Parents |
artefact |
An Object that is the product of a Making.
Children |
Aerator | A Device whose purpose is to mix Substances with Air. |
| AnimalController | Any Device which is used to control the movements of an Animal or Human, e.g. leashes, reins, harnesses, muzzles, bridles, shackles, handcuffs, etc. |
| AnimalPoweredDevice | AnimalPoweredDevice is the subclass of Devices that function with power supplied by animals. Examples: oxcarts, horse_drawn plows, mule_driven mills. |
| AttachingDevice | A Device whose purpose is to attach one thing to something else, e.g. nails, screws, buttons, etc. |
| AudioRecorder | AudioRecorder is a type of Device that creates an AudioRecording by capturing sound and storing it in a DataStorageDevice |
| AutomobileMuffler | A part of an AutomobileExhaustSystem that serves to reduce the amount of noise transmitted from the Engine to the environment. |
| Axle | Axle is a class of Devices each of which can be paired with two VehicleWheels to rotate and move a RoadVehicle. |
| BallBearing | A small Metal Sphere designed for use in applications where it is desirable to reduce friction between two parts. |
| Barricade | WN: a barrier (usually thrown up hastily so as to impede the advance of an enemy), they stormed the barricade |
| Baton | A thin stick which is used for MusicalConducting. |
| Brake | Any device that is designed to slow and stop the Motion of an object. This include brakes on wheeled vehicles as well as rock climbing equipment that uses friction to slow decent when rappelling. |
| BrakeCaliper | A Device assembly that presses a BrakePad against a BrakeRotor. |
| BrakeDrum | A rotating surface that is pressed on by the BrakeShoe. |
| BrakePedal | A brake pedal is a device inside a vehicle that has the purpose of being pushed to activate the bakes of the vehicle. Although normally pushed with the foot, this concept also covers handicapped_accessible devices mounted on the steering column that can be activated by pressing with the hands or fingers. |
| BrakeRotor | A rotating Metal disc that is pressed upon by a BrakePad to cause vehicle braking. |
| BrushOrComb | A Device which consists of a handle and bristles and whose purpose is to remove particles from something or to smooth something out. |
| Cam | An eccentric lobe that presses against a valve or level as it rotates. |
| Camera | A Device which is capable of Photographing. |
| CanalLockGate | |
| Carabiner | A carabiner or karabiner is a specialized type of shackle, a metal loop with a spring_loaded gate used to quickly and reversibly connect components, most notably in safety_critical systems. [from Wikipedia] Some carabiners have locking gates, or wire gates, or bent gates. |
| Chimney | A thin passageway through which Smoke from a controlled fire is conducted Outside of a Building or Room. |
| CleaningDevice | Any Device whose purpose is Cleaning something. |
| Clutch | A Device used to engage and disengage moving parts. It consists of a friction plate and a spring_loaded mechanism that engages the plate with varying force as the clutch is released. In an Automobile it ultimately connects the Engine with the Gearbox. For the purposes of this definition, we consider the DeviceOn state of the clutch to mean that it is not engaged with the clutch plate. |
| CombustionChamber | Any host of a HoleRegion that is intended to contain Combustion events. |
| Compass | A Device that indicates the direction of the various DirectionalAttributes with respect to the device. |
| ContraceptiveDevice | Devices which permit sexual intercourse but which reduce the likelihood of conception. |
| CoolingDevice | A Device whose purpose is Cooling something, e.g. air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, etc. |
| CuttingDevice | Any Device whose purpose is Cutting something else. This class covers knives of all times, axes, saws, razors, chisels etc. |
| Damper | A Device designed to lessen or to remove a Tremor from a PhysicalSystem. Examples include a car's air shocks, or rubber and fluid_filled foundation mounts for buildings in earthquake_prone areas. |
| DataStorageDevice | An instance of DataStorageDevice is a Device intended to be used for storing data (information). |
| Distributor | A mechanical Device that is part of an InternalCombustionEngine that sends electric power to the SparkPlugs at intervals that track the speed of engine rotation. They have been largely superceded in modern Automobile engines by electronic devices. |
| Door | An Artifact that restricts and permits access to a StationaryArtifact (e.g. Building or Room) depending on whether the Door is open or locked. Note that the class Door also covers gates, because it is not possible to define objective criteria that reliably distinguish doors from gates. |
| Drivebelt | A Pliable belt that links two Pulleys |
| DryingDevice | DryingDevice refers to any Device used as an instrument in the Drying process |
| Earphone | Earphone is a type of Device that that converts electric signals into sound and is usually held over or inserted in the ear |
| ElectricalOutlet | ElectricalOutlet refers to a Device that is used to connect a plug to a power source so that Electricity can flow from the source to an ElectricDevice |
| ElectricDevice | A Device that uses Electricity as its primary power source. |
| EngineChoke | A device to restrict the flow of Air to an engine, typically when cold, that increases the Fuel to Air ratio. |
| EngineConnectingRod | A Device that connects the Piston to the Crankshaft. |
| composant d'un appareil | A fundamental concept that applies in many engineering domains. An EngineeringComponent is an element of a Device that is a physically whole object, such as one might see listed as standard parts in a catalog. The main difference betweeen EngineeringComponents and arbitrary globs of matter is that EngineeringComponents are object_like in a modeling sense. Thus, an EngineeringComponent is not an arbtrary subregion, but a part of a system with a stable identity. |
| ExhaustManifold | A junction of several Tubes, which take exhaust Gases from the Engine Cylinders and route them to the AutomobileMuffler and Tailpipe. Note that this class also includes what are known as headers, since a header is essentially just a high performance manifold. |
| ExplosiveDevice | A Device whose purpose is to explode. Note that ExplosiveDevice is not a subclass of Weapon, since explosives can be used in demolition work and in fireworks displays, for example. |
| FileDevice | A Device whose purpose is to make something smoother. For example, a nail file is used to even out the tips of one's finger nails. |
| Filter | A Device whose purpose is to remove part of a Mixture that is passed through the Filter. |
| FireAlarm | FireAlarm is a Device that releases a distinctive noise to inform people that there is a Fire |
| FireExtinguisher | A Device used to StopFn small Fire which is possible for Human to carry |
| Fireplace | A Device in a Building which is used for burning wood, coal, etc for heat. |
| FuelAtomizer | A Device designed to atomize fuel to put into a GasMixture for use in Combustion. In a gas_powered automobile that typically has 14.7 parts air per part gasoline. Principal subclasses are FuelInjectors and Carburetors. |
| Gasket | A Device that is designed to allow two imperfect surfaces to mate cleanly, without gaps, and therefore prevent leakage of any Liquids. |
| GasPedal | A Device that controls the flow of Fuel (which may be Diesel as well as Gasoline) to the Engine. |
| GreaseFitting | A grease fitting is a small Device that is designed for use with a GreaseGun, and includes a Valve that lets Grease get pumped into (but not out of) a small space, for the purpose of Lubricating parts. |
| GreaseGun | A Device used to inject Grease through a GreaseFitting or other mechanicm. This includes manual guns that use some sort of lever action for mechanical advantage as well as electric or battery_powered guns. |
| Hammer | A Device that is used to pound Nails into a surface, where they become firmly attached. |
| HeatingDevice | A Device whose purpose is Heating something, e.g. electric heaters, heat lamps, ovens, stoves, etc. |
| HeatSealer | A HeatSealer is a machine used to seal products, packaging, and other thermoplastic materials using heat. This can be with uniform thermoplastic monolayers or with materials having several layers, at least one being thermoplastic. Heat sealing can join two similar materials together or can join dissimilar materials, one of which has a thermoplastic layer. (Wikipedia) |
| Holder | A large class of Devices whose purpose is to hold something else, i.e. be the instrument of a Keeping. |
| InternetAccessPoint | InternetAccessPoint refers to a Device that allows another Device to access and use the Internet |
| IroningBoard | IroningBoard is a type of Device consisting of a flat, padded board used as a surface for ironing |
| JumperCable | A Wire with Clamps on both ends, designed for making temporary electrical connections. |
| Keyboard | A Keyboard has a set of keys for typing on to transmit data corresponding to those keys or to cause physical action such as striking or plucking a string, opening a valve, or marking of the selected keys on paper or some other surface. |
| KnockLight | KnockLight is a type of Device that hasPurpose to flash light when a door knock is made. It is used by the hearing impaired |
| LaptopKeyboardPart | The half of a laptop that contains the keyboard and possibly other electronics such as a trackpad. Note that although not every laptop has a keyboard part, every laptop should have a screen. |
| LaptopScreenPart | The half of a laptop that contains the screen and possibly other electronics such as a camera. Note that a touchscreen laptop might not have a keyboard (at least not permanently attached). |
| Laser | A Laser is a Device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. It differs from other light sources in that it emits light that is coherent. [Wikipedia] |
| Lever | Anything which is actually used as a lever, since many things can be used as such, regardless of the intent during their Manufacture. A lever necessarily has a Fulcrum around which the lever exhibits Rotating. A lever has a mechanical advantage at the point of output compared to the point of input of force. |
| Lid | A Lid is a Covering Device. It sits at the top when being a part of the Container. It has the capability of Opening and Closing |
| LightFixture | Any Device whose purpose is to be a source of visible light. |
| machine | Machines are Devices that that have a well_defined resource and result and that automatically convert the resource into the result. |
| MajorAppliance | |
| MatchDevice | A small stick of carboard or wood that is treated with chemicals that can be easily ignited with friction. MatchDevices are used for starting fires. |
| MaterialHandlingEquipment | MaterialHandlingEquipment is a class of Devices that are equipment used for handling goods and supplies more efficiently or safely. Examples are cranes, hoists, forklifts, conveyors, racks, etc. |
| MeasuringDevice | Any Device whose purpose is to measure a PhysicalQuantity. |
| MechanicalDie | A Device for creating a MechanicalNut out of a Rod. |
| MechanicalTap | A Device for creating a Bolt out of a piece of metal (or other hard material) with a Hole in it. |
| MedicalDevice | A Device that is intended to be used in a DiagnosticProcess or a TherpeuticProcess. |
| instrument de musique | A Device which is manipulated by a Human and whose purpose is MakingMusic. |
| OpticalDevice | A Device which enables someone to see something more clearly or with greater magnification. |
| OutletAdapter | An OutletAdapter is a device that, on one side has HoleRegion and on another side has metal prongs so that an ElectricalPlug can fit into an ElectricalOutlet |
| PaintingDevice | A Device used as an instrument for Painting. Paintbrushes, rollers or sprayers can belong into this class. |
| Pendulum | A Machine of an object mounted so that it swings freely under the influence of gravity. |
| PowerSource | A source of electrical power. |
| RecreationOrExerciseDevice | A Device whose purpose is RecreationOrExercise. |
| Reel | A Device for Keeping something Pliable and LongAndThin in place, typically in a coiled shape. |
| RoboticGripper | A RoboticGripper is the end effector of a robot or a robotic arm which act as fingers and has the purpose of grabbing objects. [Wikipedia] |
| RockerArm | A Device located in the Cylinder head of a FourStrokeEngine that opens a Valve. It is typically activated by contact from a Cam on the Camshaft. |
| Rod | Any LongAndThin object that has some structural function in another Device. |
| SafetyDevice | Any Device that is designed to prevent (or lessen the likelihood of) the Injuring of a Human. |
| Screwdriver | A Device that is used to rotate a Screw, which by the action of its helical threads is driven into a medium that is softer than the material of the screw itself. |
| SecurityDevice | A Device whose purpose is to protect people or property from kidnappers and/or thieves. |
| SelfPoweredDevice | SelfPoweredDevice is the subclass of Devices whose action is powered by some kind of on_board component or power source (not the user, which would be a UserPoweredVehicle). |
| SmokeDetector | SmokeDetector is a Device that is able to Discovering the presence of Smoke |
| SmokingDevice | Any Device whose purpose is Smoking. |
| SpeakerDevice | SpeakerDevice is a type of device that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance |
| SpeedGovernor | Any Device that is designed to limit the speed of an object under power. |
| Spring | a metal device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed |
| Sprinkler | Sprinkler is a type of Device that loosely distributes a substance, either solid (e.g. Salt or herbs) or liquid (e.g. water sprinkler) |
| Tableware | Devices that are used in Ingesting (Eating and/or Drinking) a meal. This coves dishware, flatware, and glassware. |
| TelephoneCradle | TelephoneCradle is the part of the Telephone that is connected to the TelephoneSystem through some wire. |
| TelephoneHandset | TelephoneHandset is the part of the Telephone that has a Earphone and a Microphone for the transmission and reception of sound |
| Tire | Any Pliable object with a ConvexRoundShape that is designed to cover the WheelRim, and provide a WearingFrictionSurface that can be replaced more cheaply and/or easily than the rim. It may also increase traction, and provide some shock absorbtion or act as a Damper, thus smoothing the ride of a Vehicle. |
| TireChain | Any web of chains designed to be mounted covering a tire, to increase traction of the tire on soft surfaces. While primarily for use on snow in passenger vehicles, these devices can be used on any other soft surface for the same purpose. |
| TireChanger | A Device for putting Tires on WheelRims, or removing them. |
| Toilet | A Device for the disposal of wastes resulting from urination and defecation. |
| Toy | Any Device that hasPurpose of being used for play - that is RecreationOrExercise but not an AerobicExerciseDevice or AnaerobicExerciseDevice. |
| TrafficLight | |
| Transducer | A Device which is capable of converting one form of energy into another. Formally, a Twoport that neither stores nor dissipates, but only transfers energy between its two ports. |
| TransferSwitch | An electrical switch that switches a load between two PowerSource |
| v�hicule de transport | A TransportationDevice is a Device which serves as the instrument in a Transportation Process which carries the patient of the Process from one point to another. |
| Tripod | Tripod refers to a Device with 3 legs to support some other Object |
| UnpoweredDevice | Any Device that lacks a part that is a power source. |
| VehicleController | Any Device which is used to start, stop or control the movements of a Vehicle. This class covers steering wheels, brakes, acceleration pedals, airplane sticks, etc. |
| VehicleDoor | An equivalent to a Door but in a Vehicle, rather than a StationaryObject. |
| VehicleRoofRack | A structure designed to be attached to, or made as part of a RoadVehicle, to which cargo, or cargo_carrying Containers may be temporarily attached. |
| WalkingCane | A Device which has the form of a staff with a handle and which enables some people to walk with greater assurance. |
| WasherForBolt | A thin plate made of a durable material in the shape of a Circle with a HoleRegion in it, designed to isolate an object fixed by a Bolt from the head of the bolt or from contact with a MechanicalNut. |
| WashingDevice | Any Device whose purpose is Washing something, e.g. washing machines, dishwashers, bathtubs, etc. |
| arme | The Class of Devices that are designed primarily to damage or destroy Humans/Animals, StationaryArtifacts or the places inhabited by Humans/Animals. |
| WearingFrictionSurface | A device designed to cause friction and exhibit a particular process of wear. This includes items such as brake pads and match striking surfaces on a matchbox. |
| WheelChock | A Device that is designed to keep a Vehicle's Wheels, and thus the vehicle itself, from moving. |
| WheelRim | The rigid portion of a Wheel on a RoadVehicle that is designed to have a Tire that covers it. |
| Wrench | A Device that is designed to apply a rotational force to an AttachingDevice, such as a Bolt. |
| WritingDevice | A Device whose purpose is to be an instrument of Writing, e.g. pens, pencils, crayons, etc. |