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Sigma KEE - during

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation during ChineseLanguage "(during ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2)的意思是 ?INTERVAL1 比 ?INTERVAL2 要晚开始和先 结束。") chinese_format.kif 2720-2721
(documentation during EnglishLanguage "(during ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) means that ?INTERVAL1 starts after and ends before ?INTERVAL2.") Merge.kif 8334-8335
(documentation during JapaneseLanguage "(during ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2) とは、?INTERVAL1が ?INTERVAL2の後に始まり、?INTERVAL2の前に終了することを意味する。") japanese_format.kif 1444-1445
(domain during 1 TimeInterval) Merge.kif 8331-8331 Le nombre 1 argument de during est une instance de interval temporel
(domain during 2 TimeInterval) Merge.kif 8332-8332 Le nombre 2 argument de during est une instance de interval temporel
(instance during BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 8328-8328 during est une instance de pr�dicat binaire
(instance during IrreflexiveRelation) Merge.kif 8329-8329 during est une instance de relation irr�flexive
(instance during TransitiveRelation) Merge.kif 8327-8327 during est une instance de relation transitive

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage during "%1 %n{doesn't} 在 %2 时段内发生") chinese_format.kif 433-433
(format EnglishLanguage during "%1 %n{doesn't} take%p{s} place during %2") english_format.kif 439-439
(format FrenchLanguage during "%1 %n{ne} prend %n{pas} place pendant %2") french_format.kif 251-251
(format ItalianLanguage during "%1 %n{non} ha%p{s} luogodurante %2") relations-it.txt 86-86
(format JapaneseLanguage during "%1 は %2 の during に take%p{s} %n{ない}") japanese_format.kif 2045-2045
(format PortugueseLanguage during "%1 %n{nao} %n acontece durante %2") portuguese_format.kif 203-203
(format cz during "%1 %n{doesn't} take%p{s} place during %2") relations-cz.txt 257-257
(format de during "%1 geschieht waehrend %2 %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 565-565
(format hi during "%1 %2 ke dauraana ghaTita %n{nahiin} hotaa hai") relations-hindi.txt 126-126
(format ro during "%1 %n{nu} take%t{are} loc during%t{pe perioada} %2") relations-ro.kif 272-272
(format sv during "%1 ägde %n{inte} rum under %2") relations-sv.txt 275-275
(format tg during "%1 %n nagaanap habang %2") relations-cb.txt 120-120
(termFormat ChineseLanguage during "在这时间内") chinese_format.kif 434-434
(termFormat ChineseLanguage during "期间") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20694-20694
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage during "期間") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20693-20693
(termFormat EnglishLanguage during "during") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20692-20692
(termFormat tg during "sa panahon ng") relations-tg.txt 188-188


        (breathingRate ?H ?T ?R)
        (instance ?T Minute)
            (exists (?R)
                    (instance ?R RecreationOrExercise)
                    (agent ?R ?H)
                    (during ?T
                        (WhenFn ?R)))))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H HumanAdult))
            (greaterThan ?R 16)
            (lessThan ?R 12)))
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H Healthy))))
Medicine.kif 367-385
        (dampingRatio ?P ?R)
        (greaterThan ?R 0)
        (instance ?T Tremor)
        (patient ?T ?P)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (physicalAmplitude ?T
                (MeasureFn ?A1 ?U)))
        (holdsDuring ?T2
            (physicalAmplitude ?T
                (MeasureFn ?A2 ?U)))
        (during ?T1 ?T)
        (during ?T2 ?T)
        (earlier ?T1 ?T2))
    (greaterThan ?A1 ?A2))
Cars.kif 809-825
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H AVPUPainStatus))
        (instance ?P Pain)
            (WhenFn ?P) ?T)
        (experiencer ?P ?H))
    (exists (?BM)
            (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
            (experiencer ?BM ?H)
                (WhenFn ?BM) ?T)
            (causes ?P ?BM))))
Medicine.kif 6470-6482
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H AVPUVerbalStatus))
        (instance ?S Speaking)
        (destination ?S ?H)
            (WhenFn ?S) ?T))
    (exists (?IA)
            (instance ?IA IntentionalProcess)
            (agent ?IA ?H)
                (WhenFn ?IA) ?T)
            (causes ?S ?IA))))
Medicine.kif 6447-6459
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H ChronicFatigueSyndrome))
        (instance ?R RecreationOrExercise)
        (agent ?R ?H)
            (WhenFn ?R) ?T))
            (holdsDuring ?T2
                (attribute ?H PostExertionalMalaise))
                (WhenFn ?R) ?T2)) Likely))
Medicine.kif 1500-1512
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (attribute ?H Dieting))
        (holdsDuring ?T2
                (attribute ?H Dieting)))
        (instance ?M1 Meal)
        (instance ?E1 Eating)
        (agent ?E1 ?H)
        (resource ?E1 ?M1)
            (WhenFn ?E1) ?T1)
        (measure ?M1
            (MeasureFn ?C1 Calorie))
        (instance ?M2 Meal)
        (instance ?E2 Eating)
        (agent ?E2 ?H)
        (resource ?E2 ?M2)
            (WhenFn ?E2) ?T2)
        (measure ?M2
            (MeasureFn ?C2 Calorie)))
        (greaterThan ?C2 ?C1) Likely))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30650-30671
        (instance ?ES EasterSunday)
        (instance ?L Lent)
        (meetsTemporally ?L ?ES)
        (during ?ES ?Y)
        (instance ?Y Year))
    (during ?L ?Y))
Media.kif 437-444
        (instance ?ES EasterSunday)
        (instance ?L Lent)
        (meetsTemporally ?L ?ES)
        (during ?L ?Y)
        (instance ?Y Year))
    (during ?ES ?Y))
Media.kif 446-453
        (instance ?EVE Evening)
        (instance ?AFT Afternoon)
        (instance ?D Day)
        (during ?EVE ?D)
        (during ?AFT ?D))
    (meetsTemporally ?AFT ?EVE))
Merge.kif 8944-8951
        (instance ?H Man)
        (attribute ?H Mausaharati)
        (instance ?D Drumming)
        (agent ?D ?H)
        (instance ?DAY Day)
        (instance ?S Sunrise)
        (during ?S ?DAY)
            (WhenFn ?D) ?S))
    (hasPurpose ?D
        (exists (?P ?SUHUR ?WU)
                (instance ?WU WakingUp)
                (experiencer ?WU ?P)
                (instance ?SUHUR Suhur)
                (agent ?SUHUR ?P)
                    (WhenFn ?WU)
                    (WhenFn ?SUHUR))
                    (WhenFn ?WU) ?DAY)
                    (WhenFn ?SUHUR) ?DAY)))))
ArabicCulture.kif 65-84
        (instance ?MB MeasuringBreathing)
        (agent ?MB ?A)
        (instance ?L Lung)
        (part ?L ?P)
        (instance ?T TimeInterval)
        (during ?T
            (WhenFn ?MB))
        (duration ?T MinuteDuration)
        (patient ?MB ?P))
            (WhenFn ?MB))
        (exists (?BR)
            (knows ?A
                (breathingRate ?L ?T ?BR)))))
Medicine.kif 466-482
        (instance ?PROCESS ?PROCESS_CLASS)
        (subclass ?PROCESS_CLASS Process)
        (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
        (instance ?AGENT AutonomousAgent)
        (agent ?PROCESS ?AGENT)
        (agent ?ACCESSING ?AGENT)
        (during ?PROCESS ?ACCESSING)
        (instance ?TIMETOFIRST TimeInterval)
            (exists (?PROCESS2)
                    (instance ?PROCESS2 ?PROCESS_CLASS)
                    (agent ?PROCESS2 ?AGENT)
                    (during ?PROCESS2 ?ACCESSING)
                            (WhenFn ?PROCESS2))
                            (WhenFn ?PROCESS))))))
                (WhenFn ?ACCESSING))
                (WhenFn ?TIMETOFIRST)))
                (WhenFn ?PROCESS))
                (WhenFn ?TIMETOFIRST))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 1496-1518
        (instance ?T TimePeriod)
        (duration ?T
            (MeasureFn ?N MinuteDuration))
        (greaterThan ?N 5.0)
        (instance ?H Human)
            (exists (?B)
                    (instance ?B Breathing)
                        (WhenFn ?B) ?T)
                    (patient ?B ?H)))))
        (exists (?D)
                (instance ?D Death)
                (experiencer ?D ?H)
                (meetsTemporally ?T
                    (WhenFn ?D)))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 5997-6017
        (instance ?T1 Advent)
        (instance ?T2 ChristmasDay)
        (during ?T1 ?YEAR)
        (instance ?YEAR Year)
        (meetsTemporally ?T1 ?T2))
    (during ?T2 ?YEAR))
Media.kif 387-394
        (instance ?T1 Advent)
        (instance ?T2 ChristmasDay)
        (during ?T2 ?YEAR)
        (instance ?YEAR Year)
        (meetsTemporally ?T1 ?T2))
    (during ?T1 ?YEAR))
Media.kif 396-403
        (instance ?VISITS Collection)
        (instance ?PURCHASES Collection)
        (subCollection ?PURCHASES ?VISITS)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?VISITS)
                (instance ?MEMBER AccessingWebPage)))
                    (instance ?VISITOR Human)
                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                    (instance ?ACCESSING AccessingWebPage)
                    (instance ?PAGE WebPage)
                    (member ?ACCESSING ?VISITS)
                    (destination ?ACCESSING ?PAGE)
                    (agent ?BUYING ?VISITOR)
                    (agent ?ACCESSING ?VISITOR)
                        (WhenFn ?BUYING)
                        (WhenFn ?ACCESSING))
                    (instrument ?BUYING ?PAGE))
                (member ?BUYING ?PURCHASES))))
            (SCRFn ?VISITS ?INTERVAL)
                    (KappaFn ?PURCHASE_IN_INTERVAL
                            (member ?PURCHASE_IN_INTERVAL ?PURCHASES)
                                (WhenFn ?PURCHASE_IN_INTERVAL) ?INTERVAL))))
                    (KappaFn ?VISIT_IN_INTERVAL
                            (member ?VISIT_IN_INTERVAL ?VISITS)
                                (WhenFn ?PURCHASE_IN_INTERVAL) ?INTERVAL))))))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3668-3704
        (instance ?Y Year)
        (instance ?E EasterSunday)
        (instance ?A AscensionThursday)
        (during ?E ?Y)
        (during ?A ?Y)
        (starts ?E ?I)
        (finishes ?A ?I))
    (duration ?I
        (MeasureFn 40 DayDuration)))
Media.kif 538-547
        (instance ?Y Year)
        (instance ?E EasterSunday)
        (instance ?P PalmSunday)
        (during ?E ?Y)
        (during ?P ?Y)
        (starts ?P ?I)
        (finishes ?E ?I))
    (duration ?I
        (MeasureFn 8 DayDuration)))
Media.kif 473-482
        (instance ?Y Year)
        (instance ?E EasterSunday)
        (instance ?P Pentecost)
        (during ?E ?Y)
        (during ?P ?Y)
        (starts ?E ?I)
        (finishes ?P ?I))
    (duration ?I
        (MeasureFn 50 DayDuration)))
Media.kif 559-568
        (muscleInsertion ?MC ?BPC)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H StandardAnatomicalPosition))
        (attribute ?H Healthy)
        (instance ?C MuscularContraction)
            (WhenFn ?C) ?T)
        (instance ?M ?MC)
        (part ?M ?H)
        (instrument ?C ?M)
        (physicalEnd ?E ?M)
        (meetsSpatially ?E ?BP)
            (BeginFn ?C)
            (located ?E ?L)))
        (EndFn ?C)
            (located ?E ?L))))
Anatomy.kif 1758-1780
        (muscleOrigin ?MC ?BPC)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H StandardAnatomicalPosition))
        (attribute ?H Healthy)
        (instance ?C MuscularContraction)
            (WhenFn ?C) ?T)
        (instance ?M ?MC)
        (part ?M ?H)
        (instrument ?C ?M)
        (physicalEnd ?E ?M)
        (meetsSpatially ?E ?BP)
            (BeginFn ?C)
            (located ?E ?L)))
        (EndFn ?C)
        (located ?E ?L)))
Anatomy.kif 1708-1729
        (visibilityInMeteorology ?Area ?Time
            (MeasureFn ?Distance ?U))
        (instance ?U UnitOfMeasure)
        (instance ?Time DayTime)
        (instance ?Observe Looking)
        (instance ?B Object)
        (color ?B Black)
        (agent ?Observe ?A)
        (patient ?Observe ?B)
        (orientation ?A ?B Horizontal)
        (eventLocated ?Observe ?Area)
            (WhenFn ?Observe) ?Time)
        (instance ?B Object))
    (exists (?D2)
            (distance ?A ?B
                (MeasureFn ?D2 ?U))
            (greaterThan ?Distance ?D2))))
Weather.kif 2724-2744
        (visibilityInMeteorology ?Area ?Time
            (MeasureFn ?Distance ?U))
        (instance ?U UnitOfMeasure)
        (instance ?Time NightTime)
        (instance ?Observe Looking)
        (instance ?B Region)
        (attribute ?B Illuminated)
        (measure ?B
            (MeasureFn 1000.0 Candela))
        (agent ?Observe ?A)
        (patient ?Observe ?B)
        (orientation ?A ?B Horizontal)
        (eventLocated ?Observe ?Area)
            (WhenFn ?Observe) ?Time)
        (instance ?B Object))
    (exists (?D2)
            (distance ?A ?B
                (MeasureFn ?D2 ?U))
            (greaterThan ?Distance ?D2))))
Weather.kif 2746-2767
    (during ?INTERVAL1 ?INTERVAL2)
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL1)
            (EndFn ?INTERVAL2))
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL2)
            (BeginFn ?INTERVAL1))))
Merge.kif 8337-8341
    (during ?SMALL ?BIG)
    (temporalPart ?SMALL ?BIG))
Merge.kif 8280-8282

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


        (instance ?Y
            (YearFn ?YEAR))
            (MaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?Y) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                        (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Male)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?Y)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 357-390 Ann�e est une instance de l' ann�e ann�eEAR MaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn secteur g�opolitique and ann�e est nombre r�el liste nombre entier, cha�ne sympbolique, entit�, entit� and entit� liste est une instance de liste longueur de liste est une instance de nombre entier listeITEM average liste and nombre r�el
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (BirthsPerThousandFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
                (PopulationFn ?AREA) 1000) ?THOUSANDS)
        (equal ?BIRTHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?BIRTH
                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?BIRTHCOUNT ?THOUSANDS) ?REALNUMBER)))
People.kif 82-97 Ann�e est une instance de l' ann�e nombre entier BirthsPerThousandFn secteur g�opolitique and ann�e est nombre r�el PopulationFn secteur g�opolitique + 1000 est nombre r�el nombre entier est instances dans la classe d�crite par cha�ne sympbolique nombre entier + nombre r�el est nombre r�el
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (DeathsPerThousandFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
                (PopulationFn ?AREA) 1000) ?THOUSANDS)
        (equal ?DEATHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?DEATH
                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?PERSON)
                        (instance ?PERSON Human)
                            (WhenFn ?DEATH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?DEATH
                                (WhenFn ?DEATH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?DEATHCOUNT ?THOUSANDS) ?REALNUMBER)))
People.kif 118-133 Ann�e est une instance de l' ann�e nombre entier DeathsPerThousandFn secteur g�opolitique and ann�e est nombre r�el PopulationFn secteur g�opolitique + 1000 est nombre r�el nombre entier est instances dans la classe d�crite par cha�ne sympbolique nombre entier + nombre r�el est nombre r�el
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
        (equal ?BIRTHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?BIRTH
                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?BIRTHCOUNT 1000) ?THOUSANDSOFBIRTHS)
        (equal ?INFANTDEATHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?DEATH
                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                        (age ?INFANT
                            (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration))
                        (lessThan ?AGE 1)
                            (WhenFn ?DEATH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?DEATH
                                (WhenFn ?DEATH)) ?AREA)))))
People.kif 238-264 Ann�e est une instance de l' ann�e nombre entier DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn secteur g�opolitique and ann�e est nombre r�el nombre entier est instances dans la classe d�crite par cha�ne sympbolique nombre entier + 1000 est nombre r�el nombre entier est instances dans la classe d�crite par cha�ne sympbolique nombre entier + nombre r�el est nombre r�el
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                        (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Female)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 403-436 Ann�e est une instance de l' ann�e nombre entier FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn secteur g�opolitique and ann�e est nombre r�el liste nombre entier, cha�ne sympbolique, entit�, entit� and entit� liste est une instance de liste longueur de liste est une instance de nombre entier listeITEM average liste and nombre r�el
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 310-342 Ann�e est une instance de l' ann�e nombre entier LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn secteur g�opolitique and ann�e est nombre r�el liste nombre entier, cha�ne sympbolique, entit�, entit� and entit� liste est une instance de liste longueur de liste est une instance de nombre entier listeITEM average liste and nombre r�el
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H Alone))
        (exists (?H2 ?SI)
                    (equal ?H ?H2))
                (instance ?H2 AutonomousAgent)
                (instance ?SI SocialInteraction)
                    (WhenFn ?SI) ?T)
                (involvedInEvent ?SI ?H)
                (involvedInEvent ?SI ?H2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30211-30224 Alone est un attribut de entit� pendant interval temporel entit�2 processus entit� est entit�2 entit�2 est une instance de AutonomousAgent processus est une instance de interaction social temps d'existence de processus prend place pendant interval temporel involvedInEvent processus and entit� involvedInEvent processus and entit�2
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?P Mute))
        (exists (?S)
                (instance ?S Speaking)
                    (WhenFn ?S) ?T)
                (agent ?S ?P)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30259-30267 Mute est un attribut de AutonomousAgent pendant interval temporel processus processus est une instance de Speaking temps d'existence de processus prend place pendant interval temporel processus est un agent de AutonomousAgent
        (attribute ?H Muslim)
            (WealthFn ?H) ?W))
        (exists (?Z ?T ?U ?Y ?C)
                (instance ?Z Zakat)
                (instance ?Y Year)
                (during ?Y
                    (WhenFn ?H))
                (holdsDuring ?Y
                    (attribute ?H FullyFormed))
                (agent ?Z ?H)
                (patient ?Z ?T)
                (monetaryValue ?T
                    (MeasureFn ?C ?U))
                (instance ?U UnitOfCurrency)
                (greaterThan ?C
                    (MultiplicationFn ?W 0.025)))) Obligation))
ArabicCulture.kif 204-223
        (firstTimeBuyers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL)
        (member ?MEMBER ?COLL))
    (exists (?BUYING)
            (instance ?BUYING Buying)
            (agent ?BUYING ?MEMBER)
            (eCommerceSite ?BUYING ?SITE)
                (WhenFn ?BUYING) ?INT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3534-3543
        (firstTimeSellers ?INT ?SITE ?COLL)
        (member ?MEMBER ?COLL))
    (exists (?SELLING)
            (instance ?SELLING Selling)
            (agent ?SELLING ?MEMBER)
            (eCommerceSite ?SELLING ?SITE)
                (WhenFn ?SELLING) ?INT))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3582-3591
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?A ?ES))
        (actionTendency ?ES ?PI))
        (exists (?P)
                (instance ?P ?PI)
                    (WhenFn ?P) ?T)
                (experiencer ?P ?A))) Likely))
emotion.kif 161-172
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H AVPUPainStatus))
        (instance ?P Pain)
            (WhenFn ?P) ?T)
        (experiencer ?P ?H))
    (exists (?BM)
            (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
            (experiencer ?BM ?H)
                (WhenFn ?BM) ?T)
            (causes ?P ?BM))))
Medicine.kif 6470-6482
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H AVPUVerbalStatus))
        (instance ?S Speaking)
        (destination ?S ?H)
            (WhenFn ?S) ?T))
    (exists (?IA)
            (instance ?IA IntentionalProcess)
            (agent ?IA ?H)
                (WhenFn ?IA) ?T)
            (causes ?S ?IA))))
Medicine.kif 6447-6459
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (measure ?C ?S))
        (engineIdleSpeed ?E ?S)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (part ?C ?E))
            (exists (?P ?GP)
                    (during ?P ?T)
                    (instance ?P Pushing)
                    (destination ?P ?GP)
                    (part ?GP ?A)))) Likely))
Cars.kif 2573-2589
        (instance ?A AutonomousAgent)
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?A Motionless)))
        (exists (?P)
                (instance ?P BodyMotion)
                (instance ?P IntentionalProcess)
                (agent ?P ?A)
                    (WhenFn ?P) ?T)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30230-30241
        (instance ?BS1 BodySegment)
        (instance ?BS2 BodySegment)
        (connected ?BS1 ?BS2)
        (instance ?BM BodyMotion)
        (moves ?BM ?BS1))
            (exists (?BM2)
                    (instance ?BM2 BodyMotion)
                    (moves ?BM2 ?BS2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM2)
                        (WhenFn ?BM))))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 10576-10592
        (instance ?C CavalryUnit)
        (instance ?B Battle)
        (agent ?B ?C))
    (exists (?P ?V ?T)
            (attribute ?P Soldier)
            (member ?P ?C)
            (instance ?T Transportation)
            (agent ?T ?P)
            (instance ?V Vehicle)
            (patient ?T ?V)
            (during ?T ?B))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8386-8399
        (instance ?E Afternoon)
        (instance ?D Day)
        (equal ?E
            (AfternoonFn ?D)))
    (during ?E ?D))
Merge.kif 8862-8867
        (instance ?E Evening)
        (instance ?D Day)
        (equal ?E
            (EveningFn ?D)))
    (during ?E ?D))
Merge.kif 8962-8967
        (instance ?E Morning)
        (instance ?D Day)
        (equal ?E
            (MorningFn ?D)))
    (during ?E ?D))
Merge.kif 8846-8851
        (instance ?EC EngineCycle)
        (instance ?E InternalCombustionEngine)
        (instance ?CC CombustionChamber)
        (part ?CC ?E)
        (eventLocated ?EC ?E)
        (instance ?U UnitOfVolume)
            (WhenFn ?EC)
            (maxCylinderVolume ?E
                (MeasureFn ?V1 ?U))))
        (exists (?V2 ?T)
                (during ?T
                    (WhenFn ?EC))
                (holdsDuring ?T
                    (measure ?CC
                        (MeasureFn ?V2 ?U)))
                (greaterThan ?V2 ?V1)))))
Cars.kif 1904-1923
        (instance ?EC EngineCycle)
        (instance ?E InternalCombustionEngine)
        (instance ?CC CombustionChamber)
        (part ?CC ?E)
        (eventLocated ?EC ?E)
        (instance ?U UnitOfVolume)
            (WhenFn ?EC)
            (minCylinderVolume ?E
                (MeasureFn ?V1 ?U))))
        (exists (?V2 ?T)
                (during ?T
                    (WhenFn ?EC))
                (holdsDuring ?T
                    (measure ?CC
                        (MeasureFn ?V2 ?U)))
                (greaterThan ?V1 ?V2)))))
Cars.kif 1874-1893
        (instance ?EC EngineCycle)
        (instance ?E InternalCombustionEngine)
        (instance ?P Piston)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (part ?P ?E)
        (patient ?EC ?P)
        (eventLocated ?EC ?E)
        (pistonStroke ?E
            (MeasureFn ?LM ?U)))
        (exists (?T1 ?T2 ?L1 ?L2 ?D)
                (during ?T1
                    (WhenFn ?EC))
                (during ?T2
                    (WhenFn ?EC))
                (holdsDuring ?T1
                    (located ?P ?L1))
                (holdsDuring ?T2
                    (located ?P ?L2))
                (distance ?L1 ?L2
                    (MeasureFn ?D ?U))
                (greaterThan ?D ?LM)))))
Cars.kif 1949-1971
        (instance ?ELT ExperiencingDiscomfortInTheStomach)
        (experiencer ?ELT ?A))
    (exists (?P ?PAIN ?T)
            (instance ?P Perception)
                (WhenFn ?P)
                (WhenFn ?PAIN))
            (instance ?PAIN Pain)
            (experiencer ?PAIN ?A)
            (subProcess ?P ?ELT)
            (agent ?P ?A)
            (patient ?P ?T)
            (instance ?T Stomach)
            (part ?T ?A))))
emotion.kif 1583-1597

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