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Sigma KEE - AOCnumber

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation AOCnumber EnglishLanguage "The certification number that signifies an Airline has recieved an Air Operator Certification, allowing the airline to use aircraft for commercial purposes.") Transportation.kif 3997-3999
(subclass AOCnumber SymbolicString) Transportation.kif 3996-3996

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage AOCnumber "AOC number") Transportation.kif 4000-4000


        (instance ?AOC AOCnumber)
        (instance ?AIRLINE Airline)
        (possesses ?AIRLINE ?AOC))
        (exists (?AIR)
                (instance ?AIR AirTransportationService)
                (serviceProvider ?AIR ?AIRLINE))) FederalAviationAdministration ?AIRLINE))
Transportation.kif 4015-4025
    (instance ?AOC AOCnumber)
    (equal 8
        (StringLengthFn ?AOC)))
Transportation.kif 4002-4004
    (instance ?AOC AOCnumber)
    (exists (?G ?AIRLINE)
            (instance ?G Giving)
            (agent ?G FederalAviationAdministration)
            (destination ?G ?AIRLINE)
            (patient ?G ?AOC))))
Transportation.kif 4006-4013

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