?ORG) (instance ?EV2 Selling) (agent ?EV2 ?MEM2) (patient ?EV2 ?THING)))))) |
naics.kif 4644-4660 | |
(=> (attribute ?M CoinOperated) (instance ?M Machine)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29521-29523 |