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Sigma KEE - holdsObligation

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation holdsObligation ChineseLanguage "这是用来表达 FormulaCognitiveAgent 两者之间的一种关系,那就是 CognitiveAgent 有义务去实现 Formula 所指的。") chinese_format.kif 3898-3899
(documentation holdsObligation EnglishLanguage "Expresses a relationship between a Formula and a CognitiveAgent whereby the CognitiveAgent has the obligation to bring it about that the Formula is true.") Merge.kif 17520-17522
(domain holdsObligation 1 Formula) Merge.kif 17517-17517 Le nombre 1 argument de holdsObligation est une instance de formule
(domain holdsObligation 2 CognitiveAgent) Merge.kif 17518-17518 Le nombre 2 argument de holdsObligation est une instance de agent cognitif
(instance holdsObligation AsymmetricRelation) Merge.kif 17516-17516 holdsObligation est une instance de relation asym�trique
(instance holdsObligation BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 17515-17515 holdsObligation est une instance de pr�dicat binaire
(relatedInternalConcept holdsObligation holdsRight) Merge.kif 17519-17519 holdsObligation est reli� � l'int�rieur de SUMO � holdsRight

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage holdsObligation "%2 %n 有义务执行 %1 的任务") chinese_format.kif 213-213
(format EnglishLanguage holdsObligation "%2 is %n obliged to perform tasks of type %1") english_format.kif 214-214
(format FrenchLanguage holdsObligation "%2 est %n oblig� d'ex�cut� des t�ches du type %1") french_format.kif 126-126
(format ItalianLanguage holdsObligation "%2 è obbligato a compiere il compito di tipo %1") relations-it.txt 130-130
(format JapaneseLanguage holdsObligation "%2 はタイプ %1 のタスクを実行する obliged %n") japanese_format.kif 1955-1955
(format PortugueseLanguage holdsObligation "%2 e' %n obrigado a executar tarefas de tipo %1") portuguese_format.kif 78-78
(format de holdsObligation "%2 wird gezwungen, die Aufgabe der Art von %1 durchzuf�hren %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 275-275
(format hi holdsObligation "%2 %1 ke jaise kaarya karane ke lie baadhya hai") relations-hindi.txt 170-170
(format ro holdsObligation "%2 %n{nu} este obliged%t{obligat} sã execute sarcini de tipul %1") relations-ro.kif 145-145
(format sv holdsObligation "%2 är %n{inte} skyldig att utföra uppgifter av typen %1") relations-sv.txt 131-131
(format tg holdsObligation "%2 ay obligado sa %1") relations-tg.txt 266-266
(termFormat ChineseLanguage holdsObligation "持有义务") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28359-28359
(termFormat ChineseLanguage holdsObligation "有执行义务") chinese_format.kif 214-214
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage holdsObligation "持有義務") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28358-28358
(termFormat EnglishLanguage holdsObligation "holds obligation") domainEnglishFormat.kif 28357-28357
(termFormat de holdsObligation "hatVerpflichtung") terms-de.txt 88-88
(termFormat tg holdsObligation "may obligado") relations-tg.txt 267-267


        (agreementEffectiveDate ?AGR ?DATE)
        (confersObligation ?FORMULA ?AGR ?AGENT)
        (instance ?TIME ?DATE))
        (ImmediateFutureFn ?TIME)
        (holdsObligation ?FORMULA ?AGENT)))
Government.kif 678-683
        (amountDue ?Account ?Amount ?DueDate)
        (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
                (instance ?Payment Payment)
                (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Amount)
                    (destination ?Payment
                        (CurrencyFn ?Account))
                    (origin ?Payment
                        (CurrencyFn ?Account)))
                (date ?Payment ?Date)
                    (EndFn ?Date)
                    (BeginFn ?DueDate)))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 655-667
        (attribute ?Order LimitOrder)
        (partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
        (attribute ?Broker Broker)
        (orderFor ?Order Buying ?Object)
        (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
        (limitPrice ?Order
            (MeasureFn ?LimitPrice ?U))
        (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
        (askPrice ?Object
            (MeasureFn ?Price ?U) ?Time)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?Price ?LimitPrice))
        (KappaFn ?Buy
                (instance ?Buy Buying)
                (patient ?Buy ?Object)
                (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
                    (WhenFn ?Buy) ?BuyingTime)
                (overlapsTemporally ?Time ?BuyingTime))) ?Broker))
FinancialOntology.kif 2008-2029
        (attribute ?Order LimitOrder)
        (partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
        (attribute ?Broker Broker)
        (orderFor ?Order Selling ?Object)
        (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
        (limitPrice ?Order
            (MeasureFn ?LimitPrice ?U))
        (bidPrice ?Object
            (MeasureFn ?Price ?U) ?Time)
        (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?Price ?LimitPrice))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Object)
                (measure ?Object ?Quantity)
                    (WhenFn ?Sell) ?SellingTime)
                (overlapsTemporally ?SellingTime ?Time))) ?Broker))
FinancialOntology.kif 2031-2052
        (attribute ?Order MarketOrder)
        (attribute ?Broker Broker)
        (partyToAgreement ?Order ?Broker)
        (orderFor ?Order ?TransactionType ?Shares))
        (KappaFn ?Transaction
                (instance ?Transaction ?TransactionType)
                (patient ?Transaction ?Shares))) ?Broker))
FinancialOntology.kif 1981-1990
        (instance ?Account CreditAccount)
        (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent)
        (principalAmount ?Account ?Principal)
        (agreementPeriod ?Account ?Period)
        (interestEarned ?Account ?Interest ?Period)
        (equal ?Total
            (AdditionFn ?Principal ?Interest)))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
            (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Total)) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 1224-1233
        (instance ?Account Loan)
        (borrower ?Account ?Agent)
        (principalAmount ?Account ?Principal)
        (agreementPeriod ?Account ?Period)
        (interestEarned ?Account ?Interest ?Period)
        (equal ?Total
            (AdditionFn ?Principal ?Interest)))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
            (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Total)) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 1273-1282
        (instance ?B Bleeding)
        (instance ?D Death)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (instance ?P Human)
        (experiencer ?B ?P)
        (orientation ?H ?P Near)
            (causes ?B ?D) Likely))
    (holdsObligation ?H
        (exists (?A)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (agent ?A ?H)
                (destination ?A ?P)))))
Medicine.kif 44-59
        (instance ?CONST
            (ConstitutionFn ?COUNTRY))
        (instance ?COUNTRY Nation)
        (equal ?GOV
            (GovernmentFn ?COUNTRY))
            (WhenFn ?GOV) ?CLASS)
        (agreementEffectiveDuring ?CONST ?CLASS)
        (subProposition ?PART ?CONST)
        (containsInformation ?FORMULA ?PART))
    (holdsObligation ?FORMULA ?GOV))
Government.kif 738-747
        (instance ?Loan BalloonLoan)
        (maturityDate ?Loan ?Date)
        (totalBalance ?Loan ?Amount)
        (borrower ?Loan ?Agent))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
                (date ?Payment ?Date)
                (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Amount)
                (destination ?Payment
                    (CurrencyFn ?Loan)))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 1411-1421
        (instance ?Loan CallableLoan)
        (lender ?Loan ?Lender)
        (borrower ?Loan ?Borrower)
        (totalBalance ?Loan ?Amount)
        (instance ?Call Call)
        (agent ?Call ?Lender)
        (patient ?Call ?Loan))
        (KappaFn ?Payment
                (destination ?Payment ?Lender)
                (time ?Payment
                        (WhenFn ?Call)))
                (transactionAmount ?Payment ?Amount))) ?Borrower))
FinancialOntology.kif 1428-1443
        (instance ?UNIT SecurityUnit)
        (subOrganization ?UNIT ?ORG))
        (exists (?MAINTAIN)
                (instance ?MAINTAIN Maintaining)
                (agent ?MAINTAIN ?UNIT)
                (patient ?MAINTAIN ?ORG))) ?UNIT))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8553-8563
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionSeller ?Option ?Agent)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate))
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks))
        (KappaFn ?Buy
                (instance ?Buy Buying)
                (patient ?Buy ?Stocks)
                (time ?Buy ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Buy ?Agent))) ?Agent))
FinancialOntology.kif 2687-2703
        (property ?Option Option)
        (optionSeller ?Option ?Seller)
        (strikePrice ?Option ?Price)
        (agreementExpirationDate ?Option ?ExpDate)
        (underlier ?Option ?Stocks)
        (price ?Stocks ?Price ?Time)
        (instance ?Time TimeInterval)
            (EndFn ?Time)
            (BeginFn ?ExpDate)))
        (KappaFn ?Sell
                (instance ?Sell Selling)
                (patient ?Sell ?Stocks)
                (time ?Sell ?Time)
                (measure ?Stocks
                    (MeasureFn 100 ShareUnit))
                (agent ?Sell ?Agent))) ?Seller))
FinancialOntology.kif 2641-2659
    (confersObligation ?FORMULA ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2)
    (holdsObligation ?FORMULA ?AGENT2))
Merge.kif 17534-17536

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