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Sigma KEE - connectsEngineeringComponents

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation connectsEngineeringComponents ChineseLanguage "connectsEngineeringComponents 是一种 TernaryPredicate,它把一个 EngineeringConnection 和它连接的 EngineeringComponent 联系。因为 EngineeringComponent 不能和自身连接,而又容许出现 没有 connectedEngineeringComponents PredicateEngineeringConnection,所以任何 connectsEngineeringComponents 关系的第二和第三个参数一定需有和第一个参数不同。") chinese_format.kif 4056-4060
(documentation connectsEngineeringComponents EnglishLanguage "connectsEngineeringComponents is a TernaryPredicate that maps from an EngineeringConnection to the EngineeringComponents it connects. Since EngineeringComponents cannot be connected to themselves and there cannot be an EngineeringConnection without a connectedEngineeringComponents Predicate, the second and third arguments of any connectsEngineeringComponents relationship will always be distinct for any given first argument.") Merge.kif 16233-16239
(domain connectsEngineeringComponents 1 EngineeringConnection) Merge.kif 16230-16230 Le nombre 1 argument de connectsEngineeringComponents est une instance de composant connectant des autres composant
(domain connectsEngineeringComponents 2 EngineeringComponent) Merge.kif 16231-16231 Le nombre 2 argument de connectsEngineeringComponents est une instance de composant d'un appareil
(domain connectsEngineeringComponents 3 EngineeringComponent) Merge.kif 16232-16232 Le nombre 3 argument de connectsEngineeringComponents est une instance de composant d'un appareil
(instance connectsEngineeringComponents TernaryPredicate) Merge.kif 16229-16229 connectsEngineeringComponents est une instance de pr�dicat ternaire
(subrelation connectsEngineeringComponents connects) Merge.kif 16228-16228 connectsEngineeringComponents est une sous-relation de connects

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 %n connects %2 和 %3") chinese_format.kif 543-543
(format EnglishLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 %n{doesn't} connect%p{s} %2 and %3") english_format.kif 548-548
(format FrenchLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 %n{ne} connecte %n{pas} %2 et %3") french_format.kif 319-319
(format ItalianLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 connette %2 e %3") relations-it.txt 55-55
(format JapaneseLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 は %2 と %3 に connect%p{s} して %n{ない}") japanese_format.kif 2087-2087
(format PortugueseLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 %n{nao} conecta %n %2 e %3") portuguese_format.kif 271-271
(format de connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 schliesst %2 und %3 an") relations-de.txt 710-710
(format hi connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 %2 aura %3 ko jodataa hai") relations-hindi.txt 96-96
(format ro connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 %n{nu} connect%t{interfaþeazã} %2 ºi %3") relations-ro.kif 340-340
(format sv connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 ansluter %n{inte} %2 och %3") relations-sv.txt 352-352
(format tg connectsEngineeringComponents "%1 nagkakabit %2 at %3") relations-cb.txt 89-89
(termFormat ChineseLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "连接工程子组件") chinese_format.kif 544-544
(termFormat ChineseLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "连接工程组件") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16679-16679
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "連接工程組件") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16678-16678
(termFormat EnglishLanguage connectsEngineeringComponents "connects engineering components") domainEnglishFormat.kif 16677-16677
(termFormat tg connectsEngineeringComponents "nagkakabit bahagi") relations-tg.txt 127-127


        (connectsEngineeringComponents ?CONN ?DEVICE ?AP)
        (instance ?AP InternetAccessPoint))
    (instance ?CONN InternetConnection))
Hotel.kif 1392-1396
    (connectsEngineeringComponents ?CONNECTION ?COMP1 ?COMP2)
    (connectedEngineeringComponents ?COMP1 ?COMP2))
Merge.kif 16224-16226


    (connectedEngineeringComponents ?COMP1 ?COMP2)
    (exists (?CONNECTION)
        (connectsEngineeringComponents ?CONNECTION ?COMP1 ?COMP2)))
Merge.kif 16219-16222
    (instance ?ADAPT OutletAdapter)
    (hasPurpose ?ADAPT
        (exists (?OUTLET ?PLUG)
                (instance ?PLUG ElectricalPlug)
                (instance ?OUTLET ElectricalOutlet)
                (completelyFills ?PLUG ?ADAPT)
                (completelyFills ?ADAPT ?OUTLET)
                (connectsEngineeringComponents ?ADAPT ?PLUG ?OUTLET)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26241-26250
    (instance ?CONNECTION EngineeringConnection)
    (exists (?COMP1 ?COMP2)
        (connectsEngineeringComponents ?CONNECTION ?COMP1 ?COMP2)))
Merge.kif 16207-16210
    (instance ?X CordedTelephone)
    (exists (?HANDSET ?CRADLE ?WIRE)
            (instance ?HANDSET TelephoneHandset)
            (instance ?CRADLE TelephoneCradle)
            (part ?HANDSET ?X)
            (part ?CRADLE ?X)
            (instance ?WIRE WireLine)
            (connectsEngineeringComponents ?WIRE ?HANDSET ?CRADLE))))
Communications.kif 78-87
    (instance ?X CordlessTelephone)
    (exists (?HANDSET ?CRADLE)
            (instance ?HANDSET TelephoneHandset)
            (instance ?CRADLE TelephoneCradle)
            (part ?HANDSET ?X)
            (part ?CRADLE ?X)
                (exists (?WIRE)
                        (instance ?WIRE WireLine)
                        (connectsEngineeringComponents ?WIRE ?HANDSET ?CRADLE)))))))
Communications.kif 95-107
    (instance ?X ElectricalOutlet)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?POWER ?WIRE)
                (instance ?POWER PowerSource)
                (instance ?WIRE Collection)
                (memberType ?WIRE WireLine)
                (connectsEngineeringComponents ?WIRE ?X ?POWER)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26183-26191
    (instance ?X Modem)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?ISP ?CONN)
                (instance ?ISP InternetServiceProvider)
                (connectsEngineeringComponents ?CONN ?X ?ISP)
                (instance ?CONN TelephoneLine)))))
Hotel.kif 1378-1385
    (instance ?X TelephoneCradle)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?SYS ?WIRE)
                (instance ?SYS TelephoneSystem)
                (instance ?WIRE WireLine)
                (connectsEngineeringComponents ?WIRE ?X ?SYS)))))
Communications.kif 64-71

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