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Sigma KEE - TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice ComputerKeyboard) ComputerInput.kif 424-424 TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice est disjoint de ComputerKeyboard
(disjoint TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice ComputerMouse) ComputerInput.kif 423-423 TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice est disjoint de ComputerMouse
(disjoint TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice ScrollWheel) ComputerInput.kif 425-425 TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice est disjoint de ScrollWheel
(documentation TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice EnglishLanguage "A touch-sensitive ComputerInputDevice for accepting point and click input on a 2D surface. The device is operated by moving (normally) a finger across the surface of the device. Clicking may be achieved by clicking on an adjacent button or by tapping the surface. Two basic types of TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevices are ComputerTouchpad and TouchScreen.") ComputerInput.kif 415-421
(subclass TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice ComputerInputDevice) ComputerInput.kif 413-413 TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice est une sous-classe de ComputerInputDevice

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass ComputerTouchpad TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice) ComputerInput.kif 427-427 ComputerTouchpad est une sous-classe de TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice
(subclass ComputerTouchscreen TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice) ComputerInput.kif 437-437 ComputerTouchscreen est une sous-classe de TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice
(subclass ComputerTouchscreenKeyboard TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice) ComputerInput.kif 450-450 ComputerTouchscreenKeyboard est une sous-classe de TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice
(termFormat EnglishLanguage TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice "touch sensitive computer input device") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65613-65613


        (instance ?ACT ScreenTouchAction)
        (patient ?ACT ?TOUCHSURF)
        (instance ?TOUCHSURF TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice))
    (instance ?TOUCHSURF ComputerTouchscreen))
ComputerInput.kif 1587-1592
        (instance ?ACT UserDirectAction)
        (patient ?ACT ?TOUCHSURF)
        (instance ?TOUCHSURF TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice))
    (instance ?ACT TouchSurfaceAction))
ComputerInput.kif 1545-1550


    (instance ?ACT TouchSurfaceAction)
    (exists (?TOUCHSURF)
            (patient ?ACT ?TOUCHSURF)
            (instance ?TOUCHSURF TouchSensitiveComputerInputDevice))))
ComputerInput.kif 1538-1543

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