appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation LeafSpring EnglishLanguage "A type of spring found in Trucks and older Automobiles, and is designed to minimize the transmission of shocks to the frame of a LandVehicle from hitting imperfections in a road surface. They are typically arranged into a group of layers that provides stronger resistance when the shock encountered is greater.") | Cars.kif 888-892 | |
(externalImage LeafSpring "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/ 6/ 63/ Leafs1.jpg") | Cars.kif 894-894 | |
(subclass LeafSpring Spring) | Cars.kif 887-887 | |
(typicalPart LeafSpring AutoSuspensionSystem) | Cars.kif 896-896 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage LeafSpring "leaf spring") | Cars.kif 895-895 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?L LeafSpring) (part ?L ?RV) (instance ?RV RoadVehicle)) (modalAttribute (exists (?L2) (and (instance ?L2 LeafSpring) (part ?L2 ?RV) (not (equal ?L ?L2)) (meetsSpatially ?L ?L2))) Likely)) |
Cars.kif 902-915 | |
(=> (instance ?L LeafSpring) (attribute ?L LongAndThin)) |
Cars.kif 898-900 |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?L LeafSpring) (part ?L ?RV) (instance ?RV RoadVehicle)) (modalAttribute (exists (?L2) (and (instance ?L2 LeafSpring) (part ?L2 ?RV) (not (equal ?L ?L2)) (meetsSpatially ?L ?L2))) Likely)) |
Cars.kif 902-915 |