appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation TrichotomizingRelation ChineseLanguage "一个 BinaryRelation ?REL 是 TrichotomizingRelation 万一所有有序的一对东西出现 ?REL 元素的不同个体。") | chinese_format.kif 1846-1847 | |
(documentation TrichotomizingRelation EnglishLanguage "A BinaryRelation ?REL is a TrichotomizingRelation just in case all ordered pairs consisting of distinct individuals are elements of ?REL.") | Merge.kif 2312-2314 | |
(documentation TrichotomizingRelation JapaneseLanguage "明確な個々で構成されるすべての 順序付きペアが ?REL の要素である場合に備え、BinaryRelation ?REL は、TrichotomizingRelation である。") | japanese_format.kif 466-468 | |
(subclass TrichotomizingRelation BinaryRelation) | Merge.kif 2310-2310 | Relation trichotomique est une sous-classe de relation binaire |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?REL TrichotomizingRelation) (forall (?INST1 ?INST2) (or (and (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2) (not (equal ?INST1 ?INST2)) (not (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1))) (and (not (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2)) (equal ?INST1 ?INST2) (not (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1))) (and (not (?REL ?INST1 ?INST2)) (not (equal ?INST1 ?INST2)) (?REL ?INST2 ?INST1))))) |
Merge.kif 2316-2331 |