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Sigma KEE - grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod EnglishLanguage "The total monetaryValue of all mechandise sold by a given AutonomousAgent through an Organization in a particular TimeInterval.") ComputerInput.kif 2988-2990
(domain grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod 1 AutonomousAgent) ComputerInput.kif 2993-2993 Le nombre 1 argument de grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod est une instance de AutonomousAgent
(domain grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod 2 Organization) ComputerInput.kif 2994-2994 Le nombre 2 argument de grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod est une instance de organisation
(domain grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod 3 CurrencyMeasure) ComputerInput.kif 2995-2995 Le nombre 3 argument de grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod est une instance de mesure de devise
(domain grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod 4 TimeInterval) ComputerInput.kif 2996-2996 Le nombre 4 argument de grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod est une instance de interval temporel
(instance grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod QuaternaryPredicate) ComputerInput.kif 2992-2992 grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod est une instance de pr�dicat quaternaire

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod "GMV") ComputerInput.kif 2991-2991


    (grossMerchandiseSoldInPeriod ?A ?O ?CM ?TP)
        (monetaryValue ?CI ?CM)
        (instance ?CI
            (KappaFn ?COL
                    (instance ?S Selling)
                    (instance ?ITEM ?COL)
                    (agent ?S ?A)
                    (patient ?S ?ITEM)
                    (patient ?S ?O)
                    (during ?S ?TP))))))
ComputerInput.kif 2998-3010

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