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Sigma KEE - FinancialOrder
A Attribute of a request from a client to a Broker to buy (buy order) or sell (sell order) a specified amount of a particular security or commodity at a specific price or at the market price.
Parents ServiceContract A Contract where an AutonomousAgent agrees to perform a service for another AutonomousAgent (usually for a price).
Children AONOrderAll-or-none order (AON) is a type of option order which requires that the order be executed completely or not at all. An AON order may be either a day order or a GTC order.
 DayOrderA type of option order which instructs the Broker to cancel any unfilled portion of the order at the close of trading on the day the order is first entered.
 FOKOrderFill-or-kill order is a type of option order which requires that the order be executed completely or not at all. A fill-or-kill order is similar to an all-or-none (AON) order. The difference is that if the order cannot be completely executed (i.e., filled in its entirety) as soon as it is announced in the trading crowd, it is to be 'killed' (i.e., cancelled) immediately. Unlike an AON order, a FOK order cannot be used as part of a GTC order.
 GTCOrderGood-'til-cancelled (GTC) order is a type of limit order that remains in effect until it is either executed (filled) or cancelled, as opposed to a day order, which expires if not executed by the end of the trading day. A GTC option order is an order which if not executed will be automatically cancelled at the option's expiration
 IOCOrderImmediate or cancel Order is a type of option order which gives the trading crowd one opportunity to take the other side of the trade. After being announced, the order will be either partially or totally filled with any remaining balance immediately cancelled. An IOC order, which can be considered a type of day order, cannot be used as part of a GTC order since it will be cancelled shortly after being entered. The difference between fill-or-kill (FOK) orders and IOC orders is that a IOC order may be partially executed.
 LimitOrderLimitOrder is an order to a Broker to buy a specified quantity of a Security at or below a specified price, or to sell it at or above a specified limitPrice.
 MarketOrderAn order to buy or sell security at the best prices available.
 MNHOrderA Market-not-held order is a type of market order which allows the investor to give discretion to the floor Broker regarding the price and/or time at which a trade is executed.
 MOCOrderA Market-on-close order is a type of option order which requires that an order be executed at or near the close of trading on the day the order is entered. A MOC order, which can be considered a type of day order, cannot be used as part of a GTC order
 NHOrderA not-held order is a type of order which releases normal obligations implied by the other terms of the order. For example, a limit order designated as 'not-held' allows discretion to the floor trader in filling the order when the market trades at the limit price of the order. In this case, there is no obligation to provide the customer with an execution if the market trades through the limit price on the order.
 OCOOrderOne-cancels-other order (OCO) is a type of option order which treats two or more option orders as a package, whereby the execution of any one of the orders causes all the orders to be reduced by the same amount. For example, the investor would enter an OCO order if he/she wished to buy 10 May 60 calls or 10 June 60 calls or any combination of the two which when summed equaled 10 contracts. An OCO order may be either a day order or a GTC order
 StopOrderA market order to buy or sell a certain quantity of a certain security if a specified price (the stopPrice) is reached or passed.
InstancesAbstractProperties or qualities as distinguished from any particular embodiment of the properties/qualities in a physical medium. Instances of Abstract can be said to exist in the same sense as mathematical objects such as sets and relations, but they cannot exist at a particular place and time without some physical encoding or embodiment.
 AttributeQualities which we cannot or choose not to reify into subclasses of.
 DeonticAttributeA Class containing all of the Attributes relating to the notions of permission, obligation, and prohibition.
 EntityThe universal class of individuals. This is the root node of the ontology.
 NormativeAttributeA Class containing all of the Attributes that are specific to morality, legality, aesthetics, etiquette, etc. Many of these attributes express a judgement that something ought or ought not to be the case.
 ObjectiveNormThe Class of NormativeAttributes that are associated with an objective criterion for their attribution, i.e. there is broad consensus about the cases where these attributes are applicable.
 RelationalAttributeAny Attribute that an Entity has by virtue of a relationship that it bears to another Entity or set of Entities, e.g. SocialRoles and PositionalAttributes.
Belongs to Class Entity

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