Parents |
artefact |
An Object that is the product of a Making.
Children |
ATMMachine | (Automatic Teller Machine) A banking terminal that accepts deposits and dispenses cash. ATMs are activated by inserting a cash or credit card that contains the user's account number and PIN on a magnetic stripe. The ATM calls up the bank's computers to verify the balance, dispenses the cash and then transmits a completed transaction notice. |
| Balcony | A Balcony is a platform projecting from the wall of a building, surrounded by some type of railing |
| Barrier | WN: a structure or object that impedes free movement |
| BowlingLane | BowlingLane is a StationaryArtifact that acts as a Transitway for a BowlingBall to knock down pins |
| Bridge | Bridge is the subclass of LandTransitways that are artifacts used for crossing water or air-filled gaps that could not be transited over a natural surface. |
| BroadcastingStation | A BroadcastingStation is an engineeringSubcomponent of either a TelevisionSystem or a RadioStation. |
| immeuble | The Class of StationaryArtifacts which are intended to house Humans and their activities. |
| BuildingLevel | The story or level of a building, e.g. the Basement, the Attic, the ground level, the fourteenth floor, etc. |
| BuildingUnit | A functional area of a Building that is used by an Organization to keep related people and activities physically close. This might be a particular grade level of a school, area of study of a university such as Botany department, or the phone sales team of a Corporation. |
| Canal | Canal is the subclass of navigable Waterways flowing through an artificial course. Typically, a canal is a Transitway connecting two bodies of water. |
| CanalLock | |
| CanalStructure | A CanalStructure is the constructed framework, including Locks, that contains the waters of a Canal. |
| Casino | Casino is a type of StationaryArtifact that has the purpose of housing gambling activities |
| Ceiling | A StationaryArtifact that is the top surface of a Room. |
| Chimney | A thin passageway through which Smoke from a controlled fire is conducted Outside of a Building or Room. |
| Courtyard | Courtyard is an unroofed area wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings |
| Curb | A raised concrete or asphalt structure that connects a Sidewalk with a Roadway. |
| Dam | Dam is the subclass of StationaryArtifacts that are walls built across a stream or river to hold back water. |
| DanceHall | DanceHall is a StationaryArtifact equipped with floors amenable to Dancing and devices that blare out MakingMusic |
| Doorway | A StationaryArtifact consisting of a frame that holds a Door. |
| EducationalFacility | A building or campus, owned by an EducationalOrganization, which is intended as the location for EducationalProcesses. |
| Farm | A StationaryArtifact consisting of a cultivated LandArea and Buildings for maintaining the land and/or the Animals on the land. |
| Fence | A StationaryArtifact that serves to demarcate or to prevent access to or from the area that the Fence surrounds. |
| Fireplace | A Device in a Building which is used for burning wood, coal, etc for heat. |
| FixedBridge | |
| Floor | A StationaryArtifact that is the bottom surface of a Room. |
| Garage | A Building or part of a Building which is intended to house one or more RoadVehicle when they are not in use or are under repair. |
| GeniusBar | |
| HotelUnit | HotelUnit describes the basic unit that a traveler sleeps in when he is in TravelerAccomodation. It can be a Room or a detached Building |
| IndustrialPlant | A Building or part of a Building or group of Buildings whose purpose is to Manufacture something. |
| Laboratory | A Building, Room or suite of Rooms where scientific research, i.e. Experimenting, is conducted. |
| Lanai | Lanai refers to a roofed outdoor area %&Adjacent to a Building often furnished and used as a living room |
| MilitaryInstallation | A StationaryArtifact consisting of grounds and Buildings that is intended to be used by a MilitaryOrganization. |
| Mine | An construction in the earth from which Minerals are removed, either in pure form or as part of ores. |
| Monument | A StationaryArtifact whose purpose is to commemorate a person, animal or event. |
| PerformanceStage | A large platform for theatrical plays, lectures, dances, music recitals, etc, which can be observed by an audience. |
| PerformanceStageWing | A part of the PerformanceStage that is not visible to members of the audience. |
| PlaceOfCommerce | A Building or part of a Building which is intended for organizational activities, e.g. retail or wholesale selling, manufacturing, office work, etc. |
| Porch | A StationaryArtifact which is connected to a Building and which provides some shelter in entering or leaving the Building or in sitting outside. |
| PostalPlace | A PostalPlace is any LocalizablePlace that can have a postal address, and to which hardcopy mail (letters, packages, etc.) can be delivered. |
| Prison | An installation which is owned and maintained by a Government for the purpose of Confining people. This class covers jails, federal prisons, concentration camps, gulags, etc. |
| RailroadTrack | RailroadTrack is the class of StationaryArtifacts consisting of rails laid on supports to form a track for railway vehicles. |
| Railway | Railway is the subclass of LandTransitways that have rails along which Trains may travel. A railway consists of the rail bed, sleepers, tracks, electric rails, switches, sensors, lights, crossing grades, and any other integral machinery or parts of a section of railway. |
| RecordingStudio | A RecordingStudio is a StationaryArtifact, such as a Room or Building that has the necessary equipment to professionaly produce a Recording. |
| Residence | A Building or part of a Building which provides some accomodation for sleeping. |
| Roof | The top of a Building. |
| pi�ce | A properPart of a Building which is separated from the exterior of the Building and/or other Rooms of the Building by walls. Some Rooms may have a specific purpose, e.g. sleeping, bathing, cooking, entertainment, etc. |
| RunningTrack | RunningTrack is a StationaryArtifact which serves as a path for people running |
| Sidewalk | A prepared path for pedestrians alongside a Roadway. |
| SportsFacility | A specially designated and maintained facility where Sports are played. Note that this covers sports fields, stadiums, and gymnasiums. |
| SportsGround | A specially designated and maintained area where Sports are played. |
| Stairway | A StationaryArtifact which allows one to climb, step by step, from one level to another. |
| Steeple | A component of a ReligiousBuilding that is tall and narrow and symbolizes the connection between humanity and a deity. |
| Steps | A StationaryArtifact which allows one to climb, step by step, from one level to another. |
| SwimmingPool | A FluidContainer that is filled with Water and that is used for Swimming. |
| Tomb | A StationaryArtifact which is meant to contain someone who is Dead. |
| TransitTerminal | A TransitTerminal is a place where travellers or transportation devices begin or end their journeys, or where passengers and/or goods may be transferred. At a terminal, TransportationDevices may be received, assigned, sent out, or stored. |
| Tunnel | Tunnel is a subclass of Transitways that consist of a lengthwise enclosed Hole that allows for transit underground, as through mountains, below a body of water, or beneath a city. |
| VotingPoll | A structure where Voting for an Election takes place. |
| Wall | A StationaryArtifact that supports a Building or partitions it into Rooms. |
| WMDWeaponsProductionFacility | Facilities where instances of WeaponOfMassDestruction are built. |
| WMDWeaponsResearchFacility | Facilities where research on instances of WeaponOfMassDestruction is performed. |
| Workshop | A Room, suite of Rooms or Building which is devoted to hand-crafting Artifacts. |