appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation CallOption EnglishLanguage "An option contract that gives the holder the right to buy a certain quantity (usually 100 shares) of an underlying security from the writer of the option, at a specified price (the strike price) up to a specified date (the expiration date).") | FinancialOntology.kif 2618-2621 | |
(externalImage CallOption " 1/ 18/ NASDAQ_studio.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10567-10567 | |
(externalImage CallOption " 4/ 4c/ E-ticker.jpg") | pictureList.kif 10566-10566 | |
(externalImage CallOption " 7/ 72/ Boerse_01_KMJ.jpg") | pictureList.kif 9920-9920 | |
(externalImage CallOption " CallOption.png") | pictureList.kif 10568-10568 | |
(externalImage CallOption " CallWrite.png") | pictureList.kif 10569-10569 | |
(subAttribute CallOption Option) | FinancialOntology.kif 2617-2617 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CallOption "看涨期权") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 12775-12775 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage CallOption "看漲期權") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 12774-12774 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CallOption "call option") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 12773-12773 |
antecedent |
(<=> (exists (?Stock ?StockPrice ?StrikePrice) (and (instance ?Option CallOption) (underlier ?Option ?Stock) (price ?Stock (MeasureFn ?StockPrice ?U) ?Time) (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency) (strikePrice ?Option (MeasureFn ?StrikePrice ?U)) (lessThan ?StockPrice ?StrikePrice))) (outOfTheMoney ?Option ?Time)) |
FinancialOntology.kif 3051-3062 | |
(<=> (exists (?Stock ?StockPrice ?StrikePrice) (and (instance ?Option CallOption) (underlier ?Option ?Stock) (price ?Stock (MeasureFn ?StockPrice ?U) ?Time) (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency) (strikePrice ?Option (MeasureFn ?StrikePrice ?U)) (lessThan ?StrikePrice ?StockPrice))) (inTheMoney ?Option ?Time)) |
FinancialOntology.kif 3002-3013 | |
(=> (and (instance ?Exercise ExerciseAnOption) (patient ?Exercise ?Option) (property ?Option CallOption) (time ?Exercise ?Time) (underlier ?Option ?Stocks)) (exists (?Buy) (and (instance ?Buy Buying) (patient ?Buy ?Stocks) (time ?Buy ?Time) (measure ?Stocks (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))))) |
FinancialOntology.kif 2754-2766 |
consequent |
(=> (instance ?Spread ButterflySpread) (exists (?Call1 ?Call2 ?Call3 ?Call4 ?Price1 ?Price2 ?Price3 ?Price4 ?U) (and (instance ?Call1 CallOption) (instance ?Call2 CallOption) (instance ?Call3 CallOption) (instance ?Call4 CallOption) (subProcess ?Call1 ?Spread) (subProcess ?Call2 ?Spread) (subProcess ?Call3 ?Spread) (subProcess ?Call4 ?Spread) (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency) (strikePrice ?Call1 (MeasureFn ?Price1 ?U)) (strikePrice ?Call2 (MeasureFn ?Price2 ?U)) (strikePrice ?Call3 (MeasureFn ?Price3 ?U)) (strikePrice ?Call4 (MeasureFn ?Price4 ?U)) (lessThan ?Price1 ?Price2) (lessThan ?Price1 ?Price3) (greaterThan ?Price4 ?Price2) (greaterThan ?Price4 ?Price2)))) |
FinancialOntology.kif 3119-3143 | |
(=> (instance ?Straddle Straddle) (exists (?Call ?Price ?Date ?Number ?Put) (and (equal (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?Call (and (instance ?Call CallOption) (part ?Call ?Straddle)))) ?Number) (equal (CardinalityFn (KappaFn ?Put (and (instance ?Put PutOption) (part ?Put ?Straddle)))) ?Number) (forall (?Option) (=> (and (instance ?Option Option) (part ?Option ?Straddle)) (and (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?Date) (strikePrice ?Option ?Price))))))) |
FinancialOntology.kif 3149-3173 | |
(=> (property ?Option Option) (exists (?Type ?Date ?Stock ?Price) (and (or (equal ?Type CallOption) (equal ?Type PutOption)) (property ?Option ?Type) (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?Date) (strikePrice ?Option ?Price) (underlier ?Option ?Stock) (measure ?Stock (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))))) |
FinancialOntology.kif 2540-2551 |