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Sigma KEE - WindowScrollingByUser

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation WindowScrollingByUser EnglishLanguage "WindowScrollingByUser consists of moving the contents of a frame in a window (when the logical size of the contents is greater than that of the frame) without moving the window itself.") ComputerInput.kif 1785-1787
(subclass WindowScrollingByUser UserSignifiedGraphicalAction) ComputerInput.kif 1784-1784 WindowScrollingByUser est une sous-classe de UserSignifiedGraphicalAction
(subclass WindowScrollingByUser WindowScrolling) ComputerInput.kif 1783-1783 WindowScrollingByUser est une sous-classe de WindowScrolling
    (IntersectionFn MouseButtonHoldDown SlidingComputerInputDeviceAction) WindowScrollingByUser)
ComputerInput.kif 1805-1806 udaCanSignify l' intersection de MouseButtonHoldDown et SlidingComputerInputDeviceAction and WindowScrollingByUser
    (PressingKeyFn ArrowKey) WindowScrollingByUser)
ComputerInput.kif 1808-1808 udaCanSignify PressingKeyFn ArrowKey and WindowScrollingByUser

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage WindowScrollingByUser "window scrolling by user") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65739-65739
(udaCanSignify ScrollWheelRotating WindowScrollingByUser) ComputerInput.kif 1807-1807 udaCanSignify ScrollWheelRotating and WindowScrollingByUser


    (instance ?SCROLL WindowScrollingByUser)
    (exists (?WINDOW)
            (patient ?SCROLL ?WINDOW)
            (instance ?WINDOW InterfaceWindow)
            (hasGUEState ?WINDOW GUE_ActiveState))))
ComputerInput.kif 1797-1803


        (instance ?SCROLL WindowScrolling)
        (instance ?SCROLL UserSignifiedGraphicalAction))
    (instance ?SCROLL WindowScrollingByUser))
ComputerInput.kif 1789-1793 Entit� est une instance de WindowScrolling entit� est une instance de UserSignifiedGraphicalAction entit� est une instance de WindowScrollingByUser


    (PressingKeyFn DownArrowKey)
    (IntersectionFn VerticalWindowScrolling WindowScrollingByUser))
ComputerInput.kif 1815-1816 udaCanSignify PressingKeyFn DownArrowKey and l' intersection de VerticalWindowScrolling et WindowScrollingByUser
    (PressingKeyFn LeftArrowKey)
    (IntersectionFn HorizontalWindowScrolling WindowScrollingByUser))
ComputerInput.kif 1824-1825 udaCanSignify PressingKeyFn LeftArrowKey and l' intersection de HorizontalWindowScrolling et WindowScrollingByUser
    (PressingKeyFn RightArrowKey)
    (IntersectionFn HorizontalWindowScrolling WindowScrollingByUser))
ComputerInput.kif 1822-1823 udaCanSignify PressingKeyFn RightArrowKey and l' intersection de HorizontalWindowScrolling et WindowScrollingByUser
    (PressingKeyFn UpArrowKey)
    (IntersectionFn VerticalWindowScrolling WindowScrollingByUser))
ComputerInput.kif 1813-1814 udaCanSignify PressingKeyFn UpArrowKey and l' intersection de VerticalWindowScrolling et WindowScrollingByUser

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