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Corresponds roughly to the class of ordinary objects. Examples include normal physical objects, geographical regions, and locations of Processes, the complement of Objects in the Physical class. In a 4D ontology, an Object is something whose spatiotemporal extent is thought of as dividing into spatial parts roughly parallel to the time-axis.
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AirportStagingArea | An AirportStagingArea is a designated area where equipment can be staged prior to the arrival or departure of an aircraft.[Wikipedia] |
| AssemblyStation | An AssemblyStation is a StationaryArtifact in Manufacture (ing) where individual parts are combined or attached to the final product in a specific order. |
| Atmosphere | Atmosphere is a Mixture of gases surrounding any celestial object that has a gravitational field strong enough to prevent the gases from escaping. |
| DiningArea | a DiningArea refers to a Region, either Outdoors or Indoors, that is intended for Eating |
| EducationalCampus | An EducationalCampus is the land on which a college or University and related institutional buildings are situated.[Wikipedia] |
| Facility | A Facility is a place for doing something, or a place that facilitates an activity.[Wikipedia] |
| FlowRegion | FlowRegion is a class of things whose boundaries are relatively stable but whose constitutive material is continuously moving through the region itself and being replaced by other, similar material. Each FlowRegion is constituted by a stream of matter moving as a whole. A FlowRegion may be liquid or gaseous. A wind may be considered as a Process or as a FlowRegion, similarly an OceanCurrent or a WaterWave. The motion process associated with a FlowRegion F is denoted by (FlowFn F). Note that certain properties belong to the FlowRegion itself (e.g., mass, length, volume, temperature, and speed or velocity of the region moving as a whole), while other properties of interest belong to the Motion of its constitutive stuff (e.g., velocity, direction). The motion of a FlowRegion as a whole (e.g., JetStream moves within the atmosphere) is distinguished from the motion of the pieces of stuff constituting the FlowRegion. See FlowFn and FlowRegionFn. |
| secteur g�ographique | A geographic location, generally having definite boundaries. Note that this differs from its immediate superclass Region in that a GeographicArea is a three-dimensional Region of the earth. Accordingly, all astronomical objects other than earth and all one-dimensional and two-dimensional Regions are not classed under GeographicArea. |
| trou | A hole is an immaterial body located at the surface of an Object. Since every HoleRegion is ontologically dependent on its host (i.e., the object in which it is a hole), being a HoleRegion is defined as being a hole in something. Note that two HoleRegions may occupy the same region, or part of the same region, without sharing any parts. Any two hosts of a hole have a common proper part that entirely hosts the hole. A common host of two holes hosts all parts of the sum of those holes. Any object that includes the host of a hole is a host of that hole, unless its parts also include parts of that very hole. Overlapping holes have overlapping hosts. No hole is atomic. HoleRegions are connected with their hosts. No hole can have a proper part that is externally connected with exactly the same things as the hole itself. |
| HydrophilicSide | The class of hydrophilic sides of lipid bilayers. |
| HydrophobicSide | The class of hydrophobic sides of lipid bilayers. |
| Indoors | Any Region which is enclosed by a Building. |
| KitchenArea | a KitchenArea refers to a Region, either Outdoors or Indoors, that is intended for Cooking |
| Latitude | Latitude is the class of Regions, associated with areas on the Earth's surface, which are parallels measured in PlaneAngleDegrees from the Equator. |
| Longitude | Longitude is the class of Regions, associated with areas on the Earth's surface, which are meridians measured in PlaneAngleDegrees from the PrimeMeridian through GreenwichEnglandUK. |
| MilitaryBase | A MilitaryBase is a facility directly owned and operated by or for the military or one of its branches that shelters military equipment and personnel, and facilitates training and operations.[1] A military base always provides accommodations for one or more units, but it may also be used as a command center, training ground or proving ground.[Wikipedia] |
| MultimodalTransitPoint | MultimodalTransitPoint is facility that allows travelers to and freight to easily transition between different modes of transportation. This can include rail, road, air and water transitway. |
| Outdoors | Any Region which is not enclosed by a Building or part of a Building. |
| ParkingRegion | A ParkingRegion is a Region where TransportationDevice is kept temporarily |
| Patio | Patio refers to an Region adjoining a building, usually Paved, that is used for outdoor activities |
| PerimeterArea | A PerimeterArea is a region that extends outward from a boundary with another region, surrounding or partially surrounding it, but which is not part of that other region. See BorderFn and PerimeterAreaFn. |
| PlayArea | PlayArea refers to a Region where children engage in recreational activities |
| RealEstate | Land, including all the natural resources and permanent buildings on it. |
| Road | A path along which vehicles travel. It is typically, although not necessarily, paved and intended for cars. |
| SittingArea | SittingArea refers to a Region, either Indoor (like a Living Room) or Outdoor (like a Garden sitting area) where people normally sit and entertain guests |
| SpaceRegion | The class of all Regions which are not GeographicAreas. |
| Transitway | Transitway is the broadest class of regions which may be passed through as a path in instances of Translocation. Transitway includes land, air, and sea regions, and it includes both natural and artificial transitways. |
| UnderwaterRegion | A Region that is under the surface of some Water. |